View Full Version : Anyone speak Spanish?

15-10-2007, 20:55
If there's anyone here who speaks Spanish, I'd be most grateful if you could translate an automated phone message for me - I think it means "number out of service" but not sure. PM for the number - cheers :)

15-10-2007, 21:12
I've got a flatmate if there isn't anyone else, he's studying spanish, so i can't say for sure if he's any help :p. Either way i have no idea myself!

15-10-2007, 21:16
PM sent :)

15-10-2007, 21:21
get off idle on MSN!

15-10-2007, 22:02
Thanks everyone - let's see if we can crack this :D

Will and Jasper are having first shot, will come back to you other lovely people if they can't get it, thanks! B)

15-10-2007, 22:12
might be worth to get another opinion as the line quality is very poor, i'm pretty happy with my interpretation :)

15-10-2007, 22:16
might be worth to get another opinion as the line quality is very poor, i'm pretty happy with my interpretation :)

What was it? Sorry feeling tired and nosy.....

15-10-2007, 22:16
Jasper & Will's translations seem to make sense to me and they're fairly similar so thanks a lot guys :)

Now to track down gf! It's just I haven't heard from her for a week, which is...unusual.

Either the drug lords got her or she's ok....

16-10-2007, 00:02
Hope she's ok :)
You know where I am if you want to start naming phantom 'what if she got murdered by a killer dolphin' type stories :p

Note: This post may be sponsored by cold medication and a high temperature causing strange thoughts :D

16-10-2007, 01:25
God, good luck dude, i have enough trouble keeping up with my friends on this side of the world :( Well done!

This is not an oppurtunity for everyone to appear from the woodwork and remind me i haven't seen you all in yonks, i'm well aware, i'm severly poor both financially and time wise :(

16-10-2007, 02:06
Hehe :)

Oh well, new toys arriving tomorrow, better get to bed eh :)

16-10-2007, 06:14
I'm sure it's just a temporary glitch in the matrix - but keep in touch, and if there's anything more myself or anyone can do don't be shy! :)

16-10-2007, 11:06
Doris in the office is totally fluent in Spanish so if needed I can always help out.

16-10-2007, 13:47
Doh, if I had read this yesterday I could have got my mum to translate it, she's pretty fluent in Spanish as her sister has lived over there for at least 20 odd years.

16-10-2007, 14:18
It's ok - he wanted an answer ASAP and it so happens there are a few Spanish speakers here who didn't mind phoning Columbia :)

16-10-2007, 17:18
it only cost 38p

(I did have to have a couple of goes though - the line was really bad)

16-10-2007, 17:23
Finally got in touch with her dad, she'll be back soon...

Will see how things go, but at least I now know she's not got done by some drug lords ;) :)

I suppose her phone died in the mean time, or it got turned off or something. Thanks guys :)

16-10-2007, 17:25
Sorry to hear about the problems but at least she's physically safe :)

16-10-2007, 17:44
Hope she's ok :) *hugs*

16-10-2007, 17:56
Glad you found her. hope she gets better and things work out.

16-10-2007, 19:29
You're welcome - and I'm glad you got in touch. Sorry to hear she's not 100% - I'm sure once you can chat to her she'll perk right up. :) When you next seeing her?

16-10-2007, 23:10
Glad you heard from her dude :)

17-10-2007, 00:43
Thanks guys
You're welcome - and I'm glad you got in touch. Sorry to hear she's not 100% - I'm sure once you can chat to her she'll perk right up. :) When you next seeing her?
Depends what happens when I talk to her - either Christmas or tomorrow :D

18-10-2007, 04:45
Got in touch with her :) :) :)

Can't say too much as it's private stuff and I didn't really ask (I'm sure there's a better way to phrase that, but I'm not the most socially adept hehe), but I do know all is good and my gf's life is now a lot, lot better. Moving countries to a horrible new college just didn't work out well, plus various other problems, and they've all been solved or at least attended to.

And while she was away, her parents sorted out her flights for Christmas :)

This past week has been bad...I've been the illest I've been for a long while, and was then v worried when I couldn't get a hold of Ari. Her phone was broken because it ran out of credit, but also it was decided that it was best for her to have time alone - though she also couldn't remember my number to ring I think :D (my number was only in her old phone, which went kaput a couple of weeks ago)

Don't ever do long distance relationships! Though I guess these things can happen to any of us no matter where we are - it's just all new to me. Thanks for the support, I know I'm not here much these days but BD rocks :)

18-10-2007, 06:17
Glad it's all working out mate :) Don't worry about the socially adept stuff - I'm sure we all appreciate what you mean - I know I do. :)

18-10-2007, 10:28
I'm probably as socially inept as they come (ringing people who are 10 feet away from me for starters ;)). Anyway, glad you've found her and it all seems to be working out. :)

18-10-2007, 11:17
Glad it's all working out mate :) Don't worry about the socially adept stuff - I'm sure we all appreciate what you mean - I know I do. :)
That was probably Mr Vodka talking:D :o

18-10-2007, 11:34
Glad it's working out for you :)