View Full Version : That was quick.

22-10-2007, 13:30
A few people know that i haven't been enjoying working for GAP as much as i thought i would, so i've been looking for a new job. Walked past my local shops and lo and behold, the threshers is looking for part time people.
I know the guy who works there and was talking to him about it, gave them my cv and left it at that. Chris tells me that the person they had employed had showed up for one shift and not again.
Got a call on Friday from Chris to come in for an interview (which is later today), then on Saturday i popped in on my way home to get some coke and Chris tells me i pretty much have the job as he is doing my interview. :cool:

Going to stay on at GAP until i know if i like Threshers, no point in burning bridges just yet. Excited though, my commute to work will go from 15 mins in the car along the bypass to this 3 min walk.

22-10-2007, 13:34
Drinks on you then ;)

22-10-2007, 13:59
nicely done ;)

22-10-2007, 14:19
Nice one! I worked at Threshers for two weeks when I was a student :D Hated it.

22-10-2007, 14:57
Practice this line...

"Have you got any ID? You look about 12."

22-10-2007, 14:59
Well done! Hope you like this place more :)

22-10-2007, 15:49

22-10-2007, 16:43
At least if you don't like the job you can turn to drink quite easily :)

22-10-2007, 17:07
Excellent news :D Hope you're happier there :)

22-10-2007, 17:18
Well that was the worlds easiest interview:
me- *walks in*
Chris- "through here"
Chris- *bumpf about contract* "when can you start?"
me- "Friday?"
Chris- "ok see you at 6pm on Friday"
I has new job \0/

22-10-2007, 17:20
Well that was the worlds easiest interview:
me- *walks in*
Chris- "through here"
Chris- *bumpf about contract* "when can you start?"
me- "Friday?"
Chris- "ok see you at 6pm on Friday"
I has new job \0/

If only the interviews for the jobs I'm going for would be like that.

Congrats on the job, hope you're happier in it :p

22-10-2007, 17:28

23-10-2007, 07:12
Nice one Paula, well done :)

23-10-2007, 09:39
Well done you! :)


23-10-2007, 09:48
Congrats hun :)

Dr. Z
23-10-2007, 10:26
Congrats :)

23-10-2007, 10:40
Well that was the worlds easiest interview:
me- *walks in*
Chris- "through here"
Chris- *bumpf about contract* "when can you start?"
me- "Friday?"
Chris- "ok see you at 6pm on Friday"
I has new job \0/

even better :) well done again

24-10-2007, 01:41
Reminds me i need to get a job... :D
Here's to hoping it's going to be that easy for me (there are a million and one jobs round here so hopefully shouldn't be too bad)

24-10-2007, 03:18
Enjoy :)

24-10-2007, 07:35
Congrats :)

Plus walking's a lot better than commuting :) How many nights a week do you work? How long are your shifts? Do you get any freebies? ;)

24-10-2007, 11:08
Its an 8 hour contract so the same as i'm on just now. Would be 2 nights a week, 4 hours each time. Probably not freebies, but discount certainly i would hope.

24-10-2007, 13:44
That's great news! It sounds like a good move as it is a lot closer and you are friends with one of your colleagues already. Hope it all goes well :)

24-10-2007, 14:35
Probably not freebies, but discount certainly i would hope.*Wonders if Salford to Edinburgh and back is worth it or not?*


Oh and congratsumaltions.

24-10-2007, 14:59
*Wonders if Salford to Edinburgh and back is worth it or not?*


Oh and congratsumaltions.
Haha no it isn't, it takes about 3 and a half hours.

24-10-2007, 15:11
If you only get 10% I agree. 15% and I'm there. ;D

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
24-10-2007, 15:25
nice one Paula, only thing I'd say is do they have screens? My mum used to work for Threashers with the screens she said was fine, but branches without them at night were a bit dodgy.

I'm sure you'll be fine, just be careful :D

24-10-2007, 15:27
Nope no screen, fortunately i live in the worlds most boring area. To be honest GAP is getting much more bearable so i don't know what i'm going to do. Might keep up both until Christmas.