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View Full Version : What would you choose and why?

01-11-2007, 22:42
As I have mentioned to some of you, we get incentive points at work which can be cashed in.

I currently have 15,000 points which means I can claim a pretty decent "prize"

There are loads of things on the list that I can choose and quite fancy, I've narrowed it down to a shortlist:





Initially it was no contest, I wanted a Wii and that was it. Then they modified the list and added the XBox which made me doubt my choice. I have a feeling the Wii could be a bit of a gimmick after a while. But then I don't spend much time on serious gaming either to be honest and probably wouldn't get my "moneys worth" out of the 360.

The Camcorder is interesting because I don't own one, though apart from filming Kates boobs and filming me arsing around in the car I don't know what I'd use that for either. Is it a decent one? A crap one? Not up on camcorders at all!

The Tom Tom would probably be the sensible option as it's a handy tool to have and neither of us have one. How future proof are they? Do they do Europe? Is the Tom Tom 1 updatable?


01-11-2007, 22:46
I'd go for the wii or the tom tom. The wii because they are awesome fun but you will end up buying lots of games. The tom tom as you say is useful, and i think updatable.

01-11-2007, 22:48
Wii all the way.

Muchos fun, brilliant for when you have mates round or just arsing about on your own.

It doesn't get old at all, had ours for nearly a year now and still have so much fun on it.

TT would probably be sensible but maaaan...... a Wiii !!!!!!!!

01-11-2007, 22:59
I'd say wii even though I haven't even played on 1 :o

From all I've heard you'd love it and as Piggy says play on it with friends, but also if for somereason you don't like it / get sick of it you'll be able to sell it for a decent amount of money :)

01-11-2007, 23:04
Mmmmm, tough one. Wii is good for a laugh when you have people over but if you don't game much, I think it will not get much use. 360 would be good as it's more the type of thing you will play on your own. Depends on how you game I guess. Added bonus is that you're close to a major gamer so you can borrow games :D

Vidcam would be cool for some homemade porn. You could always stick it on an ftp and share it if you wanted...for the good of the community and all that.

But my choice would be TomTom. Any remotely long journey and I use ours (mainly on my phone). Even on the trips down to Swansea it's used. I don't need it but it's just nice to get arrival times and distances. Any meet we go to, there's no need to plan. Just pop in the address and away you go.

Yep, TomTom would be my first choice. You can buy updated maps direct from the TomTom site. Not sure on current prices.

01-11-2007, 23:18
Don't you guys think I should get to choose, in return for being his long-suffering girlfriend who cooks for and cleans up after the lazy oik? ;)

01-11-2007, 23:19
Tom Tom!

I have needed one three times so far this year and I don't even have a car.

BB x

01-11-2007, 23:26

Forget the Xbox, it's a Core system so you'd need to spend cash to make it useful.

You can read maps and get around, the Tom Tom would gather dust, as would the video camera.

Just leaves the Wii, and there's a shortage of them.



01-11-2007, 23:26
I am now finding Tom Tom invaluable and it's only on my mobile! Tom tom is a useful gadget. I'm not really into consoles so I'd only get the xbox to sell really. The Wii is fun but you might get bored with it? It's good for groups and so on, but for you two I doubt you'd be that bothered about it.

I think the vid camera could be quite useful and fun though. It would be a toss up between TomTom and the vid camera.

01-11-2007, 23:48
Tom Tom is the sensible choice, Wii the impulse buy.

It would have been more difficult if it were the better Xbox packages, but as Feek says, you'll need to buy a few accessories to make the Core useful.

As for the camcorder, I have one and the first few holidays I went on after I got it I used it a lot, but then the video feature on digital cameras wasn't up to much Now it is I find I use that and very rarely use the camcorder (haven't actually used it for 2-3 years now).

02-11-2007, 01:08
I'd say Wii.

My reasons?

Having been in a car with Leon he always knows where he's going, so no need for the TomTom.

