View Full Version : What is this Chinese ingredient called... in Chinese?

21-11-2007, 20:14
OK, I normally know these as Chinese Leaves:


There are a number of other names it is known as:

Nappa cabbage = celery cabbage = Chinese celery cabbage = Peking cabbage = Chinese cabbage = wong bok = petsai = shantung cabbage = hakusai = Chinese leaf (leaves) = michihli

Now I really like it and the Chinese I used to go to served it. But I tried to get it at one of the three Chineses near me - One couldn't do it (as the staff cooked it for themselves but don't have it on the menu so had ran out), the other two (whose english isn't as good) didn't know what I meant when I used the term 'Chinese Leaves'. So my question is what would a Chinese person know this ingredient as?! I might stand a chane of getting it somewhere if I knew what to ask for!

I have such a craving for this right now !! :dunno:

21-11-2007, 20:46
Bok Choy?

21-11-2007, 20:46
I think I know them as Choy?

21-11-2007, 20:47
^5's Dawn. :cool:

21-11-2007, 20:48
^5 back atcha!

21-11-2007, 21:00
Choy is close but not quite it as there are loads of kinds..... Like Bok Choy:

Su Choy are very similar but it's not the exact one I'm thinking of. Thanks for the help so far :)

21-11-2007, 21:08
I had originally thought of Pak Choy but the pictures don't seem to match :confused:

21-11-2007, 21:10
Damn I though Dawn and I had nailed it :( Will look through my Chinese cookbook....

21-11-2007, 21:12
Wongbok or Baichu? Petsay? I thought Pak Choy too Sam. :dunno:

I think it's called Hakusai in Japanese....

My book has run out of pics and I'm out of ideas :(

21-11-2007, 21:12
I'm now thinking it is probably known by Chinese people as 'wong bok', now I just need a chinese person to verify thats what they know it as!

21-11-2007, 21:19
Go with wong bok - let yourself out of your misery! :p

I've just google Hakusai and it looks like it is the same thing no?

21-11-2007, 21:21
Is this leading back to Gok Wan? It better not Missy!

21-11-2007, 22:25
My mum calls it 'Chinese Cabbage' :p

Hee hee! I will ask her the proper name ;)

BB x

22-11-2007, 18:33
Chinese leaf lettuce? They sell it Sainsburys.

22-11-2007, 19:54
Chinese leaf lettuce? They sell it Sainsburys.
Did you read the OP you naughty boy :p;D

22-11-2007, 22:16
How to say 'cabbage' in a South African accent:


Haha! I shouldn't have had vodka for dinner!

22-11-2007, 22:19
Much love for the mouse king ;D ;D

23-11-2007, 01:53

23-11-2007, 17:44
In our local Chinese Supermarket it's normally got a wee label infront of it saying either "Pak Choy" or "Bak Choi"... but that's just like saying "cabbage" to us! It doesn't specify which type (ie white cabbage).

Pekinensis is the type of cabbage or "Pak Choy" you're looking for I believe! :)

Hope that helps!

23-11-2007, 18:00
Well I have decided not to bother going to a takeaway as they thought be a mad blonde Woman :p So I went to the supermarket and got it myself. OK so it means I have to cook but it'll taste all the better for being home made! nom nom nom :)

25-11-2007, 03:01
Did you read the OP you naughty boy :p;D
Duh. *Pokes self in eye* :o