View Full Version : Bitmaps/PSP to Vector

10-11-2007, 16:50
Does anyone know how I can convert a jpeg/bitmap/psp drawing to a vector drawing? (in fireworks?)

(as in take a design from Photoshop CS3 and plonk it in Fireworks and convert it to a vector image?)

Fankoo!! xxx

10-11-2007, 20:31
Hhmm, could be tricky. Not sure if you can do it in Fireworks as I don't use it but it can be done with Adobe Illustrator. It's not 100% perfect and can need a little fiddling with to get it finished off right (IMO, but then I do set myself high standards at work) If you want to email an image over to me I can give it a whirl at work on Monday and show what can be done. If it's fine then I can show you how it's done :)

Basically, vector images are nothing like a normal picture and it's not a simple case of converting one to the other.

11-11-2007, 15:25
I had a play most of yesterday afternoon and figured I can make a better quality image by just redrawing! I got fed up of fireworks and its finicky bits!

Thank you desmo for the offer though! :)