No need for a camcorder thingummy, he has Kate all the time...

Leon's not competative, so no need for the achievement wotsit on the xbox...

All in all, the Wii will be muchos fun for everyone :)

02-11-2007, 01:23
Poll tbh :p

Dr. Z
02-11-2007, 01:45
TBH, Wii's are pretty fantastic as a party piece or something to use when you have mates around or to take to a mates house - but pretty much all my RL gaming mates have sold theirs and bought a PS3/360 or games for either. I'm not saying the Wii is rubbish, because it really isnt but IMO it has extremely limited replay value and isnt something I would ever play "regularly". In actual fact, I would rather go out and buy a gamecube!

The 360 isnt worth a dime as a core system, so on that basis I would pass that over.

The video camera could be a hoot filming car antics, trips out etc etc but like most things of that ilk, I can see it getting left somewhere gathering dust.

TomTom One is absolutely great at getting you places you dont know, but if you are handy with maps and directions in general you probably wont find much use for it. I would have that over all the others because of the speed camera database alone (and the fact that I *hate* getting lost).

If you really don't want any of those, can you not keep the points until you hit the next level? What do you have to aim for there?

02-11-2007, 03:12

That is all.


02-11-2007, 05:12
Tom Tom without a doubt if you don't own one, i've still got an original TomTom GO, thats been updated through the ages, with speed camera POI's. Definately future proof and so very handy for loads of things :)

02-11-2007, 07:06
If you really don't want any of those, can you not keep the points until you hit the next level? What do you have to aim for there?
The stuff you get for the next level/s isn't as good as this to be honest. It's like European flights, various activities and a few more expensive things that I don't think he's really interested in.

However, if he takes a gift now and then continues to have zero sick days until the end of the year, he'll get a tonne of bonus points which will bump him up to this level, so he'll probably be able to claim another gift. The gifts options do change though, and the Wii has only just come back on the list.

Personally, I would go for either the Tom Tom or the Wii. The Wii would just be great fun, and since he's not actually paying out any money for it, it wouldn't matter if we didn't use it every day. It's just something fun to have, which we'd not normally be able to afford. The Tom Tom is a more practical choice and whilst I have no problems with navigating, it'd mean that I could sleep on long journeys rather than navigating... which would be great :D It'd also help when I'm visiting my suppliers, because it's hard reading a map when you're driving and I really don't trust the people I'm with to keep track of where we're going.

02-11-2007, 08:21
If I were to get the Wii I'd sell it (but that's because I'm not bothered about consoles :)) A bit of free cash doesn't go astray!

02-11-2007, 08:24

The amount of times I've always wished to have a camcorder on me is just beyond! The other ones are gaming toyie thingy-ma-bobs and well... you can play on other things (ie kates boobs)! Camcorders capture the moment, are great for pranking, are great for home vids (;)) and and and take them on holiday, make dance videos, make someone filum your wedding with it (ammateur wedding videos for the win) annnnnnnnnd most importantly...


WHICH! WHICH, I tell you, means you can afford to purchase one of the toy-ie things!

See. Genius.

Buy the camcorder! ;D

/me chants "Camcorder ftw camcorder ftw!" ;D

02-11-2007, 08:27
aaaaaaand the probability of you getting material for You've been Framed is extremely high when attending meets and the like!

Think how many £250 you can win!

Omg. I so want a video camera.

02-11-2007, 09:03
Wii. Still.

02-11-2007, 10:01
SONY DCR-TRV255E DIGITAL CAMCORDER - how often would you use this? We have 1 and used it when we got it but it's not seen much use in the last 4 years.

TOM TOM ONE - we use ours all over the country and it's been great. It can be updated very easily and freely to contain all maps ;) ours has CA and the UK but you can get the lot it's all dependent on the size of the memory card.

