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22-12-2007, 18:00
Vent I.P ->
Vent Port - > 4687
Yep, put that in the favorites and the browser shows question marks next to it and doesn't resolve the name and if I try to connect it just times out.

23-12-2007, 00:09
Yep, put that in the favorites and the browser shows question marks next to it and doesn't resolve the name and if I try to connect it just times out.

Ok have you got Vent v3? (you'll need a mic to talk on vent) if not you can download it from http://www.ventrilo.com/dlprod.php?id=1

24-12-2007, 03:23

The penny drops - Ventrilo is a chat system! Didn't recognise the name but now it does ring a vauge bell. I thought it was a server and I was plugging it into COD4's favourites - doh! Thought the port looked a bit unusual :)

24-12-2007, 08:55

The penny drops - Ventrilo is a chat system! Didn't recognise the name but now it does ring a vauge bell. I thought it was a server and I was plugging it into COD4's favourites - doh! Thought the port looked a bit unusual :)

LOL problem solved, sorry I didn't make it clear...

25-12-2007, 12:10
I HAZ COD4 \o/

25-12-2007, 12:22
I HAZ COD4 \o/

get in!!!! Thursday then?

25-12-2007, 12:24
Oh yes :D I'll have to kick the parentals out and get some practice in.

25-12-2007, 13:45
Yay :D
Can't remember what's happening Thursday but if I'm not out, I'm up for it :)

26-12-2007, 21:13
If I'm home I'll be there! :D

27-12-2007, 11:31
w00t, level 55 \o/

27-12-2007, 11:38
Had my best round so far last night with a killstreak of 16, should have been more but just as i got the chopper the round ended. Am slowly getting used to the aiming but it's still not there yet.
The Ak with red dot scope is my favourite weapon with deep impact add on. HQ is still my fave gametype even though most that play it are high rankers. It really is tough going for me every round with me having to proper concentrate. It's cool it adds some tension to my gaming & makes me try harder, I like it.

27-12-2007, 13:02
Do you still need a 7 kill streak for the chopper on the 360? (And 3 for UAV, 5 for air strike).

Got the P90 at level 40 and tbh, I've not looked back. It's an awesome weapon which just sprays bullets into the enemy and kills them dead in a split second. I have two classes created with the P90, one with the ACOG scope on it and one with the silencer. Quite like the gold plated Desert Eagle you get at level 55 too, very bling! :)

27-12-2007, 13:26
I'm sure I've seen some of the PC players from BD on there... I was playing last night - REALLY getting into this, it's fantastic fun! I've only made it up to corpral so far, but unlocked a few perks so far and a few challenges - the shotgun one is the toughest as I'm more a of a long range kinda guy, so I'll have to try very hard with the shotgun challenges, and just keep doing it. Longest streak so far is 5, but it's a matter of practice.

God I can see me wasting a lot of time on this!

27-12-2007, 15:31
Do you still need a 7 kill streak for the chopper on the 360? (And 3 for UAV, 5 for air strike).

Yup, it's the same :)

27-12-2007, 17:28
so what time peeps? :D

27-12-2007, 17:29
I'm not about tonight :(

27-12-2007, 17:29
:D I'll need 30 mins notice to clear the room. Prep the coke, find the pringles. Aw unlucky Haly :(

27-12-2007, 17:40
Any PC players on tonight?

27-12-2007, 21:30
Pickys online now if anyone wants to play with him. ;)

27-12-2007, 21:31
i'll come online, give me 5 :)

27-12-2007, 22:46
*BANG BANG BANG* *FapfapfapfapfapfapfAP* *BANG BANG BANG* Pbtpbtpbtpbtpbpbt* *BLAAAAAAAAAAAM* *PIIIIIIiaaWYooW PiiIAAYOW* *RrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRNaaoooooo ooooooowww... BOOOM* *bleep... bleep... bleep... bleep... bleep* *boow wooow... chikka chikka waooow waaaooow waoow wOOOT*

I love watching this game :D

27-12-2007, 23:14
lol Pheebs :D That was awesome fun. Really so much more fun than the beta. Enjoyed leveling up, getting new toys and going on a killing spree to get power ups. Makes it really annoying when you die.

28-12-2007, 01:11
i gots this today... need to redo my gold subscription though which isn't getting done tonight at all.

28-12-2007, 01:16
Great fun tonight as usual. Was absolutely gutted when I went on a 19 kill streak only for there to be connection problems and the room to close before I could get my 20th kill. I would love to have seen my stats for that game, they would have looked immense :D

28-12-2007, 09:10
yeah - twas very cool guys! thanks for answering a few of my n00besque questions too! :D

28-12-2007, 17:02
360'less here :(

28-12-2007, 18:46
Excellent last night though I'm still dying far too easily :(

Had another crack this morning and think I might have found my favoured weapon. I'm really enjoying the M16 as it was one of the only ones I've never touched since I hated it in the beta.

My current choice is M16 RDS, claymore, stopping power and either martyr/deep impact.

28-12-2007, 19:22
The M16 has always been one of my favourite weapons, it's accurate and has good stopping power, which is pretty much all you need in a good weapon :)

28-12-2007, 19:40
I did find with stopping power that I can take people down with 1.... well 3 rounds ;D

Richard Slater
28-12-2007, 20:19
Bought this today after spending Christmas playing on the PS, having huge problems with PunkBuster though I get kicked after a few minutes of play after getting several "PB Client in distress" messages, with a message that is different each time sometimes often to the general effect of could not connect to something.

I have updated PunkBuster to the latest using pbsetup.exe from the PunkBuster website, PnkBstrA is running and is happy to restart. COD4 is updated to 1.4, running on Vista 64.

Is there a way of obtaining the error messages other than writing them down, print screen dosn't seem to work and I can't see any text file logs anywhere obvious.

Any Thoughts?

