View Full Version : Tattoo ponderages

04-10-2007, 23:10
As I said in a different thread, I've been thinking about a tattoo for many years and it's only due to not having found a design I'm comfortable with that I've never done it.

Well I've now found a design I like.

Unfortunately I can't yet find a good high resolution version of it so I'm just going to keep trying but here's the basic low-res version.


I'm thinking about the upper arm, undecided as to left or right yet. Although I don't know a huge amount about tattoos, I think that the colours in that would work well, the greenish background and solid black centre.

What do our resident tattoo people think, would tattoo ink work for that? Are the colours reasonable?

The other choice is a solid version of it, but I don't think that would work so well.



04-10-2007, 23:12
French freak :p

04-10-2007, 23:55
Comments: Now you have found the image you like, be sure as hell you do like it. I.e Don't run off and get it done, it is never going to come off when it is on. I've had the image i got my wings made up from for over a year and i knew that they were what i wanted.
Then once you are sure that is what you want your next task is to find a tattooist you feel comfortable with, who has the skills (ask to see a portfolio and see if you like their work, some people are better at different styles) you need.
Also it is important to find out about their working practices, in my studio Barry always asks me to watch him take the new needle out of the sterile packages and set up. Everything from sticking on his glubs, clingfilming up the surfaces to putting the "thingy" (not allowed to call it a gun because 'guns destroy things') into a little sterile bag then changing his glubs again before he starts.They should also have a certificate from environmental health and some basic first aid training.
Your image should be find, nearly all tattooists are utterly amazing artists and can make up a larger scale and will be happy to discuss things with you such as colour and position. I think that the greeny colour with the marbling would look really nice personally.
When you do have it done, bepanthen (kind of nappy rash cream found in Boots in the baby section £6.99 for a big tube) is the best healing cream. Don't whatever you do use vasaline (stops air getting to what is effectively a graze). Also preparation h and savalon are not as good for some people but still are acceptable.
I could go on and on about things like this, as a few of you know but thats my 20p.

05-10-2007, 00:45
Also preparation h ... not advisable.

Really? How come?

05-10-2007, 01:05
No idea about the technicalities just been told that it isn't as good for healing. It isn't hypoallergenic like the nappy rash cream and although it does sooth and cool the burning the ointment contains pariffin which blocks air getting to the surface of the skin. Not sure on the gel stuff though.

05-10-2007, 01:20
Have to admit I haven't heard of the cream not being advisable, although just doing a bit of a search online brings up lots of points both for and against so I guess it's really down to personal opinion. :)

05-10-2007, 01:45
Have to admit I haven't heard of the cream not being advisable, although just doing a bit of a search online brings up lots of points both for and against so I guess it's really down to personal opinion. :)
The only thing i would say NOOOOOOOOOOO to is putting vasaline on a tattoo. Some people like to use expensive things like tatoogoo, i stick to what works well for me (and i'm not allergic to). :)

05-10-2007, 07:41
I'm thinking about the upper arm, undecided as to left or right yet. Although I don't know a huge amount about tattoos, I think that the colours in that would work well, the greenish background and solid black centre.

What do our resident tattoo people think, would tattoo ink work for that? Are the colours reasonable?

I'm not as keen on the solid version but I do like this one. In order to do the "shading" effects that are in the background the tattooist would probably use what mine refers to as "big fluffy needles" and these needles can hurt like a bitch!

I just stuck "tattoo shading" into google and this (http://www.tattoozoo.co.uk/ideas/shading.html) is one of the first results which is pretty good at showing what can be done.

Skin Deep (http://www.skindeep.co.uk/) is one of the best UK tattoo magazines there is - I stopped getting it as a regular subscription a few years ago because it had gone well into adverts but its worth getting a few issues as you'll be able to see what kind of things can be done with tattoo ink.

I'd suggest getting the solid black bit done first and then wait before getting the background. For one thing after looking after Mics dragons, black leaks a lot so you will quite possibly have to go for at least 1 touch up session after its healed.

As Paula said - ask to see photographs of the tattooists work. I had one idiot keep giving me a book of flash when I asked to see his work :rolleyes: If you can get recommendations from customers it can help as well.

I agree with Paula in that you should never put vasaline on a tat - if you thing of it as an open wound, if you put vasaline over it, it causes a barrier which prevents the skin from healing properly so it heals where it can, when it can, so you'd end up with patchiness, soreness and probably a poor looking tattoo.