NINTENDO Wii - haven't got one yet, should in a few weeks. Great for when you have mates round but not really something you'd devote much single player time to as there aren't that many games out.

XBOX 360 - CORE SYSTEM - not great as you have no HD but it could be a starting point. I use mine all the time and Kitten plays on it too.

So TomTom would be the practical choice but you can do that with a phone and a GPS receiver. The Wii would be good but might not see much use and the 360 requires some moolah spent on it to get it up to main use so really I'm not too sure what to suggest sorry :confused:

02-11-2007, 10:42
Don't bother with the Tom Tom, if you have a PDA, I may be able to source you a copy of Tom Tom for that. I'd say spend a smidgen extra and get a 360 premium, there's a lot of deals out there for them now in the run up to christmas.

Del Lardo
02-11-2007, 10:50
Being in the rather fortionate position to own all 4 devices the only one that I couldn't be without is my TomTom.

02-11-2007, 11:09
I use mine all the time and Kitten plays on it too.

No comment necessary.;D

02-11-2007, 13:40
I figure you're a bit like me in that you'll pre-plan trips and use maps and stubbornly declare that tomtoms are for people with no sense of direction. Mine was something of an impulse buy bought mostly for vix's benefit as she doesn't have the confidence to navigate that I do, however now that I've got one I wouldn't be without it and use it for any trip of a decent length as it's so damned convenient.

Basically if you feel you'll get good usage out of a tomtom then get one otherwise go for the wii and sell it for an obscene price to some desperate parent who will pay any amount of money to ensure their spoilt little brat is happy for 10 minutes on xmas day. ;)

02-11-2007, 14:07
Yeah, I'm really not impressed by the £50+ mark-ups being charged online by shops. I guess that's business though - if there's that much demand and very little availability then someone will source supplies from somewhere and fill the gap.

02-11-2007, 14:30
I'd personally get the Wii out of the lot of them. If it were a Premium Xbox 360 I'd suggest that in a heartbeat, btu as it's only the Core you'd have to spend a fair bit of money to make it decent (which kinda defeats the point of the free gift). By getting the Wii you're getting something that can be great fun for you and whoever comes around, and if you decide you don't like it you could easily sell it for full price and use that mnoey to buy a TomTom.

02-11-2007, 14:42
but as it's only the Core you'd have to spend a fair bit of money to make it decent
Do you? I mean really? The only essential thing is a memory card IMO. At least for the occasional gamer. Yes, it's nice to have hi-def, wireless this and that but it's not necessary.

02-11-2007, 14:48
The only thing to think of regarding the Wii is the fact it might just be the Wii on it's own not a Wii Sports pack.

02-11-2007, 15:19
And you'd need to buy a second controller and nunchuck at around £40 all in.

TomTom seems to be of most use and also comes without extra expense.

02-11-2007, 15:33
The only thing to think of regarding the Wii is the fact it might just be the Wii on it's own not a Wii Sports pack.

I didn't think there was any kind of Wii pack without Sports, it's integral.

02-11-2007, 15:38
I'm due to get one with a new phone contract and asked if it was a wii bundle and they said no it's not a bundle :confused: so not sure what we're getting.

02-11-2007, 15:48
Do you? I mean really? The only essential thing is a memory card IMO. At least for the occasional gamer. Yes, it's nice to have hi-def, wireless this and that but it's not necessary.
I'm thinking of the HDD mainly. For me I couldn't have the 360 without it, the ability to download demos and videos is absolutely crucial to me.

02-11-2007, 15:52
I didn't think there was any kind of Wii pack without Sports, it's integral.

Hmmm seems the store now say it will come with sports :huh: I don't know what I'm getting :'(

02-11-2007, 16:31
I don't know of a Wii that doesn't come with Sports. :)

02-11-2007, 16:52
Hmmm seems the store now say it will come with sports :huh: I don't know what I'm getting :'(
Wii's always come with Sports, some shops just choose to advertise it "with" Sports so they'll seem better than the competition :)

02-11-2007, 17:10
You're all nerds!

