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Admiral Huddy
17-10-2007, 14:37
It comes off the back of the annual review whereby we are asked to resubmit our application to the panel. It seems that our stairs are “Unsafe” and are a health and safety issue.

The stairs in question are “half” open and half enclosed. I would say about 9 step are open. The stairs are in a hallway which is cut-off from all other rooms, including the front lounge, rear lounge dinning room and downstairs cloakroom by doors. During the initial assessment, we were told that this wasn’t an issue and it wasn’t brought up again. If the stairs had been fully open and/or no doors leading to them then it would have been. Both my wife and I are OFSTED registered as she is a childminder. They too have no problems with these stairs. Yet today, the FCA decide no, they are not safe and we have lost the right to foster with immediate effect.

We have a calendar full of children staying with us overt he course of the next three months.. All cancelled.

I’m not sure how I feel. My first thought is that it’s their loss. I feel that the agency has been so caught up its own bureaucracy and red tape, that they are missing the fundamental key issues here.

Where do you draw the line on health and safety? We have a stone fireplace with corners.. Do we remove that in case a child should fall on the corner? My daughter fell on a flower pot when she was six, she needed 5 stitches. Do we remove all house plants?

When we went through the registration process, we had to compile a portfolio. The portfolio took months to complete. It contains valuable information about us, our family, policies and procedures. It also had photos, qualifications and certificates. When the book was passed over for panel, we never saw it again. The folder has been lost and these are the people that are supposed to be trusted with confidential information.

I feel for my wife. She’s put a lot of hard work and effort into this. The kids have opened their home to strangers and this is how we are treated.
In order to be granted the right, we would have to go through the whole registration process again – pants eh

Oh well, we’ve done our bit. Onwards and upwards

posted over there too

17-10-2007, 14:47
Having heard some of your conversations on parenting I know you have a good family, but if they're going to get petty then it's just not worth your while and I can also see why there's a shortage of places and children end up chasing around the system with no stability whatsoever.

I agree - their loss, but also the children's loss which is the sad part. Beauraucracy and red tape strike again.

I assume there's no opportunity for the decision to be appealed/reviewed.

17-10-2007, 16:00
[FONT=Verdana]posted other there too*Looks out the window* Over where? :huh:

Nah just joking. I've replied over there and I'm still of the same opinion over here. Its just a mental decision. Wishes you all the best for the future. ;D

17-10-2007, 18:46
This says it all TBH.
their loss, but also the children's loss which is the sad part. Beauraucracy and red tape strike again.

Von Smallhausen
17-10-2007, 18:49
I have lost count the amount of times I have lost my rag with Social Services and I really feel for you Paul.

17-10-2007, 19:25
Sorry to hear that.

Are you going to have another go?

17-10-2007, 19:44
How pathetic :(

17-10-2007, 19:50
I agree - their loss, but also the children's loss which is the sad part. Beauraucracy and red tape strike again.

:( Its just so pathetic :(

18-10-2007, 08:56
That's ridiculous and it is disgraceful that they lost the portfolio pack too. I really feel for you & your family *hugs*

18-10-2007, 09:10
Words fail me they really do. Just incompetant morons. I have followed what you have gone through with this and you have my utmost respect. Take heart that you have made an impact to a number of young peoples lives at a very important time.

I can understand why you would not go through the registration process again, it was over a year with everyone in the family undergoing evaluations.

Admiral Huddy
18-10-2007, 09:19
I have written to them threatening legal action. Well, it's not a threat actually. The way I feelis that they have neglected their duties to secure the contents of confidential information.

Does anybody remember the case with the lad that kept running away? I pleaded with social services and the agency to get thi boy in care nearer to his mother becasue his trip from Chelmford to north London must have taken him at least 2 hours. I felt that if he was in care local, then if he ran off, then he was only on the road for 30 minutes. not hours. They failed to listen time and time again.

The beauraucracy only seems to apply when it fits in with them.

19-10-2007, 01:36
I know it probably wont help you personally Huddy but I feel stories like this really need to be brought to the public's attention through the media.

The more cases that are brought to light the more questions will be asked of the government and departments involved.

20-10-2007, 15:39
I'm so sorry to hear this update Huddy :( You were doing such wonderful things for those kids :(

20-10-2007, 15:43
unbelievable :(

Admiral Huddy
22-10-2007, 09:33
We have an OFSTED inspection soon We are going to see if the come up with the same concliusion. If they do then we'll have to get the stairs done becuase Teresa won't be able to childmind. However, should the inpection be ok, then a copy of the report will be sent to the FCA.

22-10-2007, 11:31
We have an OFSTED inspection soon We are going to see if the come up with the same concliusion. If they do then we'll have to get the stairs done becuase Teresa won't be able to childmind. However, should the inpection be ok, then a copy of the report will be sent to the FCA.

Thats a very good thing to do. However I can see them coming back with "our rules are more specific for fostering" or some other rubbish :confused: