View Full Version : New Trek Film

12-10-2007, 18:43
Didn't know anything about this film until now, but have just seen that Simon Pegg (http://www.slashfilm.com/2007/10/11/star-trek-casting-simon-pegg-as-scotty-john-cho-as-sulu-budget-150m/) has been cast as Scotty ;D how ace is that!!!

Rest of the cast are;

Eric Bana - villan
Anton Yelchin - Chekov (I think this actor was in Disturbia)
Zachary Quinto - young Spock
Zoe Saldan - Uhura
Leonard Nimoy - older Spock
Chris Pine - Kirk

12-10-2007, 18:47
It's an odd number film isn't it?

Therefore it's expected to be rubbish. Can't imagine Pegg in that role at all.

Del Lardo
12-10-2007, 19:12
Hoping that this film breaks the odd number curse. I'm trying to imagine a thin Scotty ;D

12-10-2007, 19:33
In my reckoning the whole odd/even curse went out the window with the abortion that was Nemesis. It could have been very cool but they somehow cut out all the dialog, character development, and plot in favor or more fiery explosions. Sure it'd have been three hours long but at least it would've done justice to the franchise and the TNG cast.

13-10-2007, 01:14
Sylar = Spock hmmm

Shaun as Scotty..

Neither really work for me I must admit.

13-10-2007, 02:14
I'm putting a fiver on it being crap. :(

13-10-2007, 02:40
It'll be different, but nice to get some new trek. I don't care how rubbish people thought Enterprise was it was still trek related entertainment which I miss a lot. Still over a year until this is released and to be honest I can't wait!

Oh dear God I've just admitted I'm a trek fan on a community forum.

13-10-2007, 02:42
It'll be different, but nice to get some new trek. I don't care how rubbish people thought Enterprise was it was still trek related entertainment which I miss a lot. Still over a year until this is released and to be honest I can't wait!

Oh dear God I've just admitted I'm a trek fan on a community forum.

/me points and laughs.

13-10-2007, 10:03
Oh dear God I've just admitted I'm a trek fan on a community forum.

Don't worry - there are a couple of us here :o :)

I just went thru IMDB and as many of them haven't been in a great deal, I went by photos and just did "can I imagine them playing the part" and the only one who didn't fit was Pegg as Scotty - yes I know in the original series Scotty was always the one who made the most jokes but I just still can't fit Pegg into that role.

Del Lardo
13-10-2007, 13:27
It'll be different, but nice to get some new trek. I don't care how rubbish people thought Enterprise was it was still trek related entertainment which I miss a lot. Still over a year until this is released and to be honest I can't wait!

Oh dear God I've just admitted I'm a trek fan on a community forum.

I wasn't that impressed with S1 and S2 of Enterprise but I thought S3 was excellent and S4 nearly as good. Wish it had been given a full 7 series run so that they could do the whole birth of the Federation thing properly and tie up the time war.

13-10-2007, 18:09
Yeah I cringe when I see S1 repeats, S3 was great and S4 even better (its been a while, might re-watch them once I've finished next gen off)

It could have lasted 7 seasons easily.

14-10-2007, 11:17
I found Enterprise to be a bit... boring. S4 did get better and had some nice stories. Since DS9 Trek can't do character development. Voyager. Janeway and Tuvok were meant to be bestest friends, never felt that in the Kirk & Spock way. I need my characters to evolve and grow. Anyways I have doubts over this new film. I also find it funny that its Kirk days. JMS, B5 creator, wrote a long document to Paramount about how to save Star Trek. Basically he said start again. Throw out all the rules, start over. A JMS style Star Trek would have been incredible imho. However they didn't like his ideas. Yet now the film is going back to Kirk, sorta starting again. I know its not a reboot, but its sorta there. I think its very risky. They say the ship design is going to be almost the same. But its over 30 years later, and Enterprise looks more modern than the Enterprise... um.... I can imagine Sylar as Spock though. He does have that look, like he could be a young Spock. I thought MI3 was terrible though, so I have doubts. There was no real plot that I remember. I had no idea why the bad guy wanted the thing Cruise had. I fear for this new trek through the stars. I wish they'd let them do this: http://bztv.typepad.com/newsviews/files/ST2004Reboot.pdf

14-10-2007, 15:59
Ooooh a star trek film I might actually admit to watching! :p I don't really know much about the star trek series and films, but even with my limited knowledge the cast seems a little different - it might be quite fun! :)

14-10-2007, 18:32
I think running a few series based on a ship stuck in the alternate reality could have worked, keep it in the voyager/ds9 era to keep things looking similar. (The reality used in TOS, Enterprise and DS9, not so much the one used in Next gen as that was a timeloop that went wrong). Space for new character development and battles!