Might just have fixed it - running as Administrator and it seems to be working now

28-12-2007, 20:53
give us a shout if you still having issues

29-12-2007, 16:53
i think i'm mildly addicted to this now. up at the lofty heights of rank 7.

29-12-2007, 20:55
It will take over your life. Took me over 2 days total playing time to reach rank 55 - you have been warned! :)

29-12-2007, 23:45
Just 2 days?!" :)

30-12-2007, 02:17
2 days as in 48 hours total play time I reckon. Mine is probably around 40 hours or so now and up to level 49 :)

30-12-2007, 12:58
I've played 7hrs and am on level 22 - it gets harder as you go along I guess, it also depends if you do any of the challenges (I'm guessing they are the same on the xbox as they are on the pc?).

It's a shame there are no BD'ers here that play it on the PC :(

The only weapon I'm struggling to achieve any decent kills with is the shotgun. I'm a long distance sniper type of guy, though I like to get close and personal with the sub machine gun, or provide heavy cover with the LMGs - the shotgun though just isn't my style of play, but I have to complete the challenges (it's a me thing...) so my die ratio is going to go up somewhat :(

30-12-2007, 14:00
My only suggestion for the shotgun is to choose it on CQB maps such as vacant :)

Level 49 this morning and I'm really loving the M16 :) the one thing I love about it is I'm not very good with the sniper rifle but with stopping power it enables me to snipe people long range and in close quarters it certainly works well.

30-12-2007, 16:07
The ACOG scope is very good yeah. :)

30-12-2007, 16:38
I've played 7hrs and am on level 22 - it gets harder as you go along I guess, it also depends if you do any of the challenges (I'm guessing they are the same on the xbox as they are on the pc?).

It's a shame there are no BD'ers here that play it on the PC :(

The only weapon I'm struggling to achieve any decent kills with is the shotgun. I'm a long distance sniper type of guy, though I like to get close and personal with the sub machine gun, or provide heavy cover with the LMGs - the shotgun though just isn't my style of play, but I have to complete the challenges (it's a me thing...) so my die ratio is going to go up somewhat :(

I Play COD4 on the PC, I believe Vertigo1 also has it on the PC..... Cobblers (Clan) has the following set-up for public useage, feel free to come on and have a laugh

Ventrilo IP and Port -
++SHAGPAD++ Hardcore // SAB -

30-12-2007, 19:23
Was playing again today and have found an interesting section on the bloc level. If you start at the north end of the map there is a building with a swimming pool in it which would be rather easy to foritfy with claymores and defend.

EDIT: anyone up for some MP tonight?

30-12-2007, 19:25
I've got friends coming round so afraid not.

30-12-2007, 20:03
2 days as in 48 hours total play time I reckon. Mine is probably around 40 hours or so now and up to level 49 :)

Yep - hit level 55 after about 51-52 hours total play time.

Have to say that I've not played it much at all since hitting level 55 as much of the challenge has gone. Must get back into it but have too many games to play right now. Trying to get into World In Conflict and still haven't played as much SC:Forged Alliance as I want to.

Richard Slater
30-12-2007, 20:09
It's a shame there are no BD'ers here that play it on the PC :(

I play on the PC, working through single player while I have the time before I get back to work. Not a huge FPS player since I left PlantSide - 64 players never quite stood up to 3000.

30-12-2007, 20:49
**** it **** it **** it... I had unlocked 4 challenges, had had been promoted and had had a 15 killing spree and it crashed!!! :(

31-12-2007, 00:41
it's not just me that's having issues is it? someone else tell me they're having trouble too please.......

31-12-2007, 00:43
I tried to do some MP before around 10 ish but gave up after 10 minutes of trying to sign in.

So don't worry you aren't the only one

02-01-2008, 18:12
tomorrow as usual?

02-01-2008, 18:13
Oh yeah :D

02-01-2008, 18:19
Not sure yet, but hopefully :)

02-01-2008, 18:42
Will try to.. :D
Had a play last night too. Had one pretty good round. I have created a "sneak" class too, which worked well on city maps. Not so good on the close quarter building ones though.

02-01-2008, 21:44
The sneak class is excellent, people just don't see you coming. Though as you said it doesn't really work well on levels like wet work.

Been watching the videos of glitches and I know understand how people get on the roofs of buildings etc.

Joe 90
02-01-2008, 22:13
the way xbl/CoD are behaving atm is really gettin on my tits... :(

keeps tellin me i need an active network connection.

stupid bloody thing.

for anyone lucky enough to have a trouble free service... http://news.sky.com/skynews/article/0,,91221-1298913,00.html

03-01-2008, 01:11
it's getting overloaded about 8 or 9 at night when most of the americans start to come on. which results in the symptoms you've described amongst a host of others.

hopefully in a week or so it'll be less temperemental.

03-01-2008, 20:36
What time peeps?

03-01-2008, 20:37
I'm out. Hopefully next week :)

03-01-2008, 21:05
Anyone about now? had some tinernet issues which are now fixed.

03-01-2008, 22:49
router reset itself.. better call it a night as the dog is on the verge of waking and will need to go poop and wee! :D

03-01-2008, 23:28
Sorry Rog I just ended up giving up as Live just wouldn't let me connect :(

Let's have a crack over the weekend see if it is any better.

Joe 90
04-01-2008, 15:08

04-01-2008, 15:11

I shouldn't laugh as I may well have done the same but still... LOLOL :D

04-01-2008, 17:41
Hahahaha, quality stuff ;D

04-01-2008, 21:47
Oooof, I reckon that hurt ;D

08-01-2008, 13:53
I think Jamie is back home now so anyone up for some action Thursday night?

08-01-2008, 14:40
Think so :)

08-01-2008, 14:43
If I stop coughing, sure :)

08-01-2008, 14:44
If anyone would like the official guide send me a PM.