Each tattoo artist (and tattooee) will tell you "their" way of looking after it - mine was vasaline intensive care cream, cling film over it (held on by sellotape) for 3 days, changing the cling film, giving it a gentle wipe over and putting more cream on 3-4 times a day.
I know my friend Paul who only ever kept the cling film on for the first 24-36 hours depending on how big the tat was. I know of some people who put *shudder* tissue over new tattoos.

I'd suggest putting that pic in as many places as possible for a few months at least - desk top picture, mobile phone, stuck to the fridge, next to the mirror in the bathroom, etc etc, to help you decide if it really is what you want.

A good tattooist should be able to change pictures, colours, add bits, alter bits, suggest where it would "fit" better on your arm, etc, so it really is worth chatting to them - if they're not willing to chat then imo they're not a good tattooist no matter how great their work is.

05-10-2007, 09:04
Also preparation h and savalon are not advisable.
I could go on and on about things like this, as a few of you know but thats my 20p.

lies and nonsense and slander.

prep H is fine though i think it's lanolin based? so if you're alergic to that it won't really be so good
and savlon won't help you heal but it will keep you infection free and moisturised and is alot softer than bepanthen.

I'd suggest getting the solid black bit done first and then wait before getting the background. For one thing after looking after Mics dragons, black leaks a lot so you will quite possibly have to go for at least 1 touch up session after its healed.
it shouldn't bleed outside the lines that are drawn if it does it's been done far too deep and is sitting in the lower layers of skin that it shouldn't be touching. the filled bits may get a bit patchy due to scabbing cleaning etc, but any good artist SHOULD touch you up

I agree with Paula in that you should never put vasaline on a tat - if you thing of it as an open wound, if you put vasaline over it, it causes a barrier which prevents the skin from healing properly so it heals where it can, when it can, so you'd end up with patchiness, soreness and probably a poor looking tattoo.

i'll echo this again. vaseline stops your skin breathing. it needs to breathe to heal.

the stonework should be quite hard to do properly, i'd make an effort to find an artist who's done it in the past and can show you pictures. 90% of people will shade it so it ends up looking like marble, and i don't think that's what you're wanting is it?

[/tattoo nazi]

05-10-2007, 10:00
Interesting Karbon and everyone, yes it is more stonework than marble..

05-10-2007, 10:06
it shouldn't bleed outside the lines that are drawn if it does it's been done far too deep and is sitting in the lower layers of skin that it shouldn't be touching. the filled bits may get a bit patchy due to scabbing cleaning etc, but any good artist SHOULD touch you up

I didn't mean bleed outside of the lines, I literally did mean leak - both my back and Mics dragons produced basically black sweat.

Another example of the different tattooists/tattooees ways of looking after them; I've always been told not to let the tattoos scab up which is why the cling film for 3 days.
There are so many schools of thought and so many "examples" of good and bad practises that it can get quite confusing for someone just asking for advice.

(and I wouldn't mind my tattooist touching me up ;) )

05-10-2007, 10:09
Maybe i should have said not as good :p

Nice to see you have snuck back onto the nets Rikki.

05-10-2007, 10:45
I dunno anything about tattoos although seems you're well covered for advice on that front.

On the subject of the image itself I'd be worried about people mistaking me for some kind of left wing extremist if I had that on my arm. (I don't know the origins of the image but then I wouldn't expect joe public on the street to either). Had you considered that possible reaction to it and are you comfortable with it?

05-10-2007, 10:48
Had you considered that possible reaction to it and are you comfortable with it?

Standard reaction (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showpost.php?p=154451&postcount=2)


05-10-2007, 10:57
The problem with eagles is no matter what it looks like there will always be some dickwad that misconstrues it for a nazi eagle. I fear you'll be on the receiving end of that at some point.

Either that or someone will assume you work for Barclays Bank:


05-10-2007, 11:00
I'd not thought of the Brackleys Bonk thing but the other eagle meaning did occur to me as well. The Nazi eagle is very different to this design.

05-10-2007, 11:47
I didn't mean bleed outside of the lines, I literally did mean leak - both my back and Mics dragons produced basically black sweat.

