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11-11-2007, 20:05
Thought I would shove this in as a sticky for a while as its popular at the moment.

I've reached the level you need for a clan tag and used >>BD<<. I'm not sure if more than one person is using the same clan tag if it tries to put you on the same server but its worth a try :)

Feel free to use this thread to arrange team matches ;)


11-11-2007, 20:06
Cheers Matt I went for B-D as my clan tag ;D but I'll change it to >>BD<<

11-11-2007, 20:44
I've not tried MP yet. MAybe I'll get a go tomorrow night :)

12-11-2007, 10:13
I really like the MP system in COD4, I was all prepared to trade this came after completing the SP missions but decided to renew my Live membership and have a bash (it was this or buy the Orange Box).

I played for about 6 hours yesterday and had a great time :)

One thing you will need to be aware of is that before you can get a clan tag you need to have increased your experience level quite a lot. If you are good this won't take too long. If you suck (like me) it might take a bit longer.

The MP system has loads of challenges to keep you occupied and unlockeds better weapons, better additions for those weapons like scopes and grenade launchers.

What it does do is slightly skew the game in favor of better players as they will have all the guns available to them but the guns are quite balanced and a good player will be able to hold their own with just a bare M16 and a smile :)


12-11-2007, 12:21
I think the M16A4 is still the best weapon I've used, and it's the first one you've got available to you. It really needs the Red Dot Sight to be more effective (25 kills with the gun, after you've unlocked the challenges). I really like the challenges though, as you can use them to level up more quickly by swapping between weapons to do their challenges and get the XP points. Doing that will no doubt lead you to a weapon you wouldn't have thought using that you actually find you quite like (like the AK-47 in my case, very powerful if you're accurate enough with it).

The MP in COD4 is easily the best I've ever played.

12-11-2007, 13:57
I agree it is an excellent MP system. I'm currently romping my way to level 30 :D My favourite weapon at the moment is the M4 with the cog site. Though I'm just going through each of the weapons to get the xp.

My favourite MP game so far as 3 vs 2 on overgrown and my buddy decided to quit so it left me with 3 of them against little ol' me :'( anyway sniper class came out and I won 70-60. 2 of them ran straight past me with 20 seconds to go and I nearly pooped myself thinking they'd seen me.

12-11-2007, 14:30
If we have the same clan tags will the server try to put us together in the same game? It would seem from what I have seen that if you are the same clan in the same game you tend to get put in the same team but I wondered if the server would look at all players on all servers and shuffle us together?


12-11-2007, 16:51
If we have the same clan tags will the server try to put us together in the same game? It would seem from what I have seen that if you are the same clan in the same game you tend to get put in the same team but I wondered if the server would look at all players on all servers and shuffle us together?

You have to be in a party for that to happen, clan tags are irrespective. If Leo for example started a game then invited me and you into it, whatever match we went into we'd always be on the same team. It's a great system for making sure you stay on the same side as your friends :)

12-11-2007, 23:35
Managed to fit in a couple of MP games tonight :)

Didn't do too badly and managed to move up a rank or two. First game I got 4 kills, 2 assists and 8 deaths. Second game I came out with 10 kills and 4 deaths :)

Nothing great, but it was all good fun :D

13-11-2007, 00:01
It is excellent fun really loving it. Anyone fancy some MP over the weekend? Sorry Davey :(

13-11-2007, 00:03
It is excellent fun really loving it. Anyone fancy some MP over the weekend? Sorry Davey :(
Make it next Monday night and I should be there ;)

13-11-2007, 00:08
most excellent. I'm recently discovered the G3 rifle :D loving it.

13-11-2007, 00:36
I played with the G3 a little on the Beta, and whenever I found one to pick up, and although I found the single shot mode weird to get used to, it seems pretty powerful and a few well placed shots will put people down very quickly. I've also quite liked the G36C whenever I used one, but I've always had a soft spot for that gun so I'm not sure if that's the only reason I like it :D

14-11-2007, 13:44
Feel free to invite me anytime :D
Trying to work my way up the ranks.

14-11-2007, 13:53
I am Crying my little heart out here :'(
I can't afford COD4 for the PC & i cannot afford a 360 :'( I have far to many Grand children :confused:
Woe is me but although my mind is active with all sorts of Dodgeyness i am quite content to go without rather than get up to No good :)

Anyway you ****** post some screenshots before i die of no money for new game sadness syndrome :p

14-11-2007, 14:07
I have far to many Grand children :confused:

Sell one?

Just an idea



14-11-2007, 14:19
^^ I'll Swap you one for your 360, a copy of COD4 & 2 boxes of Toffee Crumbles :evil:

22-11-2007, 13:11
so everyone, what time do we open the can?

22-11-2007, 17:43
I'm not sure when I'm about. I've got to pack and do some other bits and pieces like finish off a review.
I'll make sure to pop on if I see you online though :)

22-11-2007, 20:08
well so far Jen you're the only one to reply so I doubt it'll come off, hey hum.

22-11-2007, 20:17
I'll be on for the next hour or so


22-11-2007, 21:08
Sorry Leo, Lynne and I are still finishing off tidying for the weekend so won't be on for a while.

22-11-2007, 21:26
sorry Matt only just seen this now :( I'll probably be on later now but we'll see.

22-11-2007, 23:05
I turned up ad bumped into MB :)

Getting royally pissed off with the bloody headset digging in my ear though so just ordered the wireless one for £21.50 delivered with 4% quidco on top :D

23-11-2007, 00:10
I completely missed MB :( am on now but can't seem to join Davey on his game :(

Joe 90
23-11-2007, 20:31
wow - this game is life changing... well to the extent where i've been playing so much my browsing of the internet has died down to email and digg!! :o

anyway... i'm adicted to it if you're ever looking for a game :)

26-11-2007, 14:39
There is a God, Or Do i mean There is a COD :D
So the Missus rings me Saturday night & asks if she can pop in after work as she has a little summit for me. I thought she had a bar of choccy or a gaming mag or summit but she turned up with a brand new copy of COD4 :shocked: + :cool: What a Gal :cool:
I played a little bit of Single player but couldn't stop myself playing Multi even though i would get noobed off. 4 hours of play later i am a Sergeant 1st class ;D
I'm liking the AK47 with a Red dot attachment as my rifle & a standard shotgun for the closer maps. Killing people by hitting them with the Rocket launcher bullett is funny though.
Melee kills are as Awesome as ever & i made sure i told the dude i killed Melle style that he was my First ;D

So what does a dedicated BF2 Vet think of COD4 then.
My only complaint is the size of the Maps & the standard of play. The maps are Tiny compared to BF2 & the players don't even have teamwork in there dictionary let alone use it ;D
Modern weapons though, the atmosphere & the game play is Superb. GFX's rox my soxs & my old AGP rig runs it Lovely.
I just hope they take it a step further & release a Large map pack.