15-10-2007, 12:54
It's an odd number film isn't it?

Therefore it's expected to be rubbish. Can't imagine Pegg in that role at all.

And what irony that Pegg's character Tim said this in Spaced:

"Sure as night follows day, sure as eggs is eggs, sure as every odd numbered Star Trek movie is ****."

15-10-2007, 13:16
I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out


15-10-2007, 15:10
In my reckoning the whole odd/even curse went out the window with the abortion that was Nemesis.
Not sure I'd go as far as abortion, but it certainly broke the odd/even cycle. Here's hoping...

15-10-2007, 15:18
Sorry for being a n00b - but what's the odd/even number thing?! :o

15-10-2007, 15:24
Even numbered Trek films are the good ones (Wrath of Kahn (2) and First Contact (8) being my personal favourites), the odd ones are widely reagrded to be the most pantsest.

The Search for Spock was crap imo :D

15-10-2007, 15:25
The Search for Spock was just a filler really.

15-10-2007, 15:30
Ah ok gotcha. :)

Del Lardo
15-10-2007, 20:19
I wish they'd let them do this: http://bztv.typepad.com/newsviews/files/ST2004Reboot.pdf

Just read through that and while it does sound rather exciting and the basic idea does make a lot of sense the premise that they use as the story line for the reboot, that all bi-peds are a result of a million year old civilisation, was done in a two parter TNG which involved Picards old archiology professor with a smattering of Klingons and Romulans (IIRC). IMO that is rather lame and lets the whole thing down :(

15-10-2007, 20:40
Yeah but JMS ftw.

19-10-2007, 10:48

http://www.vanilladays.com/images/First_Look__The_Cast_of_JJ_Abrams%E2%80%99_Star_Tr ek_%7C__Film-20071019-104744.jpg

19-10-2007, 11:01
Even numbered Trek films are the good ones (Wrath of Kahn (2) and First Contact (8) being my personal favourites), the odd ones are widely reagrded to be the most pantsest.

The Search for Spock was crap imo :D

My favourite film of all time is Number 6

19-10-2007, 11:06
Nice photoshop there. Don't worry - there's a confession in the article, but just in case someone thought it might be the real McCoy. :)

PS - 6 or 8 would get my vote.

20-10-2007, 09:35
Even numbered Trek films are the good ones (Wrath of Kahn (2) and First Contact (8) being my personal favourites), the odd ones are widely reagrded to be the most pantsest.

The Search for Spock was crap imo :D
2, 6 and 8 are my favourites. Although I always thought that the even numbered thing was blown out of the water by 4 (The Voyage Home), worst Trek film ever :p Or maybe that was the exception that proved the rule ;D Though Nemesis broke that rule again and also took the worst film title! All in my opinion of course :)

20-10-2007, 10:00
6 is my favourite too.

4 was only ever meant to be a "hamming it up" film - all Trek has a tongue-in-cheek element but 4 pushed that a bit further.

5 is probably the worst, it's almost painful to watch in places.

Not that I like Star Trek or anything.

28-10-2007, 10:32
Shatner sad over Trek movie snub (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/7065470.stm)

William Shatner, who played Captain Kirk in the original Star Trek series, has said he "can't believe" he has not been asked to be in the new movie.

30-10-2007, 21:51
They killed off shatner in Generations, of course they couldn't use him again!

30-10-2007, 22:00
They could have easily done something. Spock enjoying a holographic message from Kirk, dreaming about the glory days. Or the holodeck. Hell, that thing brought Moriarty to life I'm sure it could Kirk.

30-10-2007, 22:18
Given that this film is pre-TOS, and they found a way to get older Spock in there, older Kirk wouldn't have been a big leap.