Another example of the different tattooists/tattooees ways of looking after them; I've always been told not to let the tattoos scab up which is why the cling film for 3 days.
There are so many schools of thought and so many "examples" of good and bad practises that it can get quite confusing for someone just asking for advice.

(and I wouldn't mind my tattooist touching me up ;) )

ah yes, i know what you mean. that's just the ink that's not embeded between the layers of skin and the blood that's been pushed back in with it.

a tattoo is essentialy a big graze, it will always scab to some degree, though if it's done at a proper depth it should be minimal.

i tend to cover it with clingfilm for an hour or so, go home, clean it up and put some bepanthen on it. then more bep for a week or so.

Von Smallhausen
05-10-2007, 15:17
I like it.

Get two though, like epaulettes with FJD. Feek Justice Department.

Nice design and nothing like the Nazi version.

05-10-2007, 15:27
Here's a bigger version...

http://img404.imageshack.us/img404/1271/eaglefc1.th.jpg (http://img404.imageshack.us/my.php?image=eaglefc1.jpg)

05-10-2007, 15:31
excellent acquisition lad :D

Where'd you get it from in the end?

05-10-2007, 15:32
Pete custom made it for me. He's a slippy character but he's damn good :)

07-10-2007, 10:07
How very odd with the vaseline, I used it on my wings and my tat is one of the sharpest I've seen :huh:

07-10-2007, 21:52
I would really like a tatoo and probably have done for a good few years, but i've found something that actually encapsulates me as a person. Or something that isn't tired and/or cliched to me. I like celtic/oriental art but its not particulary different is it? I'd like some kind of wise saying/proverb that i like to live my life by (havent found that that either) worked celverly and maybe disguised into some pattern that can twist over my shoulders (unsure how big i'd like it, but its likely to be my only one ever). I'm just too god damn picky and undecided! Although the "Delicate full reverse image" style tak posted from one of those links really strikes me as something different, i quite like that :) Still i don't seem to be much closer, i'm hoping one day it will hit me :D Sorry to derail your thread feekies but everytime i see a tatoo post now, or someones tatoo it just makes me think over it again and again...

07-10-2007, 21:59
The more I think about it the more I want a tattoo. I went to to get one when I was 18 with a couple of my mates but I bottled it :o even though I'd had a couple in the pub first hehe.

I think now I could cope with the pain (3 natural births later ;) ) but Cliff really doesn't want me to.

So there's the dilemma. :confused: I'd quite like a smallish one on my shoulder but I also worry how it will look when I'm older.

07-10-2007, 22:08
The more I think about it the more I want a tattoo. I went to to get one when I was 18 with a couple of my mates but I bottled it :o even though I'd had a couple in the pub first hehe.

I think now I could cope with the pain (3 natural births later ;) ) but Cliff really doesn't want me to.

So there's the dilemma. :confused: I'd quite like a smallish one on my shoulder but I also worry how it will look when I'm older.

TBH, if it's worrying you're worried about and your partner isn't keen then it may not be for you. A tattoo is a personal thing for the most part and needs to be something that you're happy with regardless of what anybody else thinks.

If you can find something subtle which satisfies your needs and is acceptable to Cliff, then go for it, if not :dunno:

08-10-2007, 09:43
I would really like a tatoo and probably have done for a good few years,

This is exactly the way I've felt for a long time. I've now got that design printed out and stuck all over the place.

If I'm still as happy with it in a few months time as I am now then I'll go for it. It's not exactly going to be big and will be covered for most of the time (I'm going for left upper arm) but I want to be happy about the design.

Mrs. Feek is good with it, she likes it and has no issues with me having one at all.

09-10-2007, 14:40
Interesting read (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/7034500.stm)

09-10-2007, 20:57
Feek, you're from down my way, right? (or thereabouts, anyway)

I can heartily recommend Jethro at Skynyard, he's a top lad and a great tattooist.


He's done most of mine (all my recent ones) and I recommend him to everyone.

09-10-2007, 21:00
I've been waiting for you to come into this thread, where have you been? ;)

I'm not quite your way, but it's only an hours drive away. I've been trying to get hold of my buddy who knows someone locally but it's proving difficult.

You reckon your guy could get the stone effect right on that design?

10-10-2007, 21:44
I reckon. I'll tell you what though - another guy who's worth a shout is Tom Ptolemy at Silver Needles.

I gather he's fairly hard to get hold of but the guy's the nuts. He did my back, but it gives no idea of his talents as it's entirely not his style (although it's awesome, it's nothing like what you're after) - his fantasy and portrait stuff has won tons of awards. Jeff's got awards already too though I think, early in his career too. Another local I'd recommend is Albert, also at Skynyard. I've not got any of his work but he's very good also. They're three artists I'll always recommend with no hesitations.

Something like that stone effect will be very difficult, and as it blurs a little over the years it will lose its sharpness, but any of those three should be able to nail it down, in my opinion. Check out their work and see what you think - I don't know of any links to Tom's work, but Bert and Jeff both have galleries on the Myspace link I showed you.


22-02-2009, 22:30
Huge thread bumpage...

I canned the above idea because just too many people automatically assumed it had nazi connections.

This is what I'm thinking of now.


Generic enough to be a random design, but specific enough to mean something to me.

23-02-2009, 08:51
I think that looks cool. I still wonder about the time I was thinking of getting a tattoo, and still think about it at times - I kinda want to but don't lol!

23-02-2009, 12:14
I'm coming round to the idea of a tattoo, but I want to get my body how I want it first, and find something I really want rather than for the sake of it. So it would probably be a couple of years yet. Maybe for my 30th?

23-02-2009, 12:30
I have the same feeling. I know what I'd like, but I just don't know if I want one badly eough to do it. Besides I don't think I'll ever be happy :p

23-02-2009, 12:42
Barfmit[/b];277043']Maybe for my 30th?
I think a nice "I'm 30 today" on your chest would look cool :cool: :D

I sometimes think I'd like a tatoo and think they suit other people. But I'm never sure if it will suit me so I doubt I'll ever get one.

23-02-2009, 13:49
That picture looks like a devils head with wings and legs pushing out a ball bearing turd :D

I don't think I will ever have tattoo, too many people have them, I dont need to advertise my feelings or mental status.

23-02-2009, 21:52
I love that! It might be 'cos it looks a little bit like an upside down version of mine so I'm not sure if anyone else would think that's a good thing or not! :p

Von Smallhausen
25-02-2009, 17:33
I have just had mine extended.

25-02-2009, 17:38
Isn't that post for the willy thread? ;D

Von Smallhausen
25-02-2009, 17:39
Isn't that post for the willy thread? ;D


04-03-2009, 19:44
;) :D

06-03-2009, 21:55
My smiley face was because I was excited, I saw a tattooist and I'm booked in to have this done. I only took a monochrome print of the design and his suggestion was to make it into a 3d design so it'd stand out more, done sort of chrome with a tad of light blue.

06-03-2009, 22:59
when ya booked in for? :D

06-03-2009, 23:01
Soon ;)

06-03-2009, 23:11
cool! :D

07-03-2009, 02:10
You should get one across your chest that says "HAPPY BIRTHDAY"


07-03-2009, 20:30
Soon ;)

I know I know I know ! ;) :D

16-03-2009, 16:19
It was today! Look out for a new thread ;)

Admiral Huddy
16-03-2009, 16:57
You could have just FK done on your willy.. Could have one or two meanings!

16-03-2009, 21:32
Where do people look for designs?

17-03-2009, 14:25
BMEink will give you plenty of examples of work that can be done; my advice would be to browse and gain some idea of possibilties and then have a chat with your selected artist(s) who should be happy to knock you up some ideas/further chat on your own design.

Admiral Huddy
17-03-2009, 15:24
Where do people look for designs?

I just kept poping into shops.. I knew basically what i wanted but needed to see a design I liked. Just kept looking.

17-03-2009, 15:27
I just kept poping into shops.. I knew basically what i wanted but needed to see a design I liked. Just kept looking.

I'm looking for an oroborus (not a true one is there another name for something similar), but with two animals in it, one from the incan history and something from the western world. But i can't find anything like this. although it's probably to detailed which Is why I can't find any to see if it looks decent.
something like a panther curved round with another animal. so it looks like they are following each other.

17-03-2009, 17:59
http://img172.imageshack.us/img172/6060/istockphoto4213435carto.jpg (http://img172.imageshack.us/my.php?image=istockphoto4213435carto.jpg)

I'm having the bottom skull done (when I get to the tattooist) with Josh's name and date of birth around it.