Joe 90
26-11-2007, 23:09
whoo - yeah i loved BF2 and have been waiting so long to get another game like it after EA patched me outta BF2!!!! :(

and i agree - the only issues are map sizes and the teamwork factor... very, very rarely to you find someone that is willing to work with you considering the common goal in every game! I think thats the issue with playing with random people though. if you play with the same people (in a clan for example) you can easily work together, learn from each other and pwn newbs :P :D

26-11-2007, 23:35
After talking to Desmo and MB at the weekend about this what day are we going to set aside for some regular pwnage?

27-11-2007, 01:02
All I'd like to request is not a Saturday or Sunday night, I realise Saturday night might be extremely popular though. I don't get in from work till 9ish and I'm exhausted then so don't usually game.
Otherwise, any other day is usually good by me, especially if I know it's a set day :)

27-11-2007, 08:31
personally I'd veto weekend nights too as we're busy on saturdays and sundays are Top Gear and Long Way Down :)

A school night is fine by me, I think we might have agreed on Thursday :D but not sure :huh: I had been drinking at the time.

27-11-2007, 08:38
Wednesday or Thursday would be my favourties but I'm usually in a few other days as well.

27-11-2007, 10:16
As long as Everton aren't on TV, Thursday nights are generally good for me (though with decorating may not be around as much for the next couple of weeks).

27-11-2007, 11:07
Can't do Tuesdays and relatively early evening for 1-2 hours is best for me as Heather comes home later and I don't get to spend enough time with her in the week as it is.


27-11-2007, 11:52
Thursday's fine with me :) Pretty much any time in the evening usually.

29-11-2007, 11:14
Anybody up for a game tonight? I'm free from around 7'ish (maybe before) to around 8.30 as Sinead is at the gym tonight.

Also had my wireless headset turn up today so can give it a blast :D

29-11-2007, 12:13
I should be around at some point :)

29-11-2007, 13:17
I should be around :)

29-11-2007, 13:23
Anybody up for a game tonight? I'm free from around 7'ish (maybe before) to around 8.30 as Sinead is at the gym tonight.

Also had my wireless headset turn up today so can give it a blast :D

Gym is 8 till 9 !!

Joe 90
29-11-2007, 14:46

well i'll be around whenever anyway :)

just send me an invite whenever theres some newbs to shoot :P

29-11-2007, 14:47
I might be about :) Depends how hooked on Mass Effect I get :D

Joe 90
29-11-2007, 15:12
i often find a nice CoD4 style 'shoot the <insert> out of everybody' break from Mass Effect most rewarding :D

29-11-2007, 15:43
Mass Effect is good, very good, but I can take a break for a while :)


29-11-2007, 21:03
We're waiting for you :p

29-11-2007, 22:56
Well that was fun :D

Joe 90
29-11-2007, 23:06
can't bloody join, moaning about my info being older than urs.... ahhhh just need another invite

29-11-2007, 23:17
That was great fun. I always prefer playing in a team that talks as it makes me play better, as evidenced by the fact I led the way on a few occassions for kills. We definitely need to do that more often. I reckon when we're all off over Christmas we need a proper night long session on it :D

29-11-2007, 23:23
Excellent fun guys, I need to stop running in and getting shot all the time. Really need a decent mid range powerful weapon :) might try the new SMG I just unlocked.

Night long session around Crimbo sounds good to me :)

29-11-2007, 23:24
I love the LMG's, the SAW was excellent and now the RPD is great too. Not too many kills before I reach 150 with it and I'll move onto the last one in that section :)

29-11-2007, 23:27
I'm just working my way through the last LMG now the M60E I think it is. I think the next assault rifle after the G36 is the one I want. Seems to have good range, etc but I need to rank up 4 levels to get it :(

29-11-2007, 23:35
I just need to put in more time really, although I enjoy just playing for laughs and tonight was great :)

I'll be 360'less over xmas as we're down in Swansea. Would have been good to get a few long afternoon or evening sessions in.

29-11-2007, 23:42
Well I'm sure we'll fit it in where we can :) There is plenty of time before Christmas :)

30-11-2007, 01:10
I'll be 360'less over xmas as we're down in Swansea. Would have been good to get a few long afternoon or evening sessions in.

You two can come visit and nick mine :p

Sorry I wasn't about, going down with some bug so didn't really feel in the mood :(

30-11-2007, 02:15
I'm just working my way through the last LMG now the M60E I think it is. I think the next assault rifle after the G36 is the one I want. Seems to have good range, etc but I need to rank up 4 levels to get it :(
The G36 is the next thing I'll unlock, should only need 2-3 matches and I'll have it. Seems to be a good gun when I've picked it up before so hopefully I can get through it quickly as I really want to get to level 38 so I can carry two main guns at once! :D

30-11-2007, 08:45
Forgot to say, the new wireless headset worked a treat and is really comfortable. For £22, it was a bargain :D

30-11-2007, 08:47
Apart from the part where it ran out of juice :p

Joe 90
30-11-2007, 09:55
Forgot to say, the new wireless headset worked a treat and is really comfortable. For £22, it was a bargain :D

;D should hopefully get mine today although might actually have to go pick it up from the sorting office cose i'm sure my flat mate's wont answer the door for the postman!

30-11-2007, 10:31
Apart from the part where it ran out of juice :p
Mine never ran out of juice, it was fully charged. I think I jsut cut out as I was in the kitchen putting burgers under the grill :D

30-11-2007, 11:31
I really like my new headset, its clear and people seem to be able to hear me OK :)

I find it pinches a little after a couple of hours but its not uncomfortable.

What I did find is that one of my controllers is convinced it already has a heatset plugged into it and refuses to sync with the wireless headset which is annoying but luckily I have two :)


03-12-2007, 22:48
Saw some of you guys playing tonight (MB, Davey, Show) but couldn't join any games :(

03-12-2007, 23:07
Never knew anyone was playing ;D besides if I join a game I always end up on the other team :(

04-12-2007, 00:11
We weren't playing together, I think we were just all on at the same time :)

04-12-2007, 13:25
ah I see :) anyone up for arranging another session soon?

04-12-2007, 13:31
MB had his game joinable but server was full every time. Why are some people joinable and some not?

04-12-2007, 13:34
it only happens when they are in the pre-game lobby I think. I found when I joined in I always ended up on the opposing teams.

04-12-2007, 13:46
MB had his game joinable but server was full every time. Why are some people joinable and some not?
If it's anything like Shadowrun then it's to do with party settings :)

04-12-2007, 13:55
It does need a bit of cooperation, who ever is sending out requests to join needs to sit in the 'party' lobby until everyone is there. Only then should they join a game, that way everyone is kept together :)

If someone gets lost then everyone needs to come out of the 'public' lobby and regather :)


04-12-2007, 14:02
sounds like a good plan, we did something similar the other week when we lost Desmo or was it when Davey came online? I can't remember ;D

04-12-2007, 15:24
MB had his game joinable but server was full every time. Why are some people joinable and some not?
If they're playing a match and the room isn't full (so less than 12 people) then they'll be joinable. If you try to join and fail, it'll be because some random joined the room just before you and filled it up :)

05-12-2007, 19:01
I'll be around tonight :)


06-12-2007, 12:48
Anybody about tonight? Should be on from 7.30'ish to around 9pm.
I'll hang around in my party lobby and see who turns up :)

06-12-2007, 13:03
I'll hopefully be able to make an appearance :)

06-12-2007, 14:14
I'm working through till around 9pm so I won't be on until after then :(

06-12-2007, 15:19
I'm sure we'll run over so you can join in :) Do you fancy texting people when you're in your lobby Desmo that way if we aren't online we can get there?

06-12-2007, 15:49
Yes mate. Either that or I'll see if people are on here :)

06-12-2007, 18:00
if someone could text me I'd be grateful as I might not be on here :) I'll try and get on for 7:30 though.

06-12-2007, 18:00
I probably won't be about, still ill but made the mistake of going shopping. So I'll probably be asleep :p

06-12-2007, 20:07
We're playing :p

06-12-2007, 22:41
I must say I have not tried COD4 yet, I really should. As I do like my BF2, I thing COD4 is the new path to take !

06-12-2007, 23:05
It's blooming awesome :)

Haven't really played many online games for a long time but this has got me hooked :D
Had some good games tonight and we also made some new friends ;D

06-12-2007, 23:26
We did indeed hopefully invite them along again. Great night tonight guys really enjoyed it, shame Davey could only come on for 1 but I'm sure there'll be more next week.

07-12-2007, 11:45
I'm really loving this online. I like the whole ranking system, the level ups and the extra perks that become available. It gives you something to aim for, a target to meet. Same goes with the tasks and other stuff. It's great :D

Next time we play, can we play some Domination? We like playing as a team and it actually gives us an objective instead of just trying to control an area of the map. Taking control of the flags can be pretty hard sometimes and requires some good teamwork, and you still get enough kills to up your rank :)

Joe 90
07-12-2007, 12:08
omfgz my damned vga cable is preventing newb pwnage :(

07-12-2007, 12:10
Didn't know you were into Domination Jamie, does Sinead know? :p

07-12-2007, 12:21
She soon will when you lot join in :shocked:

07-12-2007, 13:06
Search and Destroy is a good one for team play and you get great XP from it. Played it with Shaun a couple of times and was a great laugh.

I'm easy either way guys :p

07-12-2007, 13:08
Yeah, played S&D a bit last night. Is a good game that.

07-12-2007, 13:49
Headquarters is my favourite gametype on COD4. Constantly moving with Savage battles over HQ. It works perfectly in my opinion, is loads of fun & end scores are anywhere between 2 & 5 hundred.

07-12-2007, 14:53
I've only ever played Team Deathmatch. I really need to try the others as I know I'm missing out of some good game modes.

07-12-2007, 15:36
shall we go for domination next time and then S&D after that?

07-12-2007, 15:37
Aye, sounds fine with me :)

07-12-2007, 15:40
Yeah, sounds good. You have to remember that in these other games, especially Domination, there is still an absolute **** load of fighting going on. Never a quiet moment. S&D can be quiter but you get higher rank scoring.

In fact, Domination gives you 3 hot spots for fighting and it gets pretty intense.

07-12-2007, 16:38
Dom sounds good to me, we just need to coordinate our weapon choices :) assault or smgs all round ;D

07-12-2007, 16:43
You know what I'd like with COD4? Either more Class spaces to give a bit more variation or maybe map dependent classes. There are times I just want to change something a little depending on what map I'm on and it gets a bit annoying.

07-12-2007, 16:53
I know what you mean I try to have 3 classes which are for specific maps and 2 for weapons I just like.

For vacant I always tend to use the MP5 though I'm starting to love the P90. If it is close quarters like Bloc I tend to use the shotgun a lot :evil:

Try setting aside 3 classes, close quarter, midrange and long range. See how that goes :)

07-12-2007, 17:09
At least when you get to level 38 and can use two primary weapons you have a lot more options for class choices. There's obviously not much point combining a shotgun with a sniper as it would give you no midrange options :)

07-12-2007, 17:20
Overkill is great but the problem I found was I really really missed the stopping power perk instead as my aim isn't always great but I found I could easily take someone out with 2-3 shots using that perk but with overkill i need to be a better shot. I need the practice anyway ;D

Oh yeah and sound advice from Davey :) as you're only 19 we'll get you ranked up as quickly as we can.

07-12-2007, 17:21
I really need to go back to CoD4, I'm some pitiful rank compared to you lot :/
Maybe this weekend, I could do with something a bit mindless.

07-12-2007, 17:28
I could do with something a bit mindless.

:shocked: sacrilege young lady sacrilege

07-12-2007, 17:29
:shocked: sacrilege young lady sacrilege

I know it can be very tactical too :p But I always tend to see multiplayer FPS games as mindless, in a good way. Means I can switch off and just get on with killing :D

07-12-2007, 17:43
It's not so much my main weapons I want to swap around as I tned to find one and use it a lot to get the tasks completed. But I find that on some maps I want the red dot sight and others I want the ACOG sight. But I now need to use two classes just for a slight change. Or maybe I want some claymores on one particular map (not that I've unlocked them yet) but you can't just make that quick swap without changing your class.

In fact, if classes were split it would be better. Maybe a few weapon classes for guns, classes for explosives for your grens, fb's, claymores, etc and another set of classes for Perks. You can quickly select one from each at the beginning of a round.

07-12-2007, 17:48
I know it can be very tactical too :p But I always need to see multiplayer FPS games as mindless, in a good way. Means I can switch off and just get on with killing :D

That's exactly why i like FPS. Sod all that tactics malarkey or precision gaming just Steam about slaughtering the innocent :evil:
Other games are for thinking, FPS is for Killing :)

07-12-2007, 18:30
haha like your style malc but from my experience on COD4 it isn't as easy as that. There are scarily good people on there :p

Looking forward to our next session guys.

07-12-2007, 18:37
^^ I have COD4 on the PC mate & ranked up to Major in a few days ;)
As the maps are so small it suits my Full on rage style ;D
VaultingSlinky knows what i mean as i was a Notorious sprayer on original COD. With 4 i find my speed & accuracy just whats needed in such a small frantic environment. Don't forget i've been playing Huge maps for the last 2 years on BF2.
Of course this won't be the case when i get it on the 360 as i will be Super noob, all Thumbs & fingers in knots ;D

08-12-2007, 20:20
Been playing Headquarters this afternoon. We HAVE to give this a good run out on our next session. It's a great team game and think it's one of my favourites now.

08-12-2007, 20:29
^^ Can i say Told you so :p

08-12-2007, 20:32
I was playing Sabotage earlier today, and found that to be good fun as well, though as it can go on for a while I often found the host quitting which was a right pain in the arse. I'll give Headquarters a go soon :)

08-12-2007, 21:17
Headquarters is the type of game that if you even remotely play as a team when the others don't....you'll absolutely slaughter them. I was getting very frustrated this afternoon when my guys just seemed to want to kill the enemy without even thinking of making the objective any kind of priority. I quit that server and tried again and ended up with some guys who were at least playing the game properly :) Had a much better time of it then.

If you've not played Headquarters before, here's the basics. Start the map and wait for the HQ to be designated on the map. First team to capture it gets the points and then have to hold on to it for as long as possible. The defending team does not respawn. The attacking team does. Once the attacking team have captured the HQ from you another one appears somewhere on the map. It's one long game but the HQ's keep appearing in different places so it's a mad rush to get there first.

As with capturing all things in COD4, the more of you that are trying to capture the quicker it happens so it's imperative that you get as many people to the HQ as you can. And this is what wasn't happening in my first games. I seemed to be the only one rushing to the HQ. I'd arrive, start to capture and then get shot to pieces by the other team. If I'd had at least two other guys with me, we'd have had the HQ captured and then taken up deffensive positions.

09-12-2007, 11:45
Would love to play more HQ as it was a blast when I played it last so I'm definitely voting for that next week. I only played 2 short games but it was good and our 3 man team did play together but we got slaughtered by the better team.

10-12-2007, 10:41
After some playing yesterday I came to two conclusions - the M60E4 is rubbish, while the P90 is excellent. I was only using the M60E4 to get the 150 kills for it, and I really wasn't enjoying it. When I was done I moved onto the P90 which is a brilliant gun, with an exceptional rate of fire. I was getting some good kill steaks with it and some very accurate killing. It'll keep me going until level 44 when I unlock the M4 :)

10-12-2007, 11:21
After some playing yesterday I came to two conclusions - the M60E4 is rubbish, while the P90 is excellent. I was only using the M60E4 to get the 150 kills for it, and I really wasn't enjoying it. When I was done I moved onto the P90 which is a brilliant gun, with an exceptional rate of fire. I was getting some good kill steaks with it and some very accurate killing. It'll keep me going until level 44 when I unlock the M4 :)

P90 & Steady Aim & Bandolier & Double Tap ;)


10-12-2007, 12:11
I've discovered this weekend that the G3 is absolute ****.

Joe 90
10-12-2007, 12:13
lies the G3 with a red dot sight is pretty sweet :D

although not as good as an M14 with RDS :evil:

in other news - i have to agree - P90 ftw.
I gotta opt for faster reloading, martyrdom and more frags though
with faster reloading its stupid how quick that thing reloads!!! (swapping to a pistol is no longer quicker thats for sure!)

10-12-2007, 13:15
Desmo, try the G3 with the stopping power perk and RDS ;)

EDIT: read something interesting today that if you have the chopper support on it's own it will fly around killing people it can see in the open but if you combine that with UAV it becomes much more effective.

Joe 90
11-12-2007, 00:32
how'd you get past lv 55?

someone on here must of done it!?!?

11-12-2007, 00:35
how do you get past it? gain enough XP? :p

Joe 90
11-12-2007, 00:42
but there isn't a 'progress bar' once you hit 55

yet prestige mode says get past commander (lv 55) to unlock

11-12-2007, 00:47
are you at 55 now? can you select prestige mode?

turns out you need to max out level 55 inorder to get it.

11-12-2007, 02:32
When Prestige mode is unlocked I believe you have to make a decision - stay at level 55 and keep all your weapons, or go back to level 1 (with everything locked again) but get a permanant new medal to display which shows everyone you've gone through it all once already. Not sure what I'd do personally. The early weapons are still probably my favourites so only using them wouldn't be a problem, but I do like the later perks better.

I'll hopefully have to make the decision by the end of my Christmas break, up to level 42 now and going up at a fairly regular rate now.

Joe 90
11-12-2007, 10:04
it starts to take a while to level up from here on in davey!

it was like 10k xp to get up a level before i 'took the plunge' then after i ranked up 3 times in one match! whoo what it is to be 'newb' again :)

11-12-2007, 10:51
Yeah I know, but I still have plenty of weapon challenges to go (pretty much all in the SMG area, a favourite of mine) so there's still plenty of XP to be gained along the way.

Besides, I'm planning on playing a lot over Christmas ;)

Joe 90
11-12-2007, 11:08
play a lot all the time! its a much better option :D

11-12-2007, 12:55
I've got most of the weapon challenges done except the sniper rifle ones as I'm rubbish ;D though I'm finding the headshots rather difficult to get. Roll on thursday :D

11-12-2007, 13:02
I'm up to around 60-odd kills with the Dragunov, but I don't use it very often. I'm not too bad with it now, may spend a night using it to try and get the remaining kills to complete my first sniper challenge :)

11-12-2007, 13:33
I think I'm going to finish the SMG section then move onto the sniper one, infact I'll make a sniper class for certain maps and see how I get on with that.

11-12-2007, 14:12
I've already got a sniper one set up. Claymore + UAV Jammer + Martrydom ftw :)

11-12-2007, 14:16
heh I like it.

i was going to suggest a class for us all when we're a high enough level. Claymore + UAV Jammer + Dead Silence, combine that with silenced weapons such as the MP5 or an assault rifle ;) we'd just sneak around murdering everyone ;D

11-12-2007, 14:21
What level would you need to be for that combo?

Joe 90
11-12-2007, 14:24
half the sniper rifles are crap - i just the first on you get pretty much all the way to lv 49 then hit up the 50cal on a load of maps to pwn newbs :D

but tbh lv49 is way too late to unlock it - you only get like 6lvs to use it then you restart (unless ur lame)

11-12-2007, 14:38
What level would you need to be for that combo?

44 I think :D

11-12-2007, 14:58
Oooh, fair while to go for me yet ;D

11-12-2007, 16:31
Oooh, fair while to go for me yet ;D

I wouldn't worry too much. Desmo has levelled up fairly quickly. I'm sure with some good sessions of domination etc you'll catch us. I think a stealth buddy team could work quite well. Any takers? ;D

11-12-2007, 16:33
I like the stealthy way of killing personally :D
Although in MP FPS games I do tend to just go all out, running at anything that moves :o

11-12-2007, 17:02
I like the stealthy way of killing personally :D
Although in MP FPS games I do tend to just go all out, running at anything that moves :o

Heh i tend to go from all out rampage to actually hanging back and picking people off. I think on the larger maps with the ability to flank people a stealth team would work well, worth a try anyway

12-12-2007, 00:57
Up to rank 29 now :)

Had a few games tonight and swapping my perks around seems to have gotten me back on track again after a few bad games where I couldn't hit a thing. Had a 17 kill, 5 assists, 13 deaths game earlier which is probably one of my best. I know it's not great, but my reactions just seem to be really slow :/

12-12-2007, 11:29
I wouldn't worry too much. Desmo has levelled up fairly quickly. I'm sure with some good sessions of domination etc you'll catch us. I think a stealth buddy team could work quite well. Any takers? ;D

I've already done something similar for maps like Vacant and Countdown, where you can easily sneak around killing things. The problem is though that my accuracy drops a fair bit when not using the RDS, so I'd need to find the best weapon with iron sights and use that one.

I like the stealthy way of killing personally :D
Although in MP FPS games I do tend to just go all out, running at anything that moves :o

I started doing that, then realised by doing it I was always running out into the open and getting killed. After a while you learn the sightlines in a map so you know where you can chase people and where will get you killed. Some maps take longer to learn than others though :)

I had a nice sniper game on Crossfire last night, and though I only had 8 kills, 2 assists and 10 deaths, about 6 of my kills were headshots which is something I don't manage as much as I should with the sniper rifle. I really want to get 100 kills with the Dragunov as I was rubbish with it to start and it would be some kind of affirmation of my improvement with it :)

12-12-2007, 12:03
It's more a matter of impatience than inexperience :p

12-12-2007, 12:06
You'll have to learn to be more patient then :p

12-12-2007, 12:27
Er have you met me? ;D
I can be patient in FPS games, it's just a lot of the time I don't really want to be :o

Joe 90
12-12-2007, 12:57
my headshot'ability is seriously hindered by my unreliable and massivly fluctuating ping.

despite my connection not being slow, its shared by about 8 flats of people and the ping goes crazy leading to a lot of lost connections (most annoyingly after loading takes place) and bullet proof enemies!

12-12-2007, 12:59
I've already done something similar for maps like Vacant and Countdown, where you can easily sneak around killing things. The problem is though that my accuracy drops a fair bit when not using the RDS, so I'd need to find the best weapon with iron sights and use that one.

I haven't really looked into it in great detail as I'm still waiting to unlock the perk but I'd probably go for flashbang grenades over claymores to be honest. I'd probably go for either the P90 or G36 with a silencer :evil:

I started doing that, then realised by doing it I was always running out into the open and getting killed. After a while you learn the sightlines in a map so you know where you can chase people and where will get you killed. Some maps take longer to learn than others though :)

I'm guilty of just barreling in and end up getting wiped out :(

I had a nice sniper game on Crossfire last night, and though I only had 8 kills, 2 assists and 10 deaths, about 6 of my kills were headshots which is something I don't manage as much as I should with the sniper rifle. I really want to get 100 kills with the Dragunov as I was rubbish with it to start and it would be some kind of affirmation of my improvement with it :)

I'm forcing myself to use a sniper rifle on various maps because I'm ok but need the iron lungs perk.

So everyone up for tomorrow night then??

Joe 90
12-12-2007, 13:15
So everyone up for tomorrow night then??
i am!
and tonight!

12-12-2007, 13:16
Should be about tomorrow :) Been meaning to get back into CoD4 all week :D

12-12-2007, 13:26
I should be around after 7 or so, hoping to get the decorating finished for the day by then so I can have a relaxing evening :)

12-12-2007, 13:36
Ok cool sounds good. I'm sure Desmo and MB will be about so that makes a nice round figure of 6 :D

12-12-2007, 13:58
I'm rewiring some lights in our new room tonight so doubt I'll be about unless it gets done a lot quicker than I'm expecting.

Tomorrow night is on as usual as far as I know.

12-12-2007, 14:00
Oh just to avoid any confusion I am talking about tomorrow not tonight ;D can't do tonight myself either.

Joe 90
12-12-2007, 15:25
yeah - its just me thats on (every night) tonight :D

12-12-2007, 15:55
I seem to be playing most nights recently as well :D

Mark, next time I'm on and having a game I'll give you a shout :)

Joe 90
12-12-2007, 15:58
cheers :)

12-12-2007, 22:08
Where is the cheapist place for Buying COD4 ?

12-12-2007, 22:46
Oh Dear, just couldn't help myself could I? I went into Prestige mode because I want a fancy icon and I forgot how bad the first few weapons are, especially with iron sights. That'll teach me to be flash eh?


12-12-2007, 23:55
Bloody hell MB, didn't realise you were ranked so high! I only hit level 43 earlier tonight, so still some way behind. The M16A4 and the SAW are still great weapons though, and it won't take long for you to get the 25 kills you need to get the RDS :)

13-12-2007, 14:54
Where is the cheapist place for Buying COD4 ?

I'm not entirely sure mate but you can get it from game for 39.99 and get a fiver off.

Bloody hell MB, didn't realise you were ranked so high! I only hit level 43 earlier tonight, so still some way behind. The M16A4 and the SAW are still great weapons though, and it won't take long for you to get the 25 kills you need to get the RDS :)

You started again MB?? :shocked:

I'm hoping to rank up a fair bit tonight during our domination games :evil: What time shall the slaughtering commence? say 7:30?

13-12-2007, 15:16
I might not be ready by then as I need to get my mop chopped tonight and then dinner. Will give you a shout once I'm ready though :)

13-12-2007, 15:20
I'll probably be about after 8, I'll definitely make it for some of it though just might only be a brief go.

Joe 90
13-12-2007, 17:15
That'll teach me to be flash eh?

We r leet ;D

makes the game more fun anyways!

13-12-2007, 17:29
I'll probably be on from 7 ish onwards so when people get on send me a message and I'll get the party together.

13-12-2007, 18:24
I'll probably be on from 7 for half an hour or so before I get some food :)
I might be quiet so don't take it personally :p

13-12-2007, 23:14
Sorry I disappeared so sharpish. Sinead came home and the cutlery and pans were bashing about which generally means turn off the Xbox and help ;D

13-12-2007, 23:17
^^ Now if you had switched it Off 2 mins before she got in & was waiting in the hall for a cuddle, She would have told you what a Love you was & sent you off to play whilst she happily squirrelled away ;)

13-12-2007, 23:24
^^ Now if you had switched it Off 2 mins before she got in & was waiting in the hall for a cuddle, She would have told you what a Love you was & sent you off to play whilst she happily squirrelled away ;)


14-12-2007, 01:02
Sorry I wasn't on for long. Ended up falling asleep in front of the TV and just woke up briefly now :o

14-12-2007, 02:48
I enjoyed the games tonight. Domination is great fun, especially on some of the smaller maps where 25+ kills is a common occurance (great for the weapon challenges). Not so keen on Search & Destroy, but it was only our first games at it so we may improve. I'd like to try Headquarters next time though, that seems fun.

I finally completed the Dragunov challenge tonight, for 100 kills, and it completely wasn't worth it! ;D The ACOG sight is nowhere near as good as the regular sight is for sniping, and you lose the ability to hold your breath for a steady shot. I'll probably move onto the R700 now and then the .50 cal when I unlock that. Also went up two levels tonight, so now up to rank 45 :)

14-12-2007, 08:57
^^ Now if you had switched it Off 2 mins before she got in & was waiting in the hall for a cuddle, She would have told you what a Love you was & sent you off to play whilst she happily squirrelled away ;)
That can only be done if you know what time she's coming home ;)

Joe 90
14-12-2007, 10:50
some how i ended up in the pub after work so didn't get on till late and then was playin like a newb on them search and destroy maps... mainly cose my flatmates were hell bent on distracting me from it all with stories of fat 'exotic' dancers... (don't ask)

ended up pwnin newbs in a few team deathmatch games though :D

14-12-2007, 10:52
Somehow, and I'm not sure how, I ended up top of the scoreboard on a couple of games :/

Still, loving that AK74 at the moment :D

14-12-2007, 11:09
I like the AK74 as well, up to about 80 kills in one night with it thanks to a few Domination games. Still got to do the Scorpion and Uzi challenges so I reckon some more domination games will be good for them :)

Joe 90
14-12-2007, 11:53
MP5+RDS ftw!

i meant to ask... for the brief moment that i actually said owt last night, could you hear me? one of my mates was complainin that he can't hear me with this new wireles headset... dunno maybe i just need to shout a bit like him!

14-12-2007, 12:01
I just played a game of Headquarters on Storage and got 56 kills in one match :D

The guy at the top of the table had 111!

I enjoyed our games last night, Domination is a good variant but I think we make a good team death match clan too as long as we stay co-ordinated, we also need to be a little more careful with checking our corners, on the ship level we were getting owned by guys who were getting good corner positions and just picking us off.


14-12-2007, 12:36
I agree MB, Team Deathmatch is still my favourite game, and we do make a good team. On some maps (Crossfire and Overgrown being the two obvious) I'd happily take on the role of sniper to cover people as I'm getting pretty good at that now. Checking corners is still something I need to work on, as I'm often picked off by people I don't see because I wasn't fully aware of where I was standing.

Joe 90
14-12-2007, 12:39
who's on tonight?

i've got our flat christmas dinner tonight which may include a voyage beyond the reaches of one's xbox but within the reach of a pint... but i'll have to get my fix at some point so will be pwnin newbs as normal. well maybe not quite as normal if i've had a few...

14-12-2007, 12:41
I'll be on at some point for sure, but no idea if it'll be before 10-11pm or not though.

Joe 90
14-12-2007, 12:44
yeah thats cool, with it being Friday (whoo 3days work left before christmas!) i'll be out of work @ 4 and so maybe on before 7 but then will no doubt be on for too long in the late/early hours!

14-12-2007, 13:17
We're in Swansea from tonight till Sunday night so I'm out of circulation


14-12-2007, 13:17
It was awesome last night, great game guys. I'm loving the MP5 on Shipment :D MB has taken my kill crown as I only had a lowly 50 kills in one match ;D

Won't be around tonight as it's our Christmas do but might be on over the weekend.

14-12-2007, 13:21
We're in Swansea from tonight till Sunday night so I'm out of circulation
Snap :D

14-12-2007, 13:26
Snap :D

shut up you lot! :p

14-12-2007, 13:48
shut up you lot! :p
I know. We'll just have to get online tomorrow night for some COD action :D

14-12-2007, 13:59
I know. We'll just have to get online tomorrow night for some COD action :D

hehe sounds good matey :)

EDIT: also have the official COD4 guide in PDF which makes interesting reading for the MP maps. If anyone wants a copy let me know and I'll stick it on my FTP ;)

14-12-2007, 14:34
Ohhh me me me me me!

Please :p

14-12-2007, 14:47
heh no worries I'll get it up over the weekend as it's 50meg and 270+ pages ;D

Joe 90
14-12-2007, 14:47
hehe sounds good matey :)

EDIT: also have the official COD4 guide in PDF which makes interesting reading for the MP maps.

teh w1n.

make sure MB doesn't see you saying that in a public area newb :p

14-12-2007, 23:25
Right, thats it I will have to buy this game very, very soon and get envolved in the Multi player, as that is where the action is at ! ! ! !

Joe 90
15-12-2007, 02:23
very good choice :D

15-12-2007, 09:22
teh w1n.

make sure MB doesn't see you saying that in a public area newb :p

fixored ;D

17-12-2007, 13:25
Some nice changes in this lot :)

I wanted to give you the heads up on a lot of cool changes coming to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer for the Xbox 360 in the month of December. Before you ask, there is no ETA on these changes, most are included in the upcoming patch, with all the playlists stuff happening independently at some point in the near future.

All of these changes are thanks to YOUR direct feedback and suggestions through Xbox.com forums, emails, IMing me personally, and any other way you managed to get your feedback to us. So what can you expect?

Multiplayer Playlist Changes:

The multiplayer playlists in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare are always evolving based on community feedback and stats we track behind the scenes. We're focused on constantly keeping the game fresh and tweaking it based on your feedback, so expect the following Playlist changes to be hitting soon:

Team Deathmatch

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Mercenary Team Deathmatch

* Brand New Playlists: No Clans / Parties allowed.
* Players who don't want to be matchmade with clans (or people in parties) can team up with fellow lone wolves and play some TDM.


* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.
* Score Limit Change: 100 Points


* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.

Ground War

* No changes.


* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.


* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.

Search and Destroy

* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Team Tactical

* Map Added to Rotation: Ambush - now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Bloc- now available in map rotation.
* Map Added to Rotation: Pipeline - now availalbe in map rotation.

Hardcore Team Deathmatch

* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Team Deathmatch Only
* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Hardcore Search and Destroy

* Brand New Playlist: 100% Hardcore Search and Destroy Only
* No longer switched between Hardcore Search and Destroy and Hardcore Team Deathmatch
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Old School

* Rule Set Change: Free-for-All Only w/ Old School Rules
* Increased Health (slightly)
* No Health Re-gen
* Score Limit Change: 100 points
* Map Added to Rotation: Showdown - now available in map rotation.

Cage Match

* Rule Set Change: No Longer Old School Mode
* 1 v 1: Normal Rules
* Map Added to Rotation: Countdown - now availalbe in map rotation
* Map Added to Rotation: District - now available in map rotation


* Playlist Removed

Team Objective

* Playlist Removed
* All gametypes included now available individually.

Upcoming Patch Updates (Seperate from above Playlist changes):

Addition of Host Migration

* If Host of lobby leaves, all players will be deposited back to the lobby where next best host will be selected before new game restarts. Players will no longer be kicked out of game entirely.

Improved Network Performance For Larger Games

* 18 player games now require more bandwidth to host, resulting in smoother performance for players.

Optimized Server Selection for First Match

* Server selection is now optimized to select best bandwidth servers associated by LSP.

Updated Spectator "Chase Cam"

* Change Spectator Mode: Switch between First Person and Third Person.
* 360 Degree rotation around character you're spectating.

Fixed "Playlist Older Than Host" Error

* Player will no longer get error when entering games.

Optimized Corrupt Create-a-Class Handling

* Players will no longer be kicked from game when their create-a-class data is corrupted.

Added Kill Cam To Everything

* Kill Cam view Added: Air Strike Bombs (Follows bomb from plane to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Grenades (Follows frag from hand to ground, then rotates to view target)
* Kill Cam view Added: RPGs (Follows RPG from launch to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: M203 Rounds (Follows round from launcher to target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Claymores (Views from behind claymore until explosion)
* Kill Cam view Added: C4 Packs (View from pack rotating to watch target)
* Kill Cam view Added: Martrdom (View from grenade rotating to watch target)

Optimized Old School Experience

* Added Unlimited Sprint
* Doubled Magazine Size
* Added Ragdoll Cam

Additional Start Spawn Locations in All Maps

* Added a minimum of 9 extra start spawns on each side of all maps.

Optimized Sniper Rifle / ACOG Scope Accuracy

* Sniper Rifles and ACOG scope accuracy improved due to fix.

Fixed Weapon Sprint Bug

* Bug which gave players more sprint when using particular weapons.

Thanks again for your constant feedback and support of the game, keep in mind that playlists are constantly evolving, so everything is subject to change based on feedback and results. If we feel something isn't fun or based on your feedback we'll continue to change it up and I'll continue to keep you in the loop.

Thanks everyone.

17-12-2007, 13:29
Some nice changes indeed. Good to know they're working on improving what is already a great MP game :)

18-12-2007, 00:19
Blimy, there are some good options if the feed is used !

Joe 90
18-12-2007, 10:46
ah brilliant - i was wondering when the first patch would land :D

18-12-2007, 11:57
Great stuff there but I'm interested in this:

Fixed Weapon Sprint Bug

* Bug which gave players more sprint when using particular weapons.

I thought having a lighter weapon such as a the MP5 should give you a longer sprint time? :huh:

18-12-2007, 12:37
I think it's a bug with the P90. It gives almost as much sprint time as having the Extreme Conditioning perk.

18-12-2007, 13:00
ah i see.

18-12-2007, 15:23
Excellent guide you uploaded Leo :D
Just been playing MP and had loads of questions, read the MP section of the guide and it answered them all :)

18-12-2007, 15:27
it is an excellent read Jen and everyone who is playing on Thursdays must have read it :p

18-12-2007, 15:28
Homework? :shocked: ;D
I'm trying to get up to level 12, I want a clan tag damnit :p

18-12-2007, 15:30
if you've got no BD tag, you're not joining in ;D

18-12-2007, 15:30
:shocked: :(
*gets playing*

18-12-2007, 20:03
Just hit level 12 :D And have a new found love for CoD Multiplayer. Even managed to last long enough to send off an airstrike which was cool :cool:
Quite pleasantly surprised by the amount of stuff that unlocks as you play. :)

18-12-2007, 20:29
You are now able to join in ;)

18-12-2007, 20:57
Good :p
I hover between realllllllllllly crap and crap at the moment :D Hopefully get more time tomorrow to improve.

18-12-2007, 21:31
I seem to hover between "good enough to dominate a room" and "so bad I couldn't hit a barn door if I were stood next to it" ;D

18-12-2007, 21:45
Even managed to last long enough to send off an airstrike which was cool :cool:
Cowbag...I've still not done that yet ;D

Think I'm a bit too gung ho sometimes :confused:

18-12-2007, 21:56
Mine was a pure fluke :D
It suddenly appeared on screen and I thought 'eeeeeeek, press right quick!' and somehow lived not overly long but long enough to see people die spectacularly :D
A lot of my playing so far involves panic :o

19-12-2007, 00:48
Good fun earlier :D Sorry I vanished, game dropped me for some reason and I had to go anyhow.
Can't believe how fast I've gone through the levels already :D

19-12-2007, 00:52
Aye awesome evening. We're so playing Headquarters on Thursday :D I just need to make sure I don't die when the HQ is taken which happens alot :'(

19-12-2007, 00:55
Didn't know you lot were playing earlier, I'd have popped on for a bit. Definitely be online Thursday night at some point though :)

19-12-2007, 00:56
I still can't believe that first map we played Leo, where we were first and second on the map and won it :D
Damn we did good :cool:

Love how much unlocks, it appeals to my achievement whoreness knowing I'm aiming for something. Plus I get cool gear :D

19-12-2007, 11:05
It suddenly appeared on screen and I thought 'eeeeeeek, press right quick!'
No need to panic :) Once you've earnt it, it doesn't matter if you die, you still keep it until you use it. At least that's what happens when I've had a UAV.

19-12-2007, 11:11
I'm up to Sergeant now but still struggling with Aiming. I either spin round to quick & over shoot my target or stop short & take to long locking on. I'll get there though. I had some excellent games last night with me normally finishing bottom but still having a good KD ratio. The urge to rush round like i do on the PC is strong but the learning curve i am going through at the moment is massive.

Joe 90
19-12-2007, 11:20
No need to panic :) Once you've earnt it, it doesn't matter if you die, you still keep it until you use it. At least that's what happens when I've had a UAV.

aye, UAV, air strike and choppers all 'roll over' when you die.

although try not to die then you get even more and massive kill streaks :evil:

19-12-2007, 11:54
No need to panic :) Once you've earnt it, it doesn't matter if you die, you still keep it until you use it. At least that's what happens when I've had a UAV.

I realised that last night but thanks :)

19-12-2007, 12:17
I'm up to Sergeant now but still struggling with Aiming. I either spin round to quick & over shoot my target or stop short & take to long locking on. I'll get there though. I had some excellent games last night with me normally finishing bottom but still having a good KD ratio. The urge to rush round like i do on the PC is strong but the learning curve i am going through at the moment is massive.

Come and play with us Malc, we did invite you last night but we finished soon after, come and have a bash with us on Thursday evening :)


19-12-2007, 12:24
Aye Jen we did good :cool:

Roll on Thursday :)

19-12-2007, 12:55
Woo just shot a heli down :cool:

Joe 90
19-12-2007, 13:02
i'm off home today to a 'reliable' connection so shouldn't have all the problems i do with parties timing out and generally failing to connect :D

19-12-2007, 13:20
Woo just shot a heli down :cool:

nicely done

19-12-2007, 13:35
It definitely has that one more go factor :D
I keep thinking 'oooh not far off another challenge, just one last go' and it keeps happening :D

19-12-2007, 13:36
haha yeah me and MB were like that last night, one more round and we'll finish ;D

EDIT: Just read the advice on headquarters in the guide and it's a good read. For those who haven't read/got the guide it advises to either have 2 teams of 3 working opposite sides of the map or 3 teams of 2 which work together.

The 3 team approach have 1 team to capture the HQ and the other 2 provide cover/assistance. The 2 team works in a similar fashion but tend to stay on the opposite sides of the map and wait for the new HQ to spawn, while the other team takes the HQ. The Landlord class clears the HQ and the Streakers are responsible for ducking in once clear and claiming it.

Custom Class suggestions are;



Oh and I'd suggest on Thursday someone start a private chat for our team so MB doesn't go blabbing our tictacticals to the other team ;D

20-12-2007, 12:57
The usual crowd about tonight?

20-12-2007, 13:57
I should be, though Everton are on TV I think. It's a nothing game though (we've already qualified top of the group) so I think I'd rather be playing COD4 if I can :)

20-12-2007, 14:04
Ok cool, well I've had 2 confirm including you, the other is unsure but I'm sure he can find an excuse to join in ;) I'm just wondering if Mr MB wants in.

20-12-2007, 15:30
Private chat sounds good, it encourages me to talk :p
I'll be about :) Try to get as much time in as possible as I'm enjoying it so much this week :D

20-12-2007, 15:31
Oh I think I could rearrange my calender ;)

Although I now have Assassins Guild and Orange Box at home.


20-12-2007, 15:47
Oh I think I could rearrange my calender ;)

Although I now have Assassins Guild and Orange Box at home.


Glad to hear it :) We are doing private chat though MB as you simply can't be trusted :p

About to send the 2nd back to Love Film as I'll go back to episode 1 and 2 at a later date.

Still working out if I can rob the 1st of Mr Pitch ;) ;D

20-12-2007, 16:29
I've just been told I can't do anything strenuous, stressful or basically anything that can put a strain on my heart. So no one make any loud noises or creep up on me in game :p

20-12-2007, 16:33
no chance of creeping, we'll all be too busy being decorating walls with the red stuff ;D

20-12-2007, 16:36

20-12-2007, 18:00
I wish I could tonight, but gamestation are out of stock - so it wont be gracing my doormat till after xmas :( :(

20-12-2007, 18:08
Awww :(

20-12-2007, 19:38
oh oh - its been dispatched today!
Wont see it till after xmas still though I'm guessin'.

20-12-2007, 20:05
Well, I'm ready :)


20-12-2007, 21:00
Sorry Matt we missed each other, I came on around 7:30 ish. Jen is around for 8:30 so shall we meet up then?

20-12-2007, 21:24
Reckon I might be on ;)

20-12-2007, 21:26
Hurry up then


20-12-2007, 21:47
Slightly late but incoming :D

20-12-2007, 23:49
Awesome game guys though I'm not liking the dying the second the HQ has been secured :'(

Just had a blast on team deathmatch and really liking the MP5 sneak class :D

21-12-2007, 00:46
Was good fun :)
We nearly have a full team for HQ too :D

21-12-2007, 01:29
I should be getting this for christmas so you can hopefully add me to the team too :)

22-12-2007, 02:20
Been getting into this the last week or so - it's rather addictive and I'm up to level 42 so far.

Are you lot all playing on the 360 or are there any other PC users out there? Whilst I do love the game, I'm very frustrated by the levels of grenade and air support spam in the game at present. This seems to be a common complaint amongst the PC community, but I'm not sure what the console users' take on it is. I'd like to see the grenades much more limited in use and power and air support much harder to call in.

22-12-2007, 08:26
We're all playing the 360 mainly. Personally I think the air support is fine though the martrydom perk does get annoying.

22-12-2007, 08:42
I've started to play it on the PC in MP. I will be playing it this weekend when I get back from work today. Yeah the air support is a bit ****e, but I guess it's just a reflection of how well your team is doing... I'm loving the mp version of the game... still getting used to it, getting better, but I need to learn the maps and the styles of games!

22-12-2007, 09:06

I have both but have only been playing the 360 version recently to get my hand used to the controller.
Arti & nades are not as big a problem on the 360 as there are not so many people in a game & the kill/death ratio is Much lower. Personally i think the maps are to small for the PC. Kills come far to easy so every 2 seconds you have someone letting off Arti. I find the games on the 360 to be slower & more tactical with people valueing there lives more. Less arti & less nades.
I am gagging to let myself loose on the PC version again & steam around like a nutter but i am determined to get used to my controller asap.
On the PC it took me a matter of hours to rank up & get a good string of kills. It's taking me ages on the 360 & i only just got my first ten kill streak last night & i only got that by using the chopper & camping like a Bitch :p

22-12-2007, 10:25
Well those of you looking for a place to come and play on the PC head on over to the
++SHAGPAD++ Hardcore // SAB -

also you can come and join us on Ventrilo IP and Port -

Come and have fun :D

22-12-2007, 13:07
I quite like the grenade spam really. It's annoying when you die by it, but it makes sense to me that they would be powerful. Plus it keeps me on my toes when I'm camping an HQ for example.

22-12-2007, 14:52
Well those of you looking for a place to come and play on the PC head on over to the
++SHAGPAD++ Hardcore // SAB -

also you can come and join us on Ventrilo IP and Port -
Neither of those are showing up in my server browser. Are they 1.3 or 1.4 servers by the way?
I quite like the grenade spam really. It's annoying when you die by it, but it makes sense to me that they would be powerful. Plus it keeps me on my toes when I'm camping an HQ for example.Sorry but I hate it. Maybe PC games get more players than 360 ones but, when there are 20+ ppl in the game, you tend to spawn, run a few feet then die in some random grenade explosion then repeat ad nauseum.

I think the "tactical" grenades, like stun, flash & smoke are fine, but the frag grenades are a total PITA.

Regards the air support, it's far far too easy to get and each one begets the next so you often have one team running away with the game with endless air strikes and helicopters and there's little the other side can do to get back into it.

22-12-2007, 14:57
It's just something you have to get used to imo. Much like AWPs in CS being a pita.

What game modes are you playing? I tend to stick to the team based ones so wondering if that makes a difference maybe? Seems to be more tactical that way.
I've no idea if the player limits are different on the 360 version but I rarely play a game without a full server.

22-12-2007, 15:42
++SHAGPAD++ Hardcore // SAB - is V1.4
I.P. is

It should show up......

And vent is working too... I'm on it at the mo...

22-12-2007, 16:15
Finally bitten the bullet and upgraded to 1.4

Shagpad is added to my favorites but doesn't show up in the list. Can connect to it manually though - weird!

Ventrilo appears down atm.

22-12-2007, 16:27
Vent I.P ->
Vent Port - > 4687