All of you!

Get the camcorder!!

02-11-2007, 17:10
Wii's always come with Sports, some shops just choose to advertise it "with" Sports so they'll seem better than the competition :)

phew :D

You're all nerds!

All of you!

Get the camcorder!!

you only say that because you're a dirty girl and you'd go around filming boobies all the time ;)

can I join on

02-11-2007, 17:20
you only say that because you're a dirty girl and you'd go around filming boobies all the time ;)

can I join on

Boobies + intermittent £250's from you've been framed = winn0r!!

(and yus you can join in!) ;D

02-11-2007, 17:31

The amount of times I've always wished to have a camcorder on me is just beyond! The other ones are gaming toyie thingy-ma-bobs and well... you can play on other things (ie kates boobs)! Camcorders capture the moment, are great for pranking, are great for home vids (;)) and and and take them on holiday, make dance videos, make someone filum your wedding with it (ammateur wedding videos for the win) annnnnnnnnd most importantly...


WHICH! WHICH, I tell you, means you can afford to purchase one of the toy-ie things!

See. Genius.

Buy the camcorder! ;D

/me chants "Camcorder ftw camcorder ftw!" ;D

aaaaaaand the probability of you getting material for You've been Framed is extremely high when attending meets and the like!

Think how many £250 you can win!

Omg. I so want a video camera.

Have to admit she makes a compelling arguement! ;D

Admiral Huddy
02-11-2007, 17:44
Wii for sure :) i love a good wii

02-11-2007, 18:40
He has made his choice and placed the order!

02-11-2007, 18:47
Well, what won? :p

02-11-2007, 18:47
He'll have a mard if I tell you, so I'll let him say :)

02-11-2007, 18:49
I'm in suspenders here !!

02-11-2007, 18:50
I'm in suspenders here !!

Bet Jamie wants to get his hands on that camcorder now ;D;D;D

02-11-2007, 19:10
Order placed.

I have 15,000 points. This gift will use up 10,000 of them.
If I stay on course and don't take any sick days until after Christmas I will get a further 10,000 point bonus. So, I will be able to choose 2 things (the ones at the higher levels aren't really my cup of tea)

For the first one I have chosen

The TomTomOne.

I think it's the one we'll get the most use out of. I enquired about the model and asked if I could get the Europe one in budget and they said yes.

Sorted, thanks very much for all your posts - I will have to re-evaluate when it comes to my next choice but it'll probably be the Wii.

02-11-2007, 19:11
I'd have got the one which would make the most profit selling.

Edit: I think you made the right choice :)

02-11-2007, 19:13
Sensible choice Leon.. the Wii is muchos fun but you'll get more use out of the TT :)

Will, why should he sell it to make money ? It's a nice gift he could chose from work so it would be nice to be able to keep something and be proud of it.

02-11-2007, 19:18
I was saying what he should do, I was saying what I'd do, hence the use of the word "I" ;) I wouldn't have a need for any of them and since he had already made his choice I was just putting my idea out there. I never say no to free money! Besides money's a bit tight for them so it was just another option - but I tend to look out of the box at most things, don't worry about it :)

02-11-2007, 19:19
In retrospect you should have gone for the camcorder - to repay the porno shots (you know what I mean ;)). :p

02-11-2007, 19:19
I could see the point in getting something to sell if there was nothing there he really wanted. We don't have much spare cash at the moment though and he's not bought himself anything "expensive" in ages, so it's quite nice to get something that he wouldn't normally be able to afford to spend cash on. Wise decision IMO. I'm a good, confident navigator, but this means I can now sleep on car journeys. HURRAH! ;)

02-11-2007, 19:20
Sleep?! With the way he drives? ;) :p

Yeah it's nice to treat yourselves from time to time, especially when money's tight and suddenly able to achieve it. :)

02-11-2007, 19:28

Can I borrow it? :p

Hee hee.... good choice ****face! ;)

BB x

02-11-2007, 19:41
In retrospect you should have gone for the camcorder - to repay the porno shots (you know what I mean ;)). :p

BD Buck ache?

