View Full Version : Quick Seasick Steve gig review...

30-10-2007, 01:10

That is all...

Actually - maybe not - video to follow hopefully. ;)


30-10-2007, 14:11
I really hope to go see him someday. An awesome performer from what I've seen of him on TV and youtube so far.

30-10-2007, 20:41
Astoria in London in January - last UK show for a while apparently.

Yesterday and today were fully sold out weeks ago - I'm expecting the Astoria to follow shortly.

He is a fantastic performer as well as a superb storyteller. His 3 stringed trance wonder is a battered piece of **** - but what he gets out of it is incredible.

When you see the energy he puts into a show you just can't believe that he's 67.

Video is being re-encoded from nasty quicktime to something half decent...


01-01-2008, 03:57
Saw him tonight on Jools and thought he was absolutely fantastic! Gonna find some more of his stuff to have an earwig to.

01-01-2008, 17:53
I saw him on Jools too, really liked his stuff :)

01-01-2008, 21:45
He was in good form on Jools.

Off to see him at the Astoria on the 24th. Last UK show for a while from what I gather. Back off to the US to do a few shows there.

Good luck to him I say.

14-01-2008, 13:29
We went to see him at the Carling Academy (used to be the Zodiac) in Oxford last year. He was great. :cool:

Snuggle Ferret
15-01-2008, 15:06
Bought his album .. Cat's pyjamas :D