30-10-2007, 22:25
Just as well, Shatner can't do big leaps these days :)

30-10-2007, 22:41
Kirk didn't do so bad in Generations (odd number film), though that was quite a few years ago now. :)

09-11-2007, 14:31

Spot the mistake (really hope its just BBC getting it wrong)

09-11-2007, 14:37
WTF? Amanda was Human!

09-11-2007, 14:46
Looks like it's the BBC assuming. No mention here (http://trekmovie.com/2007/11/08/winona-ryder-is-amanda-grayson/#more-1247) that the character is a Vulcan.

In fact, it says human. Phew.

09-11-2007, 15:11
I e-mailed the Beeb as soon as I saw the article and pointed out Spock's mother was human. Who knows if they'll pay attention.

09-11-2007, 16:10
I assume they've fixed it already as I don't see any reference to Vulcans other than in the part about extras. :)

09-11-2007, 16:39
I assume they've fixed it already as I don't see any reference to Vulcans other than in the part about extras. :)

Yup, they've removed the word Vulcan from that first paragraph:

Actress Winona Ryder is to star in the new Star Trek movie as the Vulcan mother of a young Spock.

14-11-2007, 00:27

She actually looks like she has pointed ears there.

Seen Seasons 1/2 some of 3 of Enterprise, 1 was good, 2 okay, 3 seems to be getting worse!

19-01-2008, 13:24
New teaser can be here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RllSZW_YLk8)

Del Lardo
19-01-2008, 15:27
Teaser would seem to be the operative word!

19-01-2008, 15:33
hehe not long now mate, just over 11 months ;D

19-01-2008, 17:20
What a tease! Its like a girl in sexy french lingerie dancing about for a bit, getting up close and then saying "See you in 11 months."

20-01-2008, 15:16
The cast doesn't seem bad on the whole. With the exception of Bruce Greenwood as Christopher Pike. No Pike eye candy for the girls then (before the injuries obviously) :p

22-01-2008, 13:54

Better quality version there :)

22-01-2008, 16:56
And of course, the original version of it is supplied by the authors here.


22-01-2008, 18:22
Something completely random just occured to me while posting in another thread. Vaguely off-topic, but meh, sue me. :p

Does the game Monopoly still exist in the Trek era? (excluding Ferengi of course, though I'm not sure the Rules of Acquisition could be applied to Monopoly without just nicking the whole lot anyway). :)

22-01-2008, 19:06
I wouldn't think so considering the pursuit of monetary wealth no longer exists in that "reality". Hence why the confusion about "exact change" when trying to board the bus in San Francisco...

22-01-2008, 19:24
It's not real money of course, though your point is probably correct - same answer I came up with too.

22-01-2008, 19:55
But they gamble. Riker was owed monies from Quark in one episode. Dax sure played a lot of Dabbo at Quarks too. I reckon they could play Monopoly.

22-01-2008, 20:29
ahhh, that's much better than the youtube link someone sent me! Excellent :D

Del Lardo
22-01-2008, 20:48
My impression was that within the Federation money was no longer the primary motivation for most people but that it did exist. Within other cultures money was still a driving motivation hence the need for a universal currency..... Gold Pressed Latinum

22-01-2008, 21:59
Yeah thats right. Riker still gambles though :)

23-01-2008, 21:32
I want to save that high def version and watch it on the big telly but I bet the 360 can't stream quicktime stuff :(

23-01-2008, 21:41
Is it downloadable then? Don't have Qucktime on this PC (do on the Mac of course but that doesn't have useable sound for now).

24-01-2008, 10:10
I want to save that high def version and watch it on the big telly but I bet the 360 can't stream quicktime stuff :(

Ask and ye shall receive (http://get-trailers.com/trailers/92-star-trek.html). The 360 can play quicktime stuff, I've watched 720p I Am Legend on the 360 and that was off a CD :)

EDIT: Just downloaded the 720p version which I'll be taking home.

24-01-2008, 10:52
Ta :)

24-01-2008, 11:02
Thankyou Chef :)

24-01-2008, 15:55
My impression was that within the Federation money was no longer the primary motivation for most people but that it did exist. Within other cultures money was still a driving motivation hence the need for a universal currency..... Gold Pressed Latinum

And the reason for Gold Pressed Latinum.. somewhat unbelievably the replicators can't create it, despite the fact they create stuff at a molecular level. Guess there must be a quantum quirk somewhere.

edit: Hmm.. wonder if that should be Quantum Quark?

26-01-2008, 23:25
And the reason for Gold Pressed Latinum.. somewhat unbelievably the replicators can't create it, despite the fact they create stuff at a molecular level. Guess there must be a quantum quirk somewhere.
Yeah it's the Latinum that's actually worth something because it can't be replicated. The golf element is worthless as it can be replicated and is merely used a medium to transport the latinum as the quantities of this are miniscule. The latinum is "pressed" into gold bars, giving them value.

14-02-2008, 11:12
Bah. Paramount on Feb. 13 pushed its highly anticipated Star Trek movie to May 8, 2009, from an original Christmas 2008 release, to take advantage of the summer box-office season, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

14-02-2008, 11:18
Doesn't surprise me. Christmas releases are for toys, not films (except Christmas-themed films, obviously). :)

14-02-2008, 11:24
I think ST8 came out early Jan.

14-02-2008, 20:47
Hmm, that sucks.
Isn't this an odd numbered one? Think it'd be better off without the summer competition.

15-02-2008, 00:56
They broke that rule with Nemesis, so where we go from here is anyone's guess.

16-10-2008, 20:25
http://www.vanilladays.com/images/http__www.scifi.com_scifiwire_index.php%3Fid%3D612 05-20081016-202301.jpg

First photo is out. They look a little young but I can sorta see Spock and Kirk there. Just. Well, Spock and someone from Dawsons Creek.

16-10-2008, 20:27
Hmm, its a bit too polished for trek

16-10-2008, 20:28
This photo looks so ominous!


16-10-2008, 20:41
Its Sylar! He stole Hiro's time travel ability and jumped into the future!

16-10-2008, 20:46
Its Sylar! He stole Hiro's time travel ability and jumped into the future!

This is so more apt considering me and Mrs Dym are watching season 1 of Heroes at the moment!

/me hearts Sylar :D

16-10-2008, 21:19

More pics.

16-10-2008, 21:29
You know, the Zach looks like he could play a VERY pissed off Vulcan quite well!! He has that totally evil look down to an art form!!

16-10-2008, 21:41
I had no idea Harold from Harold and Kumar was in it!

16-10-2008, 22:32
someone from Dawsons Creek.

;D So true ;D

17-10-2008, 18:14
Hopefully the film itself will be good. I really don't like the casting though, would have been so much better if they had gone for less well known actors (especially those who have played quite stereotypical roles).

...oh and one last thing, maybe it's me but Kirk looks like he has an infeasibly large forehead?

25-10-2008, 19:53
As a die-hard Trekkie I hope this film is good, I really do. That aid, Abrams is annoying me lately tbh. His entire TV/film making credo seems to be to throw in as many questions as possible with little to no answers. I got fed up with Lost because of it and, good as it was, Cloverfield was another example of loads of questions with no answers.

If this tendency infests the Trek film I'm going to be annoyed.

The casting is also a recipe for disaster IMO. Quinto as Spock intrigues me a bit but I think Pegg as Scotty is a huge mistake.

25-10-2008, 21:58
I once read that Abrams has this box (http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/j_j_abrams_mystery_box.html). He never opens it, just looks at it. He has no idea whats inside. The man is brilliant at suspense, at posing questions and creating mystery but as he's never opened the box he's rubbish at resolution. So the new Trek film will be 85 minutes of WOW and then 5 minutes of "Seriously? **** off, thats rubbish."

25-10-2008, 22:22
Speaking of Trek, the recent spat between Shatner and Takei is a bit of a downer.


Not really sure who is the troublemaker here - sounds like a bit of both. :(

26-10-2008, 10:01
It's a lot of both - they've both got egos the size of the moon.

Shatner we all know about but Takei is a really bitter man who's always resented not being a more prominent member of the crew in Trek. He campaigned for ages for a series based around "Captain Sulu".