08-01-2008, 18:22
much to my disappointment, I won't be able to make it. I Have to meet with 40 odd parents for year 8 parents evening.
pickers here btw

Joe 90
10-01-2008, 01:42

I just finished All Ghillied up on Veteran - i knew it'd be hard but OMFG that was intense.

and then you only get 40 points for all that stress! doesn't seem worth it now.

10-01-2008, 08:30
Anyone around tonight?

10-01-2008, 08:33
Think I should be :)

10-01-2008, 08:34
cool :)

10-01-2008, 11:20
Not me. Sky screwed up our broadband order, so I've had to re-order the whole thing again. So it'll be possibly two weeks before I'm back online with the 360 again :(

10-01-2008, 11:40
no way :( that is ridiculous :( no way you can nip next door for tonight? ;)

10-01-2008, 11:54
Heh, unfortunately not, no TV there any more, and I think Lynne would kill me if I tried taking the flat screen around with me as well :D

10-01-2008, 11:55
I'm hoping to be around tonight.

10-01-2008, 11:58
Heh, unfortunately not, no TV there any more, and I think Lynne would kill me if I tried taking the flat screen around with me as well :D

heh well it was worth a try ;D

10-01-2008, 11:58
Broadband been disconnected next door Davey? Could you hijack the wireless? :)

10-01-2008, 12:07
Good idea Daz ;)

10-01-2008, 12:12
Broadband been disconnected next door Davey? Could you hijack the wireless? :)
Nope, but we're at the very edge of it's range so we get quite slow speeds. Also, without a wireless adapter for the 360 I'd have to use the laptop and share it's connection, which would mean Lynne wouldn't be able to use it to surf, which wouldn't really be fair on her. Not sure if I have a crossover cable around the house either :/

10-01-2008, 12:12
Unlucky Davey :(

I should be about for at least part of tonight :)

10-01-2008, 12:15
Gutted :(

10-01-2008, 12:16
I keep telling myself it's only 2 weeks at the most, hopefully less. I'll just have to crack no with games like Assassin's Creed and The Orange Box which I can play happily offline. Maybe try to get a huge gamerscore increase to catch Jen up when I come back online :D

10-01-2008, 12:21
The Orange box was great for me while I was offline. No TF2 but plenty more to be going on with :)

10-01-2008, 12:28
Maybe try to get a huge gamerscore increase to catch Jen up when I come back online :D

Good luck with that :p

Actually now I've hit 40k, my motivation's waned a bit to reach the next big target. 50k seems so distant :(

10-01-2008, 14:26
My motivation waned about 2 months ago, which is why you're so far ahead now. I've had CSI (a very easy 1k) here from Swapgame for about a month now and it's still unopened :/

10-01-2008, 14:30
I need to find a blockbuster to rent that from. Not so much for the 1k, I've always played the CSI games, they're just not worth the cost they are for what is in the end a very short gaming experience.

10-01-2008, 14:30
AC landed today from swapgame and I'm looking forward to playing that.

10-01-2008, 16:20
CSI can be really quick to complete but I quite enjoyed it :) Did it across one Saturday a while back.
I reckon I'm going to tackle some games with military precision to ensure I get the points easily, I think it's the only way really at the moment.

AC is good but hasn't quite hooked me yet.
Did I derail the thread at all? ;D

10-01-2008, 18:28
Nope, but we're at the very edge of it's range so we get quite slow speeds. Also, without a wireless adapter for the 360 I'd have to use the laptop and share it's connection, which would mean Lynne wouldn't be able to use it to surf, which wouldn't really be fair on her. Not sure if I have a crossover cable around the house either :/
Hmmm, just did a speed test on the laptop, and I now seem to be getting just over 3MB speeds, possibly because I moved the router as far as it would go next door. Is it wrong that I now feel really tempted to go and buy the wireless adapter on Saturday? ;D

10-01-2008, 18:30
Yes because they are stupidly expensive :p go get a wireless access point for half the price then you've got yourself internet for the 360 and any other machine that needs it plus a game for the same price of the wireless adapter :p

What time tonight peeps?

10-01-2008, 18:31
I'm about pretty much any time but I've got to go have something to eat and as it's a decent meal being cooked for me, I have no excuse there :D
Say 8ish?

10-01-2008, 18:35
8ish should be ok for me too.

10-01-2008, 18:37
8 it is then. That ok with you Jamie?

10-01-2008, 18:38
Yes because they are stupidly expensive :p go get a wireless access point for half the price then you've got yourself internet for the 360 and any other machine that needs it plus a game for the same price of the wireless adapter :p

That's actually not a bad idea, and would have other benefits as well. When we get our own internet and the other is switched off next door, we'd like Lynne's mum to be able to access our internet so she won't have to get her own, and we could do that easily with an access point. I'll have to discuss this with the controller of the money (Lynnie :D) later :)

10-01-2008, 18:42
Well we needed an internet connection for Kitten's old G3 iMac. We have one of these (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Edimax-EW-7206APG-Wireless-LAN-Access-Point-54Mbps_W0QQitemZ120207515269QQihZ002QQcategoryZ449 97QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem) from scan and it's been great. I've had the 360 connected to it and various other things and there have been no other problems. Highly recommended.

10-01-2008, 18:56
Might be OK. Got to take my work Mac home tonight and have a fiddle but should be on at some time :)

10-01-2008, 19:21
Wooohoo I'm a Major II now! It's quite amazing how much time it sucks - I've just clocked my 25th hour on the game!

10-01-2008, 19:42
Just remembered I have to call a client at 8pm so I'll be a bit late.

10-01-2008, 19:46
/gets cooking so it doesn't get in the way of COD4 ;D

10-01-2008, 19:47
Ok we'll save a place for you Pete :)

/gets cooking so it doesn't get in the way of COD4 ;D

Thank you Sinead!!!!

