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26-10-2007, 21:19
Just spent half an hour reading this story/blog after someone posted a link to it on OcUK.

Unfortunately the proceeding posts ruin what it's about. :(

Luckily I didn't read them until after I'd read the story. \o/

It starts out a little slow but becomes more and more compelling as you read on. I won't spoil it by saying any more, but it's superb. :)


26-10-2007, 22:28
A very enjoyable read, thank you.

26-10-2007, 22:32
Just spent the last hour reading it !! My heart is thumping and I feel really anxious !!

Is the last page number 10 ?? I want to know what happened argh !!

/goes to read ocuk

26-10-2007, 23:27
This is really difficult to read, I hate light text on a dark background and the larger font just makes it uncomfortable for me.

I'm persevering though.

26-10-2007, 23:50

I didn't even click and knew it was bollocks :p

27-10-2007, 00:04

I didn't even click and knew it was bollocks :p
It was better than some mainstream books. :D

27-10-2007, 00:06
It was better than some mainstream books. :D

Jack and Jill went up the hill....?


27-10-2007, 01:41
Bad Lovecraft wannabe.

27-10-2007, 02:19
This is really difficult to read, I hate light text on a dark background and the larger font just makes it uncomfortable for me.

I'm persevering though.

Is there an Author mode in firefox, i just click a button and i can apply my own premade default CSS file to any webpage, or that of about 10 different presets or just remove styling (including HTML attributes) all together...

27-10-2007, 06:28

I didn't even click and knew it was bollocks :p

It's not bollocks... it had me gripped for nearly an hour!

27-10-2007, 08:23
Is there an Author mode in firefox, i just click a button and i can apply my own premade default CSS file to any webpage, or that of about 10 different presets or just remove styling (including HTML attributes) all together...

I don't know :(

Probably. But I've never used it and don't know where it is.

27-10-2007, 10:43
Jack and Jill went up the hill....?

Hungry caterpillar actually....

27-10-2007, 10:58
If you've got Web Developer Toolbar installed I know you can disable CSS on web pages.

28-10-2007, 09:36
And now for a slice of the true story.. ;)


28-10-2007, 11:10
i hope you posted that on OCUK too Paul.

I think we should find Ted and kick his bony ass. I hate plagarists :angry:

28-10-2007, 11:18
RAAAAHHHHHHH. I'll get all chuck norris on you fay ;)

28-10-2007, 14:23
I knew it was copied from a short story when I posted it, but I wouldn't have enjoyed it half as much when I read it if it wasn't in the weblog format it was changed to. The fact that it starts out so unsuspectingly (with a lot of extraneous detail), and slowly becomes more novelistic means it draws you in and you have no reason to believe it isn't true. At the point in the story where he cracks his head on the cave and Joe goes off on his own I actually thought 'that would be just typical if this was some sort of horror story'. If it weren't for the realistic buildup I probably would have called it there and then as fictional.

I still wish I'd watched the Blair Witch Project before it was announced that it was just a movie and not amateur footage for similar reasons.

29-10-2007, 00:33
I enjoyed that. Spinning it out like that in the blog format worked very well, although the end was a bit cliched.

I went to a Halloween midnight showing of Blair Witch before going camping out on Dartmoor with some other members of the Uni paper. That was a funny night. The resident black cat on the campsite scared the crap out of our features ed when it jumped up onto a wall next to his head.:evil:

Dr. Z
29-10-2007, 02:32
I have read that story many a time - found it a few years ago when I was really into UE stuff. The story might be made up, but I have squeezed through some small gaps and although I am not claustrophobic, I now cant go anywhere near a small squeeze without thinking of the terror of hupmans cave - particularly when he is trying to get through the gap at the end terrified - and I just get the willies!

IMO, kidofspeed is a far worse "internet ripoff" (the girl who claimed to take her bike through the chernobyl deadzone which turned out to be complete BS).

29-10-2007, 02:57
Plagiarism < internet rip off

29-10-2007, 08:34
I haven't read this yet... but have clicked on it this morning and am scared it's one of those "watch/read this for a while... then-something-scarey-will-pop-out-at-you-and-make-pheebs-poop-herself"

So... I'm going to wait until this evening and when Pickys home and read it over his shoulder :D

29-10-2007, 09:09
IMO, kidofspeed is a far worse "internet ripoff" (the girl who claimed to take her bike through the chernobyl deadzone which turned out to be complete BS).

I didn't realise that was the case :(

29-10-2007, 11:18
I have read it all and don't really understand it.

Monday morning it is then! ha ha

BB x

01-11-2007, 16:35
This is really difficult to read, I hate light text on a dark background and the larger font just makes it uncomfortable for me.

agreed. it burns my eyes.