View Full Version : Great birthday present..

Admiral Huddy
22-11-2007, 12:51
It was my son's birthday yesterday (12)..

On the way back home from school, he was beaten up by two lads quite severely and unprovoked. His friends just watched. Apparently, they've been goading him for awhile.

I wanted to get the police involved but he didn't want me to call. As far as I'm concerned this is assault. If not bothered this time but I have said if it happens again I will have no hesitation, providing there are witnesses and he hasn't provoked them. In the meantime, my wife has written to the school.. not that they can do much.

How ironic it was his birthday and nation anti-bullying week.

I felt for him last night.. I really did. :(

22-11-2007, 12:52
Poor kid :(
Bullying's an awful thing to happen to anyone.

22-11-2007, 12:54
That sucks :/

22-11-2007, 13:04
Oh no! Poor Pete.

Big hugs to him... kids can be so horrible :angry:

BB x

22-11-2007, 13:16
Little bastards. I f****** hate kids.

22-11-2007, 13:22
That sucks Paul. Any bad or serious damage done?

22-11-2007, 13:24
Little bastards. I ****ing hate bullying, looking back now, I dont know why I never did anything about it

Admiral Huddy
22-11-2007, 13:24
Black eye, headache and broken pride I think.

Always a tough one to deal with.. Maybe you could advise what our options are?

22-11-2007, 13:28
Black eye, headache and broken pride I think.

Always a tough one to deal with.. Maybe you could advise what our options are?
As I don't deal directly with the kids most of the time I'm not really up on what school policy is over bullying I'm afraid. I'll point Lynne this way, she'll give a better answer than I could.

22-11-2007, 13:31
Ive just reread that, his friends just watched? Some bloody friends they are :(

22-11-2007, 13:42
Schools generally have quite tight anti-bullying policies, but it still doesn't seem to stop the bullying, especially outside of school. Sometimes getting the school involved only makes it worse for the victims. I don't know if anything can really stop bullying, short of locking the little cretins up. Poor kid :(

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
22-11-2007, 13:45
Black eye, headache and broken pride I think.

Always a tough one to deal with.. Maybe you could advise what our options are?

Headache - I'd advise that you take him the doctors

As for contacting school - ring them, to tell them and inform a letter is also on the way. If they are from the same school / school in the area contact them.

These lads need dealing with!
If the school cannot provide any answers then go to the police. There is CCTV everywhere now and in my school we stand for none of this and it is dealt with.

If there is a good head at the school then they should be deal with this and be aware of this. plus if he has a black eye teachers will ask questions about what happened and it's always easier imo for the pupil for school to know than have to tell the story to 10 teachers! :)

Sorry I'm not sure what other advise you're after hun, hope he's ok xx

22-11-2007, 13:47
Ive just reread that, his friends just watched? Some bloody friends they are :(

I had that once :( Some guys went after a "mate" of mine so they all ran off. I didn't bother running cos they weren't after me but because I didn't run off they got me. It wasn't anything harsh mind. Held me down and some fat kid sat on me till I said it hurt. It never hurt but I was bored so I said it did. Then they said they were only doing this to get my "mate" so I led them straight to him. My friends didn't say anything after, nor did I. I was so disappointed and I imagine that's the worst part for your son Huddy. Nasty thing to happen, hope he's ok.

22-11-2007, 16:01

22-11-2007, 17:34
Omg. Kids are such little beeping beeps (in my head I said the C word really loudly I'm that angry!)

Poor poor mini hud :( Big hugs and tenderness to him - really hope he will speak out and tell the police... hopefully no more future attacks.

Stupid beeps.

22-11-2007, 18:09
Schools generally have quite tight anti-bullying policies, but it still doesn't seem to stop the bullying, especially outside of school. Sometimes getting the school involved only makes it worse for the victims. I don't know if anything can really stop bullying, short of locking the little cretins up. Poor kid :(

I went to the better of the two secondary schools in my area, and as it stood our anti-bullying policy was non existent, but still better than the other school.

Don't bother getting the school to deal with it if it happens again, the kids will get a telling off and that will be it. My sister was being bullied and when she went to tell her teacher the teacher said she would deal with it, nothing happened. when my mum rang the school the headteacher didn't know and he said he would deal with it, nothing happened. The bullies parent's weren't even aware of the mental and physical pain their daughter was inflicting on my sister.

Go straight to the police, they will file a report of assault and you'll get results.

22-11-2007, 18:28
How terrible.

My eldest was beaten up when he was in the last year of primary by 3 kids from secondary. They attacked him from behind so he didn't even know it as about to happen until he was on the floor and he was being kicked. I rang the high school and told them and they said as it was out of school hours they weren't their responsibility. I disagreed - especially as the boys were wearing their high school uniform.

Since then Kai is now in the high school and they have a different head master and really stamp down on bullying.

I would phone the school and explain that your son doesn't want it reported so you expect them to treat it with the utmost diplomacy and that you expect them to keep an eye out for him and make sure this doesn't happen again.

22-11-2007, 18:45
In my world the so called friends would have got a Slap & then i would have gone around & Battered the Father of the Bully.
Bullys Boil my Piss :angry:

22-11-2007, 19:46
How awful :(

Hope he's ok - he's a really nice lad ! :)

22-11-2007, 20:02
Awful :(

That's one thing I never stood for - bullying. I've never let it happen and itnever will in any situation. Someone tried it once - they never bothered again.

I wish there was something that could be done, but I guess only you know what your son is like and how he'd respond to it. Maybe they see him as a weaker personality or someone they can pick on - if that's the case it might not stop :( I hope he's ok and not too badly shaken up or hurt - seems really senseless.

Bullying these days seems to have changed - it's a lot more vicious and it seems to carry on. When I was at school, you had a good scrap and walked away and that was that. These days it's all so dodgy :(

It's so depressing I actually feel quite riled by it.