Del Lardo
26-10-2008, 14:05
As a die-hard Trekkie I hope this film is good, I really do. That aid, Abrams is annoying me lately tbh. His entire TV/film making credo seems to be to throw in as many questions as possible with little to no answers. I got fed up with Lost because of it and, good as it was, Cloverfield was another example of loads of questions with no answers.

If this tendency infests the Trek film I'm going to be annoyed.

The casting is also a recipe for disaster IMO. Quinto as Spock intrigues me a bit but I think Pegg as Scotty is a huge mistake.

I once read that Abrams has this box. He never opens it, just looks at it. He has no idea whats inside. The man is brilliant at suspense, at posing questions and creating mystery but as he's never opened the box he's rubbish at resolution. So the new Trek film will be 85 minutes of WOW and then 5 minutes of "Seriously? **** off, thats rubbish."

Regarding Lost, I agree that S1-3 put forward a whole load of questions and it was very frustrating at times but S4 answered a whole lot of them and did a very good job IMO.

As a side note I think that Dr Who is a lot more guilty of building up suspense well then solving it badly. Two parters are normally the worst offenders as we're left with a cliffhanger and then the Doctor solves it by opening a door with his sonic screwdriver etc. The only episode that has really solved something to my satisfaction is the statue episode. Still love the show though :)

Can understand the concerns about Pegg, I've been watching a lot of his stuff recently (Spaced, Shaun of the Dead, Run Fatboy Run) and he always seems to play the same kind of character but then he does write the stuff himself so he is going to write what he knows. Lets hope the writers for the film write a different character for him.

26-10-2008, 14:49
Lost has got a lot better yeah. Now that they have a deadline they can write to it and conclude the show. Alias had issues. Lots of mysteries, great show but after like the 3rd year things started going down hill. You can't keep that up. I didn't like MI3 when I first saw it because I had no idea what was going on. They were all after this "rabbits foot" and I had been told it was bad. That was it. I didn't really feel the tension or drama in it. Upon later viewings I've come to realise that its ok, I don't need to. I loved Cloverfield though and I do love Lost. After watching the TED show I think I quite like the guy as a director. I loved that his favourite scene in Jaws is when the kid mimmicks his Dad. I love that he's had that box forever and never opened it. Nice character quirks that aid his creativeness as a director. I really really hope that all the pieces fit for the new film.

Pegg was also, briefly, in Band of Brothers as a guy with an American accent. He's hugely talented ;)

Del Lardo
11-11-2008, 19:35
Press have seen 4 clips from the film today.


15-11-2008, 11:36

Leaked trailer. It looks really good. Stylistically and visually stunning. Heres hoping its story is good.

15-11-2008, 13:26
looks amazing! Can't wait!

15-11-2008, 13:47

Del Lardo
15-11-2008, 15:02
Is it wrong that I'm actually turned on by the trailer? :toss: :embarassed:

17-11-2008, 20:31

Proper HD trailer. I canny wait. The scene with the Enterprise under-construction is awesome.

17-11-2008, 20:43
Wow, looks really good :cool:

Del Lardo
17-11-2008, 21:04
canae wait (captain)!

17-11-2008, 22:48
Just watched the 720p trailer and it looks schweeet :D

17-11-2008, 22:48
That actually looks... alright, and i hate Star Trek!

Del Lardo
17-11-2008, 23:45
Just my own speculation but incase people don't want to watch the trailer I'll stick a tag on....

I wonder if the big hole he sticks the car into is the one made by those alien chaps when they attack earth in Enterprise?

Possible they do a back story where his family are killed in the attack and that's why he is Kirk!

18-11-2008, 08:37
I really wish they wouldn't put the stupid trailers on apple. I hate having to keep updating quicktime, then go through and disable it as the primary video viewer. I like my VLC. I don't like quicktime. Makes me not want to support Paramount just because of it. I don't run a mac. I don't want to have to use their software!!

18-11-2008, 12:18
I don't run a mac. I don't want to have to use their software!!

Its not our software if its available for Windows too. Its been available since like version 3.

18-11-2008, 18:14
I really wish they wouldn't put the stupid trailers on apple. I hate having to keep updating quicktime, then go through and disable it as the primary video viewer. I like my VLC. I don't like quicktime. Makes me not want to support Paramount just because of it. I don't run a mac. I don't want to have to use their software!!

You want 'quicktime alternative', it has all the functionality of quicktime but doesn't become a computer conquering ogre like the official version of quicktime does. Google it!

18-11-2008, 18:25
That trailer is ace :D WANT!

18-11-2008, 18:53
As a film score whore I'm very curious about the music. Jerry Goldsmith has basically created the Star Trek sound since the first movie ignoring Battle Beyond the Star Trek 2 & 3 ;) I know its a franchise reboot and that the score is going to be done by Michael Giacchino who does all Abrams work but its going to be strange. Its not like Batman where we've had 4 films. This is like half the atmosphere of the show. It'd be like setting phasers to maim or I've left the oven on. God I hope this works and we finally get some good old fashion scifi back.

18-11-2008, 19:21
I don't think it'll be that bad. There's obvious homage paid to the original Trek score even in the trailers.

18-11-2008, 19:24
There is yeah. I'm sure it'll be fine. The trailer looks and sounds great. Just, ya know, used to that Goldsmith atmosphere in Star Trek.

20-11-2008, 04:59
Its not our software if its available for Windows too. Its been available since like version 3.

I already have quicktime on my computer, but every time I go to one of these sites, it keeps saying I don't have it. So I d/l the "newest and greatest" edition. And it still doesn't work. So I try again. Same thing. So I give up in disgust and frustration at STILL not being able to watch a trailer I wanted to see.

20-11-2008, 05:04
I fell for it again. I decided to try and update Quicktime just so I could watch this ****ing trailer. Same ****ing thing it always does to me. I go back to the link to watch the trailer and it says I still have to download the latest version of Quicktime - not 30 seconds after I did just that.

Apple and everything it stands for can kiss my hairy white ***!!!!

20-11-2008, 06:09
Ok, finally!! After the third restart of my computer it actually works!! HOLY ****!!

After watching the trailer (finally) even Tina seems interested. And she's about as anti-Star Trek as you can get!!

P.S. I still hate Apple and Quicktime with a vengeance. ;)

20-11-2008, 07:23
Quicktime is part of the Borg takeover plan....

20-11-2008, 10:04
Quicktime works fine for me on my Mac. Must be a Microsoft problem :p

20-11-2008, 11:40
Apple software is only intended to be run on Apple hardware. They might support other hardware if they absolutely have to, begrudgingly. Whether that's OS X, iTunes, Quicktime, or anything else, it still applies. :p

22-11-2008, 05:15
I'm primarily mad at Paramount for putting it up in Quicktime format. They may edit their movies on Macs because of their superior video, but the rest of the world runs on Windows. Sorry to say, it's a fact. If it wasn't, Bill wouldn't be as rich as he is. So don't try to get the rest of us to convert to Macs, ok? I'm quite happy with my 3 year old build of WinXP that still runs stable. No, I won't be switching to Vista (crap) any time soon. I keep seeing the troubles Tina and Patrick have with it running identical apps to me. And I run them twice as fast on a processor 1/2 the speed with 1/8th the memory running at 1/4 the speed. Oh, and a HDD that's half the speed. So :P to all those that lurve their Vista. I hate it. I'm the one that has to spend half of my computing time fixing their Vista issues (with the software it came from the factory with!!).

22-11-2008, 10:45
I have iTunes and Quicktime on my works laptop which runs XP and have no problems at all with it :confused: it should all just work Darrin. Try uninstalling it all and re-installing again that might help, I think the quicktime h.264 videos do look amazing though so they should keep releasing them in that format :p

22-11-2008, 14:01
I'll have to concede that last point. The amount of compression you can get away with with the H.264 format and still have a great result is simply stunning. It's about the only way that HD videos can be made downloadable for the masses who don't have all-you-can-eat broadband.

06-03-2009, 13:08
New video


looks ace :D

06-03-2009, 13:22
It really does. 2 months to go :D

Del Lardo
06-03-2009, 13:27

06-03-2009, 13:33

I always think that smilie needs to see a doctor ;D

06-03-2009, 14:26

06-03-2009, 17:12
Looks like it could be quite fun ;)

06-03-2009, 23:24
"Enlist in Starfleet" - Well who is going to say no :)

06-03-2009, 23:32

09-03-2009, 03:14
"Yeah, boss? I need a couple days off"
"What for?"

24-04-2009, 23:17
Heads up - Simon Pegg on Friday Night with Jonathan Ross (BBC One) - very soon. :)

Del Lardo
02-05-2009, 19:45
Just booked my tickets for the 00:01 showing on Thursday morning :D


02-05-2009, 20:30
I has work (and the midnight showing of X-Files left me dead the next day :p ) so ours are booked for 8:30pm Thursday :D

02-05-2009, 20:56
I'll probably leave it until the end of May when the crowds have died down. We don't have a cinema (it's currently a building site) so I'll have to travel.

02-05-2009, 22:57
I'll be Orange Wednesdaying it as usual :)
Bit unsure if I'll like it anyway despite once being a big Trekkie.

03-05-2009, 00:18
Lana has no interest in seeing it so I'm thinking I'll be catching one of the early bird showings at the local cinema whilst she's at work. Cheaper tickets, cheaper popcorn et al, and less packed.

06-05-2009, 21:24
It's nearly time. Hope those doing the 00:01 enjoy it.

And, in other news (link spotted on TP)...

tSJF6UiGfa0 :D:D:D

Del Lardo
07-05-2009, 02:51
So then, a review.......

Like Casino Royale, Star Trek has been tasked with the relaunch of a sick franchise and like Casino Royale I think that it has succeeded. There is more phaser fire in the first 10 minutes of the film than in all seven series of TNG and what follows on is the story of how the crew come together.

A lot of people will refuse to see this film because "it's Star Trek" or because "Lost is ****" and will they be cursing this decision on their death bed? To be honest no they won't. This is by no means an all time great but instead 2 hours of nearly constant action, fun, very good special effects and if I'm honest pretty thin story line. All the ingredients of a Summer Blockbuster.

That is not to say that Star Trek fans will be dissapointed, there are enough in jokes to keep the fans happy without confusing the wider audience and the look and design of the Enterprise is excellent making it look futuristic while staying true to the 1960s original.

So should you spend your hard earned on this film? If you enjoy Sci-Fi then quite simply yes, it is not without its problems but unlike previous films you do not need to be a Star Trek fan to enjoy it and walk out the cinema feeling like you have been entertained.

07-05-2009, 07:09
Thanks for the review Del Lardo :) I've gotta find someone to go see this with!

[Edit] It might not last, but ... http://uk.rottentomatoes.com/m/star_trek_11/ - 95% at the moment!

07-05-2009, 09:38
Is it 8:30pm yet? *bounces* :D :D

07-05-2009, 23:03
That were good :D

07-05-2009, 23:09
That were good :D

Indeed, been a painful wait since boxing day (original release date) and I hope it will kickstart more films as I liked what I saw :)

12-05-2009, 21:08
Just seen it.

Oh. My. God. Awesome! Loved every minute of it :D

As a die hard trekkie I found it had all the right ingredients and was everything I'd hoped. An excellent story (by recent Trek film standards) and good casting, by and large.

Did have a few minor issues with it, notably the Simon Pegg and Anton Yelchin characters and a few issues with the plot by overall was very very impressed. Quinto and Urban were simply stunning. Quinto not only plays the character very well but bears a striking resemblance to a young Leonard Nimoy. Urban had DeForest Kelly's mannerisms down to a tee :)

12-05-2009, 21:23
I'm looking forward to going to see it again soon. I think Pine did an excellent job with Kirk and my favourite scene in the film is between Kirk and Mccoy.

I'm taking about the injection scene, especially the huge hands ;D

12-05-2009, 21:46
I'm looking forward to going to see it again soon.

With meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (I think)
And your good lady! :D

Del Lardo
12-05-2009, 21:49
I was going for a 2nd (Orange Wednesday) viewing tomorrow but have to go to Germany for the day instead so another week to wait before I can watch it without severe sleep deprevation (not that I had any trouble staying awake).

Did anyone else want to do REALLY dirty things with the green skinned woman and get a bit upset when they realised that she would have been killed?

