View Full Version : BURNing Problems - CD's

19-11-2007, 18:28
I a problem BURNing / copying CD's
I have never had a problem with Copying CD's before until today !:(

When I use NERO 6 to copy CD disc the first few tracks are all muffed and have crackerling on them !

The CD's in question are Scounting For Girls, & Newton Faulkner. I take that these do not have some modern anti copying files on !

Any ideas please :confused:

19-11-2007, 22:21
It's possible they do, use another program designed for copying things that probably shouldnt copied... Alcohol 120% springs to mind since thats what i use...

20-11-2007, 14:11
Yeah, Alcohol 120% is pretty good, should do most things :)

20-11-2007, 20:09
Thaks guys, doe A120% work simular to CD Clone etc ?

21-11-2007, 03:26
As in it copies CD yes, as in GUI, no. Just grab a trial and see you find it. ClondCD would work too, but i thought they were bough/taken over/shut down by anti piracy firms etc... and haven't developed much since their "day". Alcohol 120% is generally considered market leader i would guess... it's never NOT copied ANYTHING i've throw at it...

25-11-2007, 17:53
I will try and down load 120% then.
I will give it a go

26-11-2007, 23:26
I have just BURN a CD & a hollywood DVD with NERO6, and no problems at all !
WTF is going on with either NERO or XP or is it me not working !
Perhaps I need a hot fix !

27-11-2007, 00:24
Dump nero its s***e, and get Alcohol.

02-12-2007, 18:44
Is there a Demo of Alcohol ?
How easy is it to use, as I have never tried it ?

02-12-2007, 19:46
Yes there is trial software, its as easy to install as any other windows point and click installers? Alcohol 120% and Alcohol 52% (This only does CD's or something like that)

03-12-2007, 15:50
Cool I will go and look for a link
