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09-10-2007, 23:08
..........or am I seeing a few old faces appearing again browsing the forums.

Its is nice to be reinstated back on OcUK and hopefully it will allay any fears that people had of being associated with this place and may (if it is the members wish) make it easier to open part of the forums to the general public.

Have no fear though this place will not be neglected, despite having access to our old haunts, as someone said recently this is a place for friends.

On OcUK you have to hunt out your friends, here you know everyone is your friend :)

So please keep coming back, there will be more meets and you know that you can post safely here and because we are a small forum we can take on board your ideas for how to run the place :)


09-10-2007, 23:11
*hugs* :)

I'm not going anywhere!

09-10-2007, 23:13
Me neither. I meant what I said in Davey's thread over there but I still know where most of my friends are. :)

09-10-2007, 23:17
The only way I'm going anywhere is if some of my recent actions catch up with me...... :(

10-10-2007, 00:23
I've said this elsewhere and I'll say it again here. While it is nice to be unbanned, why haven't certain other prolific posters, posters who if stayed there, would make the forums more enjoyable.

As for here, I tend not to post much on forums anyway but I'm gonna try to post a bit more. As for anything else, I don't think there is anything that could be changed tbh, it's fine as it is.

10-10-2007, 00:51
*hugs* :)

I'm not going anywhere!

And I only just got here and have nowhere else to go :'( :D

I'll finally meet two of you/us on monday - and then after that who knows :p

10-10-2007, 05:26
I'll still be here mainly. But it's nice to have had my password reset. :)

10-10-2007, 07:28
I'll finally meet two of you/us on monday - and then after that who knows :p

Mwhahaha... *cough cough* I mean :tak:

10-10-2007, 11:35
OcUK shocker :shocked:

Wonder what spurred that on?

Admiral Huddy
10-10-2007, 11:57
Matt, May I speak openly?

I was more worried yesterday that you, Sinead and Jamie would be tempted back and the demise of BD would start.. I love this place and the people here that i've met. It would be a shame to see that all go now. I'm not going anywhere. I deliberately kept away from the arguements last year as as I've said before, the OcUk forums are a valueable resource for me. However, my loyalties lay here.

10-10-2007, 12:03
Well I for one am staying here, was never really a big poster on OCUK and always had my account, so am not too fussed ;D

I'm glad to see people get their accounts back, especially considering how much OCUK meant to them.

10-10-2007, 12:15
I was more worried yesterday that you, Sinead and Jamie would be tempted back and the demise of BD would start.
TBH mate, I think a lot of people think that others will post over there so much that BD is neglected, myself included. All I can say is that I'm not going anywhere. I've made my posts (all 2 of them) and that's it. I'm not saying I'll never post there again as I may stick my head in the door every now and again to comment on something, but that's it.

Admiral Huddy
10-10-2007, 12:21
TBH mate, I think a lot of people think that others will post over there so much that BD is neglected, myself included. All I can say is that I'm not going anywhere. I've made my posts (all 2 of them) and that's it. I'm not saying I'll never post there again as I may stick my head in the door every now and again to comment on something, but that's it.

Good because I love the smell of your farts!

10-10-2007, 12:30
I'm posting over there but to be honest its to relieve the monotony at work :D

I'm going to try and post a bit more over here too


10-10-2007, 12:33
I never stopped posting over there so nothings really changed in that way for me :)

Tbh it didn't even occur to me that this place would be in danger in anyway :o This place is different and I love it for that!

10-10-2007, 13:10
I never stopped posting over there so nothings really changed in that way for me :)

Tbh it didn't even occur to me that this place would be in danger in anyway :o This place is different and I love it for that!

Quoted on both accounts.

BB x

10-10-2007, 18:03
I really don't think people will stop posting here. I think it's more a novelty thing, besides we've all put so much into this place that I doubt this place will be forgotten. I for one know where I like to be - with my friends. :) There's no reason why these two places cannot Co-exist without competing with one another. :)

10-10-2007, 20:50
As has been said, this place is completely different from Ocuk.

My homepage is set as BD and will remain so for the foreseeable future. I may post "over there" a bit more now that some of my friends are back and to test the limits of Mr Proudfoot's 'apparent' about face but my allegiance will remain with my friends.

