View Full Version : Fonts...

11-11-2007, 15:36
Hello! Again!

I'm asking for lots of help at the moment aren't I! And do you know why that is?! Because I'm a div ;D

Three Queries really...

1) Can I create my own font?

2) If so how so?! :)

3) If I do create my own font and plonk it on my website, will people have to download the font to read it?

Just been looking at the likes of Edward Monkton (http://www.edwardmonkton.com/) and Bang on the Door (http://www.bangonthedoor.co.uk/toys) and I really like the fact they have their own font style. In comparison to Juicy Lucy (http://www.juicylucydesigns.co.uk/richtext.asp?page_id=1) they're superb. Juicy Lucy just looks... a bit of a mess really with different writing/fonts.

This is obviously for my webby :) Any help would be muchos appreciatedos! :D

*wubbles* xx

11-11-2007, 18:41
I think it would be pretty hard to make your own font. For bigger text you could get away with jpegs... but smaller stuff you would have to have yourself.

However, if its too swirly and small, it might make for the page to be harder to read :( which might put people off.

I know some sites use font groupings so that each person's computer will find the closest font that they have.

May be another one for Jamie :)

BB x

11-11-2007, 19:20
Yes you can make your own fonts (I demand that if you do it be called Pheebles)

I'm not sure what software package will do it I'm afraid

Yes people would have to download it, which is why all funky fonts on websites are images :)

Erm, I think thats about as to the point as a reply gets :p

11-11-2007, 19:57

This is a pretty nifty program. You print out a grid and draw all your characters onto that, then scan it in and it creates a font from it

11-11-2007, 20:42
I think you'll be suprised at how hard it is to make decent looking fonts that scale well and are easy to read. Your best off sticking with tried and tested fonts users are used to i would imagine, or as you should do, font grouping. The only way to have your personal font on your webpage would be to as mentioned use images and/or make the user download and install the font (never going to happen). Or use flash, and i beg you not to use flash :p.