12-05-2009, 22:01
/nods knowingly ;)

13-05-2009, 22:03
Reallllllllly enjoyed that :D Brilliant film, made me desperate for a sequel :p
Loved all the injokes :)

13-05-2009, 23:17
Just got back from the cinema. That was pretty good - not brilliant but pretty good.

13-05-2009, 23:23
I loved it :)

I've never seen the Star Trek series before, so after a bit of persuasion from Haly... I'm now on episode 7 of TOS :D

13-05-2009, 23:25
I was ready to become a born again trekkie for about an hour of this film and then unaccountably the wheels came off.
The opening is brilliant. So this is Trek when they actually let rip with all that fancy weaponry and sex, drugs and rock and roll aren't a contravention of the prime directive. That's the point when the dilithium matrix loses coherence (or something, subspace anomaly? I dunno :p).The script lurches from giddy strokes of genius to awkwardly contrived plot device.
Yeah the little winks to the audience members with their own communicator are nice but Abrams deviates too far from the Trek template to fully please the purists and gets too delayed extricating himself from the franchise history to really let the beast off the leash.
Plenty of potential for the next one though. Klingons please :)


Del Lardo
13-05-2009, 23:41
The script lurches from giddy strokes of genius to awkwardly contrived plot device.

I think you've just put your finger on what bothered me about the film. Quite simply the story line isn't good enough for the cast, special effects and cinematography which are brilliant. Still for a first attempt it is still damn fine and leaves the door open for a fantastic sequel.

I couldn't help feeling that the whole time travel thing was just an excuse to get Leonard Nimoy into the film.

13-05-2009, 23:48
Thin plot but very entertaining experience. I judge by how good a movie is from how often and how long before i start looking at my watch. I didn't look at it once during this movie, says it all really, it captivated my attention through out, and that's what movies are supposed to do. I don't care if it's not a Oscar winner, 2 hours flew by and that's all it matters.

that red ball thing looks just like the one in Alias ! Also a J J Abram project !

Forgot to add, it was BEAUTIFULLY shot !

14-05-2009, 00:12
I couldn't help feeling that the whole time travel thing was just an excuse to get Leonard Nimoy into the film.

I think it was mostly a bloody clever way of hitting the reset switch and the Nimoy bit just dropped out of that. It was chucking Kirk off the ship that things started to unravel for me.

14-05-2009, 00:41
I couldn't help feeling that the whole time travel thing was just an excuse to get Leonard Nimoy into the film.

It's a whole massive "Everything Has Changed! We can do what we like" thing. That's part of why the discussion about how Kirk was born came into the conversation with Spock. Not only have they rebooted the franchise, they've rebooted the universe pretty much from the moment Nemo's ship arrived in their time stream, onwards. All canon stuff from that moment on goes out of the window, only Star Trek: Enterprise stuff counts.

Even then, there were a few daft things. e.g. the reference to Admiral Archer and his dog. Kirk was born nearly 80 years after the date of the last episode of Enterprise, so it's not the Archer we know, nor the dog we know. Unless he's stupidly old. Makes it a pointless reference then, would have been better to chose another random name instead.

I loved the film, great fun, but time travel, again? Seriously? It's getting to be a really, really old and tired plot device, liked the way it was presented apart from the shaky cam stuff. The bar scene was particularly bad for this, left me feeling motion sick.

14-05-2009, 08:05
Spoiler Alert! - Highlight below to read!

Yes but it's served them so well in the past, i.e. Trek IV and VIII :)

I did also think the way they rebooted the whole universe was epic. You start off wondering how they're going to "undo" the destruction of Vulcan and then slowly start to realise that they're NOT! Brilliant!

24-05-2009, 22:54
Watching Star Trek from space. Who'd have thunk it...


I still haven't seen it. :'(

09-06-2009, 21:38
I have seen it now. :)

Realised I'd better JFDI before it disappears off the screens, so I took the afternoon off, abused the free bus pass and went to see it. :)

I think I was a bit overwhelmed. As someone who has been a fan of the Trek universe for nearly 20 years now :shocked: there were enough differences (intentional, of course) to confuse me. I think it'll take a second viewing to get my head around it properly. :)

Still enjoyable though. :)