10-01-2008, 19:56
I shall expect a Hello Sinead ! ;D

10-01-2008, 20:23
I shall expect a Hello Sinead ! ;D

but of course :)

10-01-2008, 21:07
Seems I can't connect. Keep getting "can't connect to host" errors :/

10-01-2008, 21:08
Trying to join another game to see if that works....

.....seems it does :/ How odd.

10-01-2008, 21:09
booo just got in - probably wont have time tonight :/

10-01-2008, 21:10
I'm on now :)

10-01-2008, 21:16
Won't be on until 9ish.

10-01-2008, 23:24
Yay, finally got to use the Heli :D
Was some good games there :) Started a little shakey as we had rubbish teammates but it picked up :)

10-01-2008, 23:29
Aye I think HQ only works with a team you are completely comfortable and works really well together. Domination on the other hand works well with both good and crap teams. I rediscovered my love of the G36 tonight, great weapon with alot less recoil than the AK

11-01-2008, 01:16
I think I had a go with that gun but it drove me insane on HQ :o Only used it because I'm trying to do more of the challenges.
I don't like my new headset, tempted to try a wireless one in the future.

Joe 90
11-01-2008, 11:04
Seems I can't connect. Keep getting "can't connect to host" errors :/

welcome to my world.
The world of the lame interweb connection.

11-01-2008, 11:57
Thing is though show he's never had this trouble before :( it's worked great the last several weeks.

11-01-2008, 12:14
I should be back online for next week's session with a bit of luck :)

11-01-2008, 12:18
I should be back online for next week's session with a bit of luck :)


11-01-2008, 13:55
Excellent :)

11-01-2008, 14:01
Took me a while to get going last night, I was soooo slow off the mark after the xmas break and no COD4.

11-01-2008, 14:04
we didn't really talk much though did we :( I think with more of us it'll get better.

Was it me or was Showdown a git on Dominiation??

11-01-2008, 14:09
Nah we were all a bit quiet :o
I think I was concentrating too much as it had been a while.
I can't remember Showdown but there was some guy called Joe something that was really irritating, it might have just been because he had 1992 in his name so he was a lot younger than me though :p

11-01-2008, 14:21

11-01-2008, 14:24
Ohh I never notice the names of maps :p Just recognise them by the pictures when they load up.

11-01-2008, 14:29
you recognise it now?

11-01-2008, 14:36
Yeah :) Don't remember it being excessively irritating, but I think I was still getting the hang of domination at the time as I'd not played it before.

11-01-2008, 14:41
well I think from that map the main tactics are to hold the upper floor and just grenade anyone who tries to get through as there are only 2 ways through to the rear map and if you can hold flag C, B should be easy as once you claim it you simply just grenade/shoot anyone who tries to claim it.

If you can hold B you can also protect the south alley to stop people trying to get through.

11-01-2008, 14:45
Oooh you've put thought into it :D
I'll try to remember that next time :)

11-01-2008, 15:09
it's mainly what I saw being done last night but I think it's an excellent one for that map.

11-01-2008, 15:46
I quite like Showdown :) Getting flag B can be a right pain in the backside though.

What we do need to do in these games is capture flag B first. It should be the teams main aim as you start the game. Beat the other team there and then hold it. Once you've got it, it's easy enough for two people to drop back and look after your own flag.

11-01-2008, 15:56
good idea Desmo, another way is to have 2 team members with claymores and sonic boom. They can claymore flag C so that will wipe out anyone trying to capture it and then have 2 team members with grenades to keep hold of B. Final 2 team members can bounce around protecting the south alley.

12-01-2008, 13:12
Anyone up for some private matches this weekend? Or public I'm not fussed.

12-01-2008, 13:15
Anyone up for some private matches this weekend? Or public I'm not fussed.

If I can find some spare time I'd love to!

12-01-2008, 13:32
well depending on what people say we could arrange something for tomorrow if you like. If we set aside a set time everyone can try and arrange stuff around it.

12-01-2008, 20:48
I won't be about tomorrow thanks to work but any other day. :)

12-01-2008, 21:23
Been out all day today but will be around tomorrow. Probably late afternoon/early evening.

12-01-2008, 21:57
I'm gonna play for a bit now I think...

13-01-2008, 15:14
Hit level 55 last night :D woot! So am just finishing off the last assault rifle kill challenge then plan on starting on the sniper rifles. As they are the only class I haven't really touched. Does anyone want to be my sniper buddy so I can get to grips with them and someone who fancies improving with me?

13-01-2008, 15:49
I think I should be about later.

13-01-2008, 18:12
So is that the 3 of us so far for tonight? Me, Pickers & Pete? Anymore for anymore? What time guys around the usual?

13-01-2008, 19:42
Will see if you guys are on when dinner is done. Had a bit of a spin earlier but my head wasn't with it...I was all over the place :/

13-01-2008, 20:54
Having a little spin now so send me an invite when you come on. Should be on for a while but stopping at 9 to watch Louis on TV :D

Joe 90
14-01-2008, 13:29
last night was lame... usual 'can't connect to host' errors and a rather odd one that said it was a 'microsoft error' but didn't stay up long enough for me to write it down :(

furthermore my campaign to finish the game on veteran is getting pretty hardcore. I've been trying for ages but just can't get through No fighting in the war room (http://www.mycheats.com/view/section/19696/20061/call_of_duty_4__modern_warfare/xbox_360)
the distance between the checkpoints is just too far!! It's saved at the top of the stairs before the crazy corridors with the insane amount of enemies! and I once got through the big blast door and it still hadn't reached a checkpoint.. only had a few mins left so went on a bit of a suicide run and died :( sucks.

14-01-2008, 13:38
Last night was ridiculous trying to get a party together. Rog couldn't connect to my games, I couldn't to Roger's. We ended up having Pete host the party and that was fine.

They really need to get this sorted as it's really getting annoying now. Plus we were fighting against uber RoR people who just won at everything. Think I had 40+ deaths on shipment in the end :'(

14-01-2008, 14:48
Congrats on hitting 55 Leo :)

14-01-2008, 16:24
thanks Jen :D

14-01-2008, 19:36
I used to hate shipment levbel, now I just snap on the grenade launcher, stick on martydom and use the sonic boom perk. Can get quite a few kills racking up then.

15-01-2008, 16:07
Anybody on for a round 6.20'ish? Sinead is at the gym tonight so I could be on from then until 8.

15-01-2008, 16:08
I think the Apple keynote is on then, so I'll be busy :D

15-01-2008, 16:14
I'm off to the cinema to see a crap film :(

15-01-2008, 16:24
I think the Apple keynote is on then, so I'll be busy :D

I thought it started in 40 minutes :o

Sorry dude you'll have to count me out

15-01-2008, 16:41
No worries....I'll go and play on my own :p

15-01-2008, 16:43
off to play with yourself while Sinead is away eh? ;D

15-01-2008, 16:43

16-01-2008, 12:12
Well I had a couple of rounds last night while waiting for some washing to finish and I was rubbish :(

Our team only won 1 round but I think that was because the other lot had around 3-4 Prestiege 8 players there who were just awesome.

I was quite pleased before the other night that my kill/death ratio was about to reach 1.00 I had 3 more deaths than kills. After last night I've now got around 120 more deaths than kills :(

16-01-2008, 12:19
Sinead is at the gym tonight so I might be on for a little while if I'm in the mood for it. Had a good few games of Sabotage last night and think it's a really good game but needed more comms than we had last night as it's a very tactical game.

16-01-2008, 12:25
What do you have to do in it again? I'm probably not going to be on tonight until maybe very late.

Everyone around for tomorrow night as usual? Will King Matt be joining us? He hasn't been on for ages :'( Oh also Mr Pitch - does thou have t'internet?

16-01-2008, 12:31
Sabotage has one bomb placed centrally in the map along with two targets....yours to defend and theirs to attack. Whoever holds the bomb is always shown on the radar. If somebody has the bomb and is killed, they drop the bomb where they are. Once the bomb has been planted, it can be defused so you have to defend the area. All respawns are delayed by 6 seconds.

16-01-2008, 12:34
Can you only re-spawn a certain number of times or am I getting this confused with search and destroy :confused:

I think Pete should host the party tomorrow :p

16-01-2008, 12:38
I think Pete should host the party tomorrow :p

Sure :)

16-01-2008, 12:48
I should be about tonight and tomorrow night :)
Crossing my fingers my new TV arrives today so I won't be dragged off my 360 at all then ;D

16-01-2008, 13:15
Oh also Mr Pitch - does thou have t'internet?

Currently not. The stuff has been ordered but delayed, so it's touch and go whether it'll arrive tomorrow. Also, it's getting delivered to work and with not being well I'm not sure whether I'll actually be in work to get it. Fingers crossed I'll be on anyway :)

16-01-2008, 13:23
Well fingers crossed you get a parcel tomorrow :)

We've got 4 of us so far so would be good to get 6 together then we have a full team :D

16-01-2008, 13:32
Can you only re-spawn a certain number of times or am I getting this confused with search and destroy :confused:
You're getting confused with S&D. On Sabotage, you can repsawn as many times as needed but there is a little delay so you're not straight back in on the action again.

Sabotage works in the same way as S&D but basically it's a free for all bomb to be picked up by either team, and both teams have a target to destroy. Destroy a target and it's game over, it's not multiple rounds. S&D games tend to be quite short but Sabotage games can last quite a while.

16-01-2008, 13:46
I've played Sabotage twice and both times the host quit as the games were going on for over 10 minutes each time. Good fun though, I imagine it'll be a lot better with a group of people who talk (like every mode really).

16-01-2008, 13:49
I played Sabotage for the first time yesterday but found it a bit dull :/
Probably would be better with some co-ordination and chatting though.

16-01-2008, 14:04
Dull? Maybe it was the teams?

I like it as it's a constantly changing game. One minute you're heading for the bomb on the floor, then it's been picked up and is on the move. Then that guy is shot so you're trying to pick it up again. Then your teamate gets the bomb and now you're fighting your way to the other side of the map to plant it. It's always different and the objective is always changing.

16-01-2008, 14:25
Sounds ace Desmo Sabotage tomorrow then? :D

I'm umming and ahhing whether to go prestiege mode ;D what do people think?

EDIT: I've done 2 word docs of suggested load outs if people want them as it saves you reading through the guide and would be easy to find when the intermissions are on. Anyone want me to host them? They are around 8 pages each so could be easily printed.

16-01-2008, 14:25
I think maybe it was because it didn't feel like we were actually getting anywhere. It was the map on the ship too which I hate!
Definitely willing to give it another shot though.

16-01-2008, 14:30
I hate wet work :( it's one of my most hated maps.

16-01-2008, 14:32
Me too. I like most of them but wet work has no redeeming features at all.

16-01-2008, 14:35
Well for wet work I've started sniping from our spawning point as I can keep far enough away and clear the upper platforms for team members just need to improve my sniper skills.

16-01-2008, 14:36
I tend to hold back and wait for them to come to me but I'm crap at sniping. My excuse being I can't see properly so hopefully with a bigger screen......nah I'll still be crap ;D

16-01-2008, 14:38
believe me a bigger screen certainly helps :) it's made a huge difference to my play. I'm happy to be your sniper buddy if you like.

16-01-2008, 15:05
Sure :)
I really am planning on solely gaming for the next few days and probably until I start the new job :o

16-01-2008, 15:28
Sure :)
I really am planning on solely gaming for the next few days and probably until I start the new job :o
There goes my chance of catching you up then :p

16-01-2008, 15:32
Might do :D

16-01-2008, 22:36
Well I'm getting better with the sniper rifle I just have to be more patient. Currently I'm having a crack at the Barrett with the MP5 but think I'm going to change it as I don't really like the Barret. I'm probably only going to stick with it because of the challenges.

Right I can't decide people, should I start prestiege mode for our session tomorrow? ;D I shall the be lowest rank of our party. My mate Jon from work is up for tomorrow so we might have a complete team...woot!!

16-01-2008, 23:00
Go on, go for prestige mode :D That's what I'll do when I eventually hit it.
I'm going through the mp5 challenges at the moment, surprised what a good weapon it is.

16-01-2008, 23:11
I'm out for tomorrow I'm afraid. I'm not well enough to go into work so although my network kit should be delivered for me there, I won't be in to pick it up. The good news is that my Sky Broadband should be sorted either this weekend or on Monday so I'll be back on my own net connection for next weeks game.

16-01-2008, 23:54
Ok Jen I'll do prestiege mode :D

Sorry to hear that Davey be good to have you back next week.

16-01-2008, 23:56
Aww that's a pity Davey :( Hope you feel better soon :)

Just hit rank 31, slowly getting there :D

17-01-2008, 00:43
it is done :shocked:

17-01-2008, 00:45
Does that mean we can call you a noob now? :p
I really want to be rank 55, but I also really want to up my gamerscore....bah, not enough time in the day!

17-01-2008, 00:53
yes you can call me a noob :p

17-01-2008, 00:54
Yay :D

17-01-2008, 07:59
Managed to reach Level 6 last night before bed :D

17-01-2008, 08:30
Your game was joinable last night leo so I tried to get in but kept getting the connection errors again. Tried a few times and no joy so just played on my own games in the end. Bloody thing.

17-01-2008, 09:56
Bummer mate :( I saw you come online. Well I'm now ranked level 7 so I apologise in advance if I'm a liability tonight ;D

17-01-2008, 12:27
I might be able to get an extra for tonight.

17-01-2008, 12:34
Nice one Pete, so just to count the numbers there'll be You, Me, Desmo, Jen, Jon...anyone else? We should have a full team :)

17-01-2008, 12:55
If we need someone else, I'm sure I can find someone. Know quite a few people playing it :)

17-01-2008, 12:59
This is assuming we can all connect ;)

17-01-2008, 13:00
You mean if you can connect :p ;D

17-01-2008, 13:30
Pete is hosting the party because we can all connect to him :D

17-01-2008, 14:19
haha :D

17-01-2008, 17:20
Right have been reading up on Sabotage and it sounds really really interesting. Not too sure on tactics at the minute but initial ones are we could have a 2 man sniper team cover the bomb location to prevent the enemy from getting near the bomb while we get ready to collect it. Once we've got it we can either retreat back under cover of the snipers and then proceed as team to the location or we can just go for it and hope our snipers can provide cover.

What tactics have you been using Desmo? Anyone else got any suggestions/tactics/loadouts?

17-01-2008, 17:34
Oooh sounds fun. Reminds me of ET where you had to do missions like build stuff, protect the tank, blow up the check points, raid the bank. Love those sort of things. Much more fun than just killing.

17-01-2008, 17:38
it does sound great Pete, it seems to be very much a team game. I'd say the best line I can come up with to describe this type of game is "we live for the One, we die for the One" ;D well the bomb carrier that is

17-01-2008, 17:44
lol :D Of course by the time you rattle off that to the enemy his mate will he sniped you ;)

17-01-2008, 17:44
What tactics have you been using Desmo?
Run around like a headless chicken....get shot...die.

Have to say, the games I've played haven't really had a good "team".

I think it would be quite good to actually move in a pack, get the bomb and head straight for the target, keeping the bomb carrier as safe as poss with your best shooters up front and a couple at the rear. Plant the bomb and take up positions to cover from defusing. Obvisously it's never that easy :D

If they have the bomb it's easy enough to spot and some people should drop back to your base to defend it ASAP whilst the rest head for the bomb carrier. Those at base should easily be able to slow things down enough for the rest to arrive and help defend and then pick up the bomb. If you recover the bomb near your own base, the defenders should stay until it's well clear.

These aren't tested at all and would just be my way of doing things. Don't know if they're right or if they'd even work in a practical sense (in the fact that you spawn randomly around the map).

17-01-2008, 17:45
I don't really have tactics :o Don't get a chance to play with the same people enough.
Someone just tell me what to do and I'll do it :D I'm good at obeying orders thanks to CS :p

17-01-2008, 17:49
lol :D Of course by the time you rattle off that to the enemy his mate will he sniped you ;)

haha that is our motto matey :p we are all willing to risk our lives for the bomb carrier and take their place at moment's notice ;)

17-01-2008, 17:50
Are we all going to be chattier this time? I know I was terrible for being silent last week :o

17-01-2008, 17:52
Run around like a headless chicken....get shot...die.

Have to say, the games I've played haven't really had a good "team".

I think it would be quite good to actually move in a pack, get the bomb and head straight for the target, keeping the bomb carrier as safe as poss with your best shooters up front and a couple at the rear. Plant the bomb and take up positions to cover from defusing. Obvisously it's never that easy :D

If they have the bomb it's easy enough to spot and some people should drop back to your base to defend it ASAP whilst the rest head for the bomb carrier. Those at base should easily be able to slow things down enough for the rest to arrive and help defend and then pick up the bomb. If you recover the bomb near your own base, the defenders should stay until it's well clear.

These aren't tested at all and would just be my way of doing things. Don't know if they're right or if they'd even work in a practical sense (in the fact that you spawn randomly around the map).

Intersting ideas, perhaps we should have people with smoke grenades who can smoke plant point once we've got the bomb there.

I don't really have tactics :o Don't get a chance to play with the same people enough.
Someone just tell me what to do and I'll do it :D I'm good at obeying orders thanks to CS :p

Desmo can be quarterback tonight as he's played it more than us ;D

Are we all going to be chattier this time? I know I was terrible for being silent last week :o

I'm going to be talking alot more as we'll have a full team we are all happy talking to. If I don't know my team mates I don't tend to talk :o

17-01-2008, 17:54
I'm going to be talking alot more as we'll have a full team we are all happy talking to. If I don't know my team mates I don't tend to talk :o
That's always my problem too!

17-01-2008, 17:56
Well we all talk to each other anyway, are the extras for tonight chatty enough?

17-01-2008, 18:01
Desmo can be quarterback tonight as he's played it more than us ;D
You can't chuck the bomb :D

17-01-2008, 19:33
You can't chuck the bomb :D

I mean you call the shots :p

17-01-2008, 20:45
We playing then guys and gal?

17-01-2008, 20:48
Will be on in 5 :)

17-01-2008, 20:53
Cool, have sent you an invite, just waiting for Pete and Jen to turn up though Kitten is on the Wii at the moment :p

17-01-2008, 21:04
Incoming :D

17-01-2008, 22:50
Good game guys but I can honestly say Prestiege mode sucks, I'm NOT doing it again.

17-01-2008, 22:52
Yeah it was good fun :)
The irritating kids made me despair for modern youth more than usual but once I muted, it was great :D
Bad luck that prestige is crap :( I apologise for encouraging :o

17-01-2008, 22:55
hahaha it's fine but my game certainly took a dive last night. I got killed far too often though perhaps that is more down to me rushing in than taking my time. I really like that mode though was a bit cheesed off when I died, waited for the re-spawn then got killed by the chopper almost instantly :(

That one fella was on mute from the start after I said did anyone mute him :p it was great ;D

Personally if you've become attached to your weapons don't do prestiege mode.

17-01-2008, 22:55
Yeah it was good fun :)
The irritating kids made me despair for modern youth more than usual but once I muted, it was great :D
Bad luck that prestige is crap :( I apologise for encouraging :o

Agreed. Thank god for mute. Was gg there, besides that boat one. Can't see anyone on it.

18-01-2008, 10:23
Well I was doing very well, my kill/death ratio was good, I had more kills than deaths. My kill streak has gone up to 17, and I'm nearly on 1k headshots. However the past few times I've played I've REALLY struggled - I'm just not "seeing" people, and if you don't see you die. I know the maps pretty well now, but I get tired and frustrated and my concentration fails.

I'm not convinced by the ACOG sight for sniper rifles or some of the assault rifles - the recoil just makes it too much of a hassle to use. Certainly on sniper rifles it's much easier holding your breath. The LMGs are more effective with the grip and just standard iron sights. I do like the overkill perk and being able to carry 2 primary weapons - LMG & shotgun a good combo, one for long range and covering fire, the other for clearing rooms, combined with the desert eagle it makes for some decent firepower. The other combo I like is sniper rifle with silenced sub machine gun, claymores and iron lungs.

I'm setup different perks with different classes, I have a stealth class, a long range class, a sniper, an assault and a "ranks & challenges" class that I use if I'm trying to complete a specific challenge or rank.

What are some of your setups? What combinations of equipment and perks do you use? I've unlocked all the weapons and perks so feel free to offer your suggestions!

I maybe need to change tactics a little - maybe change the sensitivity of the mouse a bit or re-do my controls as I'm just not "on target" - and I don't know why :(

18-01-2008, 10:45
Well my classes before I re-started were

Silenced MP5,
Silenced Pistol (not sure which)
3xspecial grenades
UAV Jammer
Dead Silence

Long Range:
M164A/G3 - red dot sight
Desert Eagle
Stopping Power
Deep Impact

Close Quarters:
Desert Eagle
3x Special Grenades

M60 - RDS
Desert Eagle
Extreme Conditioning

You might want to check out these 2 docs I've done. They are the suggested classes for various styles (http://www.badasszebedee.com/loadouts.doc) and the maps (http://www.badasszebedee.com/maps.doc) too. The maps are in alphabetical order in case you wondered why there were no names.

18-01-2008, 11:01
Oooh cool - thanks mate, I'll have a read :)

18-01-2008, 11:02
Well my tactics were a load of **** for last night :D
Sabotage is such a fast changing you really need to think on your feet. I'm not sure set tactics work that well on it. Had some good games last night and they were pretty close overall so we more than held our own :)

Will, can't really help with any setup stuff as obviously I'm on the 360, but as for weapons, I tend to use the M16 most with Red Dot sight. Then I take the USP, Claymores, Deep Impact and Stopping Power. Usually puts people down if I'm on target. Claymores are good for covering your back if you're in a room or covering any targets or bases you need to protect. I also like the AK74 as well so sometimes take that out for a spin.

18-01-2008, 11:05
I think the main tactic for sabotage is to stick together and move as a group. Not close enough for us to be taken out with 1 grenade but close enough so we can cover each other.

Last night also re-affirmed my hatred for Wet Work.

18-01-2008, 11:13
I used to like Wet Work but it is starting to grate a little now. I think it's just the size of the map and the fact it's all very dark. It's too small and the choke points are very obvious. You can hardly make it from one end of the ship to the other.

18-01-2008, 11:15
Wet work sucks but can be good with a silenced weapon or a bit of snipering from a gantry.

I like the least Freeforall, and I love the hardcore servers, makes it much more realistic.

I think the reason why I'm struggling is because I'm using "overkill" and have 2 weapons and am missing out on the bullet damage perk, and deep impact is replaced with something else - maybe I should reconsider carrying 2 weapons.

Crossfire I constantly get over 10 kill streaks it's by far my favourite level.

18-01-2008, 11:18
It's one of the only maps that I always vote to skip because as you said there are so many choke points that a stale mate just develops in the centre of the maps. Next time I end up playing it I'm going to try the night vision goggles because the really good people who always end up killing me are wearing them so I might give it a try.

Wet work sucks but can be good with a silenced weapon or a bit of snipering from a gantry.

I like the least Freeforall, and I love the hardcore servers, makes it much more realistic.

I think the reason why I'm struggling is because I'm using "overkill" and have 2 weapons and am missing out on the bullet damage perk, and deep impact is replaced with something else - maybe I should reconsider carrying 2 weapons.

Crossfire I constantly get over 10 kill streaks it's by far my favourite level.

I've started to snipe from the far end which can be fun. I tend to only use overkill on medium maps so I can carry a sniper and a rifle of some sorts. Other than that I always have 1 weapon and stopping power.

18-01-2008, 11:32
Yeah I need to rethink my classes - wish you could have more! I like to add a bit of variety, and when I respawn I like to be able to change just in case I chose the wrong class for the team I'm playing with.

18-01-2008, 12:07
Stopping Power is very handy :)

I think we did well last night, we definitely improved from previous games and we were no pushovers.

18-01-2008, 12:44
Yep, certainly not pushovers Jen :)
More than held our own and won as many games as we lost...the teams were pretty well matched last night.

18-01-2008, 12:52
I think knowing where the plant points are on the maps too helps. I'd quite like to get back into domination again as I find the games with an objective better than team deathmatch, though that can be quite awesome at times.

18-01-2008, 13:33
Anyone about for more this evening? I should be I think, at least for a little while. :)

18-01-2008, 13:35
I won't I'm afraid, might be about over the weekend if anyone is up for it.

18-01-2008, 13:37
I'm working 11-8 all weekend so won't be about. :(

18-01-2008, 13:48
it probably won't be during the day anyway :) if not we'll just meet up again on Thursday.

18-01-2008, 14:06
I won't get in till 9 anyhow and then after getting something to eat etc, I won't be in the mood because I'll be knackered and sick of looking at any screens. So just have to wait till Thursday then :)

18-01-2008, 14:09
Will probably be about over the weekend at some stage :)

18-01-2008, 15:01
cool, might see some of you online then. If we do see each other just send an invite and we'll party-up.

19-01-2008, 11:43
Well played a bit more last night and this morning and I'm not finding Prestige mode that bad, it is forcing me to improve my aim which is going rather well. I'm really liking the sniper rifles too. I just need to to aim quicker but really like the M403 rifle.

19-01-2008, 12:04
I didn't like the M403 much. It's powerful but I do prefer the semi-automatic sniper rifles, just on the off chance I don't kill someone in one shot. Knowing you only have one shot does force you to be more accurate though, so maybe that's not a bad thing.

Regarding Prestige mode, I'm sure I'll go for it when I finally get there. The first weapons available are still some of my favourites (M16A4, M249 SAW) so it won't be too bad having to use them again, and I'm sure I could run through the early levels quickly enough to get my custom classes back. :)

19-01-2008, 13:17
I just don't find the M21 as good as the M403. I've tried both but didn't seem to have the same success but will only but using the M403 until I get the Barret back.

I'll admit I was a little cheesed off earlier when I first started prestiege mode but that was because I was against some seriously good players. One thing that I really annoying me is the really good players are only good because they exploit the glitches in the various maps.

19-01-2008, 13:39
I know the people you mean. They jump on top of buildings and hide in places they shouldn't be. I take great delight in hiding a fair distance away and sniping them in the face :D

19-01-2008, 13:46
I usually go for the grenade to the face :p

19-01-2008, 16:56
I *hate* martyrdom... though I'm going to start using it to get the challenge! :p

19-01-2008, 17:36
I find it very frustrating to be honest as I used to be a close quarters fighters and would always be happy when I took the player down only to be killed by the grendade. One thing I think IW should do is reduce the kill points for killing someone with martyrdom as you've gone and got yourself killed so you shouldn't get the same points as if you shot them with your weapon.

I hold up my hands and say on maps like Vacant and Shipment I always use matrydom. As I like to take out the git who got me ;D

If you're up for some tonight Davey send me a text and I'll try and pop on if you like, sniper team on personal chat ;)

19-01-2008, 18:25
I could well be up for that Leo, though I likely won't be on until after 11pm. :)

19-01-2008, 18:48
I think the martyrdom grens should have a smaller damage range so you have to be virtually on top of someone to have it kill you.

19-01-2008, 19:03
I could well be up for that Leo, though I likely won't be on until after 11pm. :)

No worries dude, text me and I should be around :)

I think the martyrdom grens should have a smaller damage range so you have to be virtually on top of someone to have it kill you.

Acutally I think it should be the case of if you've thrown your grenade then you can't use martyrdom perk.

20-01-2008, 01:14
I don't really mind martyrdom for some reason, dunno why.
I'm playing in a tournament soon for fun and there's a big debate over whether martyrdom should be allowed or not. I can see how in those situations, it shouldn't be on.

20-01-2008, 03:07
I prefer martyrdom than the n00b tube and bloody bunny hopping.

20-01-2008, 11:29
I topped the leaderboard last night on the container level. Get in!! :D
Got my 2nd or 3rd chopper too :D
Started some snipiong on the ship level which was fun - though I'm not quite quick enough for major kills.

20-01-2008, 16:22
The humiliation challenges are really tough! :(

20-01-2008, 16:34
Got martyrdom back last night woot.

20-01-2008, 17:48
Had a few quick games last night, first time in over 3 weeks. First game I sucked, 8 kills and 16 deaths. My second game was on Crossfire as a Sniper, and it was much better, 16 kills and only 4 deaths. Then went as a Sniper on Bog and had a 7 kill 0 death game, so starting to get back into the grove a bit. Definitely loving the Barret .50 cal, it's a quality sniper rifle :D

20-01-2008, 17:55
Glad you are back matey. I had a crack at Ground War today and it was ok but need to play more to make my mind up.

Joe 90
20-01-2008, 18:11
i can actually get the odd game online without the lowest ping in the world now.. well i did yesterday for a bit, but last night was pretty laggy.

anyway - i need some uber skills to get through the mile high club on vet!! its too bloody hard!