View Full Version : Children In Need!

16-11-2007, 08:42
What are you doing for them!?

I'm about to set off in my gold full body spandex hero costume and scar some small children for life!

I have made me a little collection box and am very excited about raising lots of money!

Plus, it's my last day at school today - am very excited about future prospects!

Full of some weird fever thing at the moment - glands all swollen and canny gulp... but gonna fight it to raise some money!

YAAAAAAAAY! Da da DAAAAA *takes off out the house* ;D

16-11-2007, 08:47
Sounds like anything you raise will have an immediate need :evil:

I shall be depositing a few coins in the first bucket I see when I get into town. Can't be a lot though :(

16-11-2007, 08:48
/me is back for a bit adjusting wedgey from Bridget-Jones-Style-Hold-Every-Thing-In-Pants.

Super heros shouldn't have to wear these.

/me zooms off into the frosty morning!

16-11-2007, 09:21
Can I be the first to demand pictures?

Admiral Huddy
16-11-2007, 10:20
Can I be the first to demand pictures?

bugger.. I'm next in queue.

I feel kinda pervy know.. Pheebs in spandex #fnar# .. can you put some porn shoes on too please. :)

I was thinking of going to work with my pants on the outside of my cycle wets see if anyone notices.. I forgot.. maybe one day next week. :D

16-11-2007, 10:54
As usual I plan on avoiding Children in Need.


16-11-2007, 11:00
Children in Need is going to be great - My youngest child is suffering from Doctor Who withdrawal symptoms and there's going to be a Doctor Who special tonight, so it's catering for his needs.

16-11-2007, 12:12
As usual I plan on avoiding Children in Need.

Me too, I hate having it rammed down my throat by the bbc et al.

16-11-2007, 13:56
Me Three.
All i am doing for Children in Need is Avoiding it. Respects to those who are getting involved though. I give but i just don't ride the Hype.

16-11-2007, 14:34
Good for you Pheebs/ Custard girl!

While I agree it is better to give regularly to your selected charidees I think these events are a great way to raise awareness & loosen the purse strings. Plus any event that gets Pheeb's hot bod into spandex can't be all bad :D

Hope you are using your super custard powers to fight the evil sore throat monster!

16-11-2007, 16:17
Good for you Pheebs/ Custard girl!

While I agree it is better to give regularly to your selected charidees I think these events are a great way to raise awareness & loosen the purse strings. Plus any event that gets Pheeb's hot bod into spandex can't be all bad :D

Hope you are using your super custard powers to fight the evil sore throat monster!

You can watch it upstairs :p


16-11-2007, 18:43
As usual I plan on avoiding Children in Need.


Ditto I'm afraid :o

16-11-2007, 19:03
Skip to 2:30.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tzgaEB5gJI&feature=related :)