View Full Version : Buying a Wii from Germany?

14-11-2007, 10:23
A friend at work has asked whether a Wii bought in Germany will work in the UK with our games.

I don't know what the score with them being region/country locked is so can't advise her but would like to be able to give a definitive answer. It seems that they're much cheaper in Deutschland.

Anyone know?

14-11-2007, 11:00
A lot of folks over at HUKD have bought Wii's from amazon.de and had no problems, and my brothers missus folks have brought one back from France which is also fine. Think they're only different/locked in their 3 main locations - Nintendo (Japan/Far East), Nintendo America and Nintendo Europe (EMEA really). Should be fine.

14-11-2007, 11:58
Ta. Message passed on, brownie points for Feek issued :)

14-11-2007, 23:38
Can you order direct from the amazon.de website?

I'm barred from amazon (long story) but I'm not sure whether it's just the UK one or not :p

14-11-2007, 23:52
But unuless you have a german address - they won't post one to you now.
Same with the french site.

They've blocked us.


Only option on the UK amazon site starts at £325!!

14-11-2007, 23:54
Hmmmm *hatches devious plan*

15-11-2007, 00:16
I had the same plan today after reading about it on a news site - was all ready to order one and got told there were restrictions :(

Who's up for a Wii cruise? :p

15-11-2007, 00:21
*raises hand*

I'd just buy to sell though, I can't afford to keep one :p

15-11-2007, 09:25
She ordered one at around half five last night, they were showing twelve only in stock and the order was accepted. I guess it's shortly after that that they stopped international orders again. She got lucky.

16-11-2007, 01:09
She ordered one at around half five last night, they were showing twelve only in stock and the order was accepted. I guess it's shortly after that that they stopped international orders again. She got lucky.

argghhh that's sickening - I so nearly bought one when I was at work but figured it could wait till I got home :'(

Ah well - gonna spend the money on a new screen for my PC as my old CRT is way past its throw-off-a-fast-moving-truck date :o
Wii can wait till after crimbo when I'll be properly fat....ter :p