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View Full Version : Virgin (blueyonder) ISP problems?

Admiral Huddy
06-11-2007, 11:59
Anyone else had any problems over the last week. My connection is either working fine, slow, or sometimes just drops.

I have to switch everything off to get the internet up and running again.. Thought I'd ask before I call New Delhi.

06-11-2007, 12:52
You shouldn't get through to New Delhi in my experience, usually UK based folk :)
Yeah we've been getting crap performance, but thats nowt new.

06-11-2007, 15:04
Ours over here is fine. It may also be dependent on what part of the virgin network your on. Ie is it the telewest cabled area, NTL, or another one i can't remember the name of. Because even though were all under the virign name, people are still very much on different networks, so some may work while yours isnt...

Admiral Huddy
06-11-2007, 16:46
Blueyonder. Their customer support used to be pretty good but Virgin is ****e.

Is there anything I can check that it's not my end? I 'm going to have to call their support center at 25p a minute.

06-11-2007, 18:20
Blueyonder. Their customer support used to be pretty good but Virgin is ****e.

Is there anything I can check that it's not my end? I 'm going to have to call their support center at 25p a minute.

Now funny that you should mention this, as my mum has been moaning that the connection has gone down the pan recently. All she does is browse web pages, so nothing taxing at all. I had dismissed it as random network issues, but I may have a more thorough investigation.

What about posting on their newsgroups? The techy people browse on there so you are more likely to get a realistic answer

06-11-2007, 23:54
Funny you should say that, Virgin Tech support and engineers are EXACTLY the same as they used to be, just with different names. All virgin actually did was change the name, and make the engineers work a little harder. Ie they have to complete more calls out a day that they used to, but the people and systems themselves remain unchanged...

07-11-2007, 00:07
Funny you should say that, Virgin Tech support and engineers are EXACTLY the same as they used to be, just with different names. All virgin actually did was change the name, and make the engineers work a little harder. Ie they have to complete more calls out a day that they used to, but the people and systems themselves remain unchanged...

Funny you should say that...

Considering I'm in an NTL (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?p=162200#post162200) area :(

07-11-2007, 03:07
Yeah thats why its ****e mate unfortunately :( It may be called Virgin but its still the same sucky NTL backbone, where as the blueyonder stuff is still fit to go...

Admiral Huddy
07-11-2007, 12:54
Still sucks that you have to pay to find out there is fault. Telewest where pretty good for the tech support and it was a free line.

Do you have a link for the tech forum/newsgroup?

Seemed to be ok last night, downloaded loads of stuff last night withoiut a hitch.

07-11-2007, 14:23
My connection is consistant but drops from pretty much spot on 20Mb down to a quarter of that or less at a peak time. :(

Normally I can get a full DVD ISO down in under 40 minutes :)


07-11-2007, 14:25
Is there anything I can check that it's not my end? I 'm going to have to call their support center at 25p a minute.

Do what everyone else does, call 'em from work!

Admiral Huddy
07-11-2007, 14:44
Do what everyone else does, call 'em from work!

the number is barred - bastards :D

btw.. your power adaptors worked :D I'll arrange to get them back to you as soon as I can :)

My connection is consistant but drops from pretty much spot on 20Mb down to a quarter of that or less at a peak time. :(

Normally I can get a full DVD ISO down in under 40 minutes :)


his was dropping completely..

I'll see how it goes, if it carries on, I'll take out the router thereby eliminating that.. then I'll call them if it continues.

07-11-2007, 14:52
Yeah actually you're right that does suck they changed the billing, its free for TV and phone help (or at least an 0870 number i can trace to geographical which is free on our talk unlimited). But the BB helpline is now 090 which is robbing. Thank christ i've not needed to phone them.

One trick though Huddy phone them, complain about the price and its not you're fault, 9 times out of 10 they'll say they can ring you back there and then :) I think thats the way they get around vague laws for charging excessive amounts. I was asked that when phoning the telephone helpine thing cause our phone broke and i mentioned i was on a mobile.

The newsgroups are hidden somewhere on their website i'll find those in a bit, i'd say email but i think you can be fobbed off pretty easyily via email as opposed to the phone...

//Edit: Tada list of newsgroups (http://www.virginmedia.com/customers/newsgroups/listings.php), plug that into your favourite reader, or google groups will probably do it too :)