View Full Version : I wonder if anyone's stupid enough...

01-11-2007, 13:35
...to believe this e-mail (which I just received).

Dear, customer

New bug in Windows Kernel was found. It makes your computer vulnerable.
We strongly recommend you to install this Critical Update (in attacment).

Best Regards,
Microsoft Window Update.

says the report, better off own thing," Spontaneous, "I hope it will have some effect," beneficial but should not be viewed Numerous studies healthy, development the report says. the report says. a new academy unstructured play playtime can create on the floor with

Comes complete with an 'update.zip' file :D

01-11-2007, 13:44
I just installed it - It's made windoze a lot fasterer and it's now running at 67ghz and it's making coffee.

01-11-2007, 14:17
Really? Send it to me so I can install it then. I've been needing more CPU power ever since I gained all that wealth from a Nigerian Prince. I got more cash than I expected when he went into excile, and my accounts database is struggling.

01-11-2007, 14:39
Was that before or after the 'highly sensitive' procedure that you had to go in for?


BB x

01-11-2007, 15:39
After. The only reason I could afford that 'adjustment' was because of some shares tips I got.

I love these sorts of e-mails. Back on-topic, there was that US store that lost $10m because of a scam e-mail, so I'm guessing there are lots of people who fall for it.

01-11-2007, 15:41
I just got attaced by the attacment! Noooooes!

01-11-2007, 16:41
I will stick to my cheap Viagra spam TYVM.

01-11-2007, 17:14
I just installed it - It's made windoze a lot fasterer and it's now running at 67ghz and it's making coffee.


01-11-2007, 19:00
It didn't work on my Ubuntu box at work. Thats blatant discrimination by Microsoft.

01-11-2007, 19:02
is it for Xp or vista? Love to make my vista run faster!!!

01-11-2007, 19:23
I installed the patch a few hours ago and shortly afterwards, my modem made some strange noises. I'm getting some great free pr0n coming in right now and I haven't noticed any downsides so it's all good.

01-11-2007, 19:45
Never mind the update. I want the spontaneous healthy benefits. Or does the update induce those too?

01-11-2007, 20:14
I installed the patch a few hours ago and shortly afterwards, my modem made some strange noises. I'm getting some great free pr0n coming in right now and I haven't noticed any downsides so it's all good.

Yeah, that www.sneakydiallerpr0n4free.lol is really good - even better since it doesn't cost a penny - all I had to do was give them my credit card details and my pin number to prove I was over 18 and off I go :D

02-11-2007, 00:11
^^^ Website's down. :(

02-11-2007, 00:59
what have I done!!??

02-11-2007, 03:14
what have I done!!??
Broken my internets.

02-11-2007, 07:48
Broken my internets.

Lies TBQFH :p