View Full Version : Best place to live...
17-10-2007, 22:31
Edinburgh>* ;)
We rock!
Watching Location, location, location LIVE. They are pimping it better than i ever could.
*feels lucky*
Missed it, but then again doing better than Winchester really isn't that hard. :)
17-10-2007, 22:36
channel4+1 now :)
True, but then I might also be biased. :p
17-10-2007, 22:51
hahaha, I KNEW you'd be posting here.
Got to keep our end up now haven't I! Mum and I recognised the roof tops they showed straight away.
You going to come to the Edinburgh meet then Kitten ;)
Really?? I'd never have guessed ;) :p
It was clearly far too obvious. :p
Looking forward to Edinburger next year (if I can make it).
Chelmsford at number 8 (best). The whole programme gets a fail for that calamity. :p
OK, OK, it's a fair bit better than it used to be. Was having a wander round the town centre again Monday morning. :)
Aye - changed my mind on Winchester having actually see why it was number two. However, Chelmsford at number eight is still a calamity. :p
I'm amazed Luton isn't in the worst 20, although I don't know what they judge it on.
Horrible ****hole in my experience.
18-10-2007, 00:00
So where did Romford come?
A fair few London boroughs didn't do too well though (no surprise there I guess).
18-10-2007, 00:10
Well to be fair it is a nowhere place... Full of ******* :(
A fair few London boroughs didn't do too well though (no surprise there I guess).
Which ones?
I work in Camden, live in Waltham Forest and my parents live in Hackney...
See for thyself ( :)
Anything's better than London tbh! Everytime I've been to Edinburger I've always enjoyed myself there. Problem is it's too far oop north and too far away from the sun :p If they could put it in the Med, I'd vote for it being the best place :D
Tower Hamlets gets panned again.. yet if you go down there the culture and the people are fantastic. A real old community feel to the place.
Waltham Forest (this borough) doesnt do all that well, though better than tower hamlets, but I wasn't hugely surprised by the comments.
My old stomping ground of Mid Sussex came 16th \o/ Lovely to see Horsham plummet from 2nd to 8th :D
I'm surprised any London boroughs made it in the top 20 tbh. Yes they have interesting culture and it is a melting hot pot of activity and diversity and a hive of activity - but you can't polish a turd.
Aye - changed my mind on Winchester having actually see why it was number two. However, Chelmsford at number eight is still a calamity. :p
I have said for years that Chelmsford is a great place to live! 35 mins out of London, I can be in complete isolation in the countryside in a 10 min cycle ride. I walk home after a night out and not be mugged, and I don't have to continually look over my shoulder. In all the time I have lived there no house in the area has been broken into, I have even left my satnav in its cradle with the car unlocked for a week and its not gone anywhere.
Sure there are the bad areas, hell even Melbourne isn't that bad walking around (and thats the dodgy area). I feel more vulnerable walking around London then I do there. The area has come a long long way and the town is a lot better.
So in summary i'm not at all surprised that Chelmsford is up there.
Admiral Huddy
18-10-2007, 09:53
^ what he says :)
I love living near Chelmsford and I like the town centre.. My wife and i go and sit in costa by the canal. It's quite nice watching the world go by. Galleywood is in the sticks but it's only 2.5 miles from town and easy to reach by bike and London is a breeze albeit the trains are expensive. I've lived in all sort of places but Chelmsford is my home.
About the only "safe" places in London are the west end and the "posh" places as there is so much CCTV and police presence... you'd have thought they'd do that for the dodgy areas really! :p
18-10-2007, 12:51
About the only "safe" places in London are the west end and the "posh" places as there is so much CCTV and police presence... you'd have thought they'd do that for the dodgy areas really! :p
That's *why* they're posh :D
That or becuase everyone is so wealthy and contributes so much tax a little more is given back to them :p
Anyway Liverpool is neither bad nor good im not happy. It's usually one or the other, people tout capital of culture and crap and say its excellent or tell me i'm going to be stabbed within minutes of going home, i want one or the other not indefference!
On another note, Edinburgh sure does rock, it really does deserve to be top to live. Although Liverpool definately has a better nightlife thats about all it has...
Del Lardo
18-10-2007, 13:05
That or becuase everyone is so wealthy and contributes so much tax a little more is given back to them
You'd be amazed at how little tax the weathy manage to pay :angry:
But they pay it in other ways - i.e. overcharged by clever accountants ;) :p
Someone suggested the Edinburgh rating only really applied to the city centre and that, like most other cities, it has it's problem areas. Fair point I guess, but does that make for a fair comparison with other places where they seem to take them as a whole?
I'm not anti-Edinburgh. Already said I want to go there. Just prompting some debate. :)
18-10-2007, 19:02
Maybe it does, i mean the city centre though its excellent! Much better than Liverpool city centre in every aspect in my experience, apart from as i said nightlife which is still excellent but cannot compare to Liverpool's.
Glad to see Manchester moving down... I've been there a couple of times - I really didn't like it.
True... and they all stick together - hence why nobody wants to go to those places hence why they are nice and unspoilt! ;) :p
semi-pro waster
18-10-2007, 23:57
If they could put it in the Med, I'd vote for it being the best place :D
Good golly no. I don't want Edinburgh to be any sunnier or warmer, it is just right the way it is. Then again I'm one of those odd people who actually looks forward to winter in the hopes that enough snow will fall so I can get boarding more than three days of the year in Scotland. Heat seriously does me in though, I'm infinitely more comfortable at 5C than 25C.
Mark, Edinburgh does have it's problem areas for sure but then every other city does as well. I don't really know how they've done the ranking system but as a whole I'd rate Edinburgh as a very safe place for a large (and Capital) city, I've walked through some supposedly dodgy areas and never felt worried but then again I grew up not too far away from Oxgangs which has always had a bit of a reputation for some reason so maybe that has something to do with it. :)
19-10-2007, 00:41
Agree with Semi-Pro, Edinburgh has gone a long way in improving even the worst of areas feel very safe. Since SPW's parents live at the top of my street, i also grew up near Oxgangs and went to high school there for my last 2 years. It is a much better place than it used to be, still not as well off as other areas but improving all the time. :)
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