To suggest that BD will be abandoned because OcUK decide to hold a PR fest, I find somewhat insulting - I would like to think that we're all more mature than to desert our friends and go running back to OcUK because the owner feels the need to win back some lost custom (Don't be surprised if you see articles in the near future proclaiming OcUKs new found loviness).

BD is here for our friends and will remain so - so there :p

10-10-2007, 21:05
BD is here for our friends and will remain so - so there :p

10-10-2007, 21:27
Sod the nodding.

*hugs* :D

10-10-2007, 21:31
*cannot resist a Feeky hug*

Tbh, without this place I wouldn't have some of my dearest, bestest, loveliest friends... and I sincerely mean that from the bottom of my heart!

10-10-2007, 21:40
*nods so hard her head falls off*

10-10-2007, 21:46
I never post here as much as I should, I'm ashamed :(

I'm so bad I got a bollocking from Mat at Essex :(

10-10-2007, 21:48
Naughty Wob ! :angry:

10-10-2007, 21:51
*nods so hard her head falls off*
*gives Piggymon her head back before it rolls away*

I'm in the mood, for hugging... (and stuff like that).

10-10-2007, 22:02
BD = Internet home for me. :)

10-10-2007, 22:12
iCraig, when are you gonna get your butt to a meet !!11

We might even let you play with our worktop :p

10-10-2007, 22:25
Blackpool 08 is a definite. Any more close to the Midlands soon? :p

10-10-2007, 22:30
Good lad ! ;)

Get your butt to Swansea - it's only 3 hours !

11-10-2007, 00:05
This is my home, I'll never leave this place. As I said elsewhere, it's nice to have access to OcUK again, especially the gaming forums which I always said I missed, but if I were ever forced to choose, there'd be no choice to make. BD > *

I heart you all :)

11-10-2007, 00:20
Blackpool 08 is a definite. Any more close to the Midlands soon? :p

Wooh, so I wont be the only one to lose my 'meet cherry' so to speak in blackpool

no tittering at the back about hilarious meat jokes

11-10-2007, 02:13
People are allowed back on OcUk? Damn, I missed all the fun.
Did anything unusual happen for Spie to reconsider or what?

11-10-2007, 08:20
People are allowed back on OcUk? Damn, I missed all the fun.
Did anything unusual happen for Spie to reconsider or what?

I think that Spie has had an attack of the guilts for some reason.... god knows why, you banned people all deserved it ;)


11-10-2007, 10:12
To suggest that BD will be abandoned because OcUK decide to hold a PR fest, I find somewhat insulting
The least you can do is post a picture of yourself looking insulted :huh:

11-10-2007, 11:33
Wooh, so I wont be the only one to lose my 'meet cherry' so to speak in blackpool

We can do it together. :evil:

11-10-2007, 11:50

Craig and Sidey sitting in a tree

11-10-2007, 12:02
Room share FTW ;)

11-10-2007, 14:13
Wooh, so I wont be the only one to lose my 'meet cherry' so to speak in blackpool

That's not planned until October! I'm sure we can corrupt you meet virgins before then :evil:

11-10-2007, 14:20
I'm sure you can :shocked:

11-10-2007, 15:05
I think that Spie has had an attack of the guilts for some reason.... god knows why
Looks like it could have been my fault :o
I'm glad you're back Desmo. We haven't seen eye to eye in the past but that's water under the bridge now. In fact you've been more instrumental in recent changes of attitude than you realise. You made a comment elsewhere about thinking of writing to me saying thanks because you met Piggymon here. That touched a nerve. It would have been a truly honorable thing to do. It saddened me that you no longer felt you could do so, at that was the beginning of the change for me.

I'll do all I can to make these forums better and better every day. I hope you both stay around to see for yourselves.

11-10-2007, 15:10
Looks like it could have been my fault :o

Knew it was your fault - its always your fault :p ;)

12-10-2007, 02:19
That's not planned until October!

Um, *checks calendar* isn't it October already? :confused: ;D

*wanders off singing "Wake Me Up When September Ends"*

12-10-2007, 07:35
Um, *checks calendar* isn't it October already? :confused: ;D

October 2008 you pedantic yank :p :p