02-11-2007, 19:42

02-11-2007, 19:46
I would have suggested the TomTom fwiw :)

If you get another pick, ask to clarify what 360 it is. The Core is being phased out in favour of the Arcade, which is actually usable out of the box (wireless controller and memory card) and comes with some little arcade games.

We dont use the Wii, haven't for ages. It lacks games, though that will change next year now third party developers have actually seen it sell. Plus there'll be a star wars game, and tbh, the Wiimote was made to be a light sabre.

02-11-2007, 20:35
the Wiimote was made to be a light sabre.
You're not wrong there. I believe the accelerometers have already been adequately abused to prove that point (especially if you have a Mac too). ;D

04-11-2007, 13:37
One Vision Reward Claim (CS)‏
From: TNT Reward Claims
Sent: 02 November 2007 11:23:24
To: leonlane2000

Hello Leon Lane

Please find to follow confirmation of your recent claim.

Tom Tom 1 Europe - 10,000

Once we have confirmed that you have sufficient points to claim the prize, this will then be ordered and dispatched as soon as possible.

Thank you.

Pat Greig
One Vision Incentive Administrator

Sorted :cool:

04-11-2007, 16:04
definately a good choice :)

04-11-2007, 16:17
I'm a good, confident navigator, but this means I can now sleep on car journeys. HURRAH! ;)

Just noticed this thread. I would advise against Tomtom as I nearly got arrested driving into a one way system :D "Turn right" so I start turning and instantly notice the no entry signs. Annoyingly the cop behind me didn't give me much time. Ok so he had just seen me on my phone at the lights too so he wasn't pleased :D I haven't bought any games for my Wii aside from Zelda. Damn shame and I'm only keeping it for the Star Wars games. The 360 is going to break my credit card soon :) Camcorder is only good for porn ;)

04-11-2007, 16:48
Oops. :shocked:

Of course, I'm sure no-one here needs telling that a Sat Nav should never replace reading the road and signs around you. If you blindly follow them you'll eventually come a cropper. Driving the wrong way down a one way system is a common one, but there's plenty worse. Residents of certain villages regularly have to rescue motorists who blindly follow their Sat Nav systems down impassable roads (which often end in a cliff). Given Lopez's navigation skills, I doubt that's a problem he'll have - and if he does, would the car he's driving* really be worth rescuing anyway? :p ;D

* Assuming it's his own car and not Lostkat's

04-11-2007, 16:51
Hehe true. I did also check the sign which said turn right, but mis-counted the road :D

04-11-2007, 20:15
I must say I disagree with TomTom a lot - but we often come to an amicable conclusion :p

06-11-2007, 02:47
Yeah tomtom is not to be followed but to merely guide you roughly. I often take early exits i think are alightly better for other reasons (but slower acording to lord tomtom) and just let it merrily moan for about half a mile then recalculate. On that note, there should be options for how quick it recalculates, and how often it tries to get you back on an original route or a new recalculated route. I think that would be far better than "mpar share"...

07-11-2007, 11:04
I'd get a 360 because i have wanted one since day one but have never had the spare cash to buy one.
I even worked out how to repair them in the hope i would end up with the bits to build one myself. Then Big balls himself extends the warrantys & scuppered my plans :(
360 all the way mate they are Ace. I've played my brothers & a friends & it really is Instant excellent gaming :cool:

07-11-2007, 11:08
Good to see you back, malc :)

09-11-2007, 19:13
Excellent - it turned up this morning and they've sent me an XL Europe

I wasn't expecting an XL so very happy with it. :)

09-11-2007, 19:38

09-11-2007, 22:13
Brucey Bonus dude :cool: