View Full Version : Tastiest thing I can make for £1.37

21-11-2007, 21:47
I've spent everything else on booze, now i'm hungry, what can I feed on until the 25th. Ideas?

Oh I have no food of any sort. Housemates were kind enough to polish off everything. I do have salt and pepper.

21-11-2007, 21:57
You could probably make some garlic chilli spaghetti for that much? If not, erm, a tin of baked beans, and some toast! Omlettes? Jacket potato?

21-11-2007, 21:59
Ohhhh why did I buy that pack of golden virginia.......

Seems it's going to be beans.


Potatoes! Will! You genius.

A mate just donated a Fray Bentos pie, i'm going to have pie and mash. :D

21-11-2007, 22:37
Mild Curry super noodles!! you can probably get yourself 4 packets, or if you go to asda, they do their own brand for 8p

21-11-2007, 22:39
Potatoes! Will! You genius.

:D Whythangyou :cool: ;)

21-11-2007, 23:47
its only 4 days, you don't really need to eat.

go get more booze

22-11-2007, 00:02
As I cooked last night....

Finely chop an onion and as much garlic as you can lay your hands on...

Fry this off with some basil (dried is ok) and black pepper...

While you do this cook some pasta.

Once the pasta is cooked then dump it in the pan with the onion and garlic and fry it a little bit.


Dump a can of beans into the mix, add some worcestershire sauce and ketchup and a bit of water.

Cook until it looks right.


Fart lots :D

22-11-2007, 02:52
tins of Beans and spaghetti can be had for about 15p each. Potatoes for about 30p/kg, rice for next nothing, and pasta for next nothing, supermarket label crap of the tins of course, can't remember the exact price of corned beef but supermarket label is cheap as! same with meat paste (almost corned beef!) thats about 15p for a little jar.
Remember always check the reduced sections first! Bargains to be had there. If you're really cheap ask for what they've already thrown out of grocery shops/resturants/supermarket thats actually what environmentally friendly people do too :)
Can't think of any more tips off the top of my head and i have about 1300 words to write for an essay due in, in about 10 hours... (loads of time you might say :D) but then i have a mock exam and a programming exercise to be handed in right after too... :(

Dr. Z
22-11-2007, 03:24
Noodles can be bought for under 10p, tins of cheap soup (or cup-a-soup type things) can be bought for next to nowt too and the rest can go towards a cheap loaf.

Toast, soup with bread to dip in and/or noodles to fill you up. Sounds like a winner to me!

22-11-2007, 10:28
A few times when I was extremely skint, I bought about 4-5 different tins of veg and some cheap curry sauce, and mixed the two. Made quite a nice cheap veggie curry considering just how little it cost :) Surprisingly filling too.
Bit healthier than instant noodles too.

22-11-2007, 13:51
I'll tell you what I have found,

Chinese supermarkets, instant Ramen, wasabi peas.

The ramen is obviously still processville cheap and nasty but it's so obviously better for you and tastier than supernoodles, potnoodles and the like.

wasabi peas are probably the best snack in the world apart from pitta breads and humous.

23-11-2007, 20:04
Eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, onions, bacon - don't know if you could get it all for that budget but when fried with some garlic it is a yummy comfort meal :)

Snuggle Ferret
24-11-2007, 18:24
Spaghetti, with tinned tomatoes on top and then some cheese .. ate it at lot when parents had not a lot of money .. yummy

24-11-2007, 21:55
Eggs, potatoes, mushrooms, onions, bacon - don't know if you could get it all for that budget but when fried with some garlic it is a yummy comfort meal :)

Minus the onions I have this for tomorrow night :)

25-11-2007, 13:57
It's the 25th now. Did you survive?

25-11-2007, 14:40
Its gone quiet guys ;D

25-11-2007, 14:44
Someone poke him with a stick!

25-11-2007, 15:16
Anyone want to post me a slice of toast? It's a Sunday and the banks are doing nothing.

25-11-2007, 17:47
Sorry, I'm just off to sainsburys...

26-11-2007, 14:37
Right i meant to mention this when i got back last night, but all systems go and i went out... Sainsburys Basic's Curry Sauce, Less than 3% fat, and the ingredients are all pretty much normal (:D) - FIVE pence. That is by far the best deal Sainsburys have... I got the last one on the shelf. I can't make surry sauce in bulk better than that. After some banter with the guy on the checkout he agreed that the curry sauce is the best deal sainsburys have. He also recommended i check out the dented tins section, reduced meat section and general reduced section (two of which i already frequent). Also he said come shopping in the week between 6 and 7 when the fresh cooked sauces and meat counter indian thing shuts and they sell that stuff off cheaply 'cause it'll go off over night! Bargain!

26-11-2007, 14:57
Two cups of Tea & One Large packet of Milk Chocolate digestives = JD.

26-11-2007, 15:41
Huzzah me banks full of money! I'm going to have a steak.

27-11-2007, 07:37
Yesterday I found a bargaintastic combo in ASDA.

Batchelors 'Bean Feast' (bolognese style), circa 79p, and some cheap spaghetti, circa 49p. Cheap as chips, and good for 2 meals. 3 if you smoke in-between mouthfulls ;).

27-11-2007, 18:15
You can get those English breakfasts in a tin, cook it up, load up on toast; they are pretty rancid though.

You can't go wrong with some rice, some coconut milk, a chicken breast and a lemon really.

Joe 90
30-11-2007, 12:52
8p tesco chicken flavour noodles are amazing for any student :D

also, i find a lot of uses for 21p value tinned chopped tomatos :D

07-12-2007, 01:35
21p? your getting ripped off!! 15p for value chopped toms! Beanfeast is ace for cheapness/filling. Green Thai Curry paste + chicken + coconut milk + frozen peas make a good tasty curry that isn't too costly.

Also chopped toms + 1 or 2 rashers of cheap smoked bacon + onions with italian herbs + pasta has got to be one of the tastiest cheap quick meals to make.

07-12-2007, 13:46
Am in lazy mode today so when i went to the shop i bought 1 packet of Cheddars for my breakfast instead of having to fire up the barby for my bacon sangers.
1 pack of Cheddars = 95p from my friendly local over priced Asian shop :)
I bet if i went down Asda i could get 3 packs for that but then Asda isn't 2 mins away from me like Mr Asian.

11-12-2007, 01:53
Yeah chopped toms are about 15p here too :D i feel lucky. Still 5p curry sauce i can't get over :D:D:D:D