View Full Version : Bloody laptops - Where is the CMOS battery?

Admiral Huddy
23-11-2007, 10:28
I've had brought to me an old Toshiba 1640C laptop. The owner has forgotten the CMOS/BIOS password (he has provided proof of purchase) so just a case of locatting either the Jumper or removing the CMOS battery yeah?

Well I've had the keybaord out (a feat in itself) and had a good look inside but I can't find anything... Nothing on the Toshiba website and google doesn't come up with much..

Any help would be great - thanks

23-11-2007, 10:36
It's a Tosh, use a password reset parallel loopback - Link the following pins: : 1-5-10, 2-11, 3-17, 4-12, 6-16, 7-13, 8-14, 9-15 and 18-25.

I used to carry one around in my toolkit all the time, it's essential.

23-11-2007, 10:38
You could try this (http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/CmosPwd). I've never used it so I can't vouch for it.
It comes as part of the Windows Ultimate Boot CD (http://www.ubcd4win.com/contents.htm).

Admiral Huddy
23-11-2007, 10:56
superb.. one question about win boot cd.. how is going to boot to the CD if I can't get it past the CMOS password?

23-11-2007, 11:01
It's not. Hence the loopback trick.

Admiral Huddy
23-11-2007, 11:05
Ok, thanks. I'll give it a go.

Admiral Huddy
23-11-2007, 11:12
It's a Tosh, use a password reset parallel loopback - Link the following pins: : 1-5-10, 2-11, 3-17, 4-12, 6-16, 7-13, 8-14, 9-15 and 18-25.

I used to carry one around in my toolkit all the time, it's essential.

another dumb question... It says 1-5-10 ??? whereas the others are 1 to 1 ie. 7 to 13..

23-11-2007, 11:16
superb.. one question about win boot cd.. how is going to boot to the CD if I can't get it past the CMOS password?

Aha, so you spotted my deliberate mistake then :o

23-11-2007, 11:21
another dumb question... It says 1-5-10 ??? whereas the others are 1 to 1 ie. 7 to 13..

It's linking three pins together.

Admiral Huddy
23-11-2007, 11:33
Aha, so you spotted my deliberate mistake then :o

HAHA sorry It was a genuine question.. I wasn't be sarcy or anything but you know that :)

23-11-2007, 15:50
Laptop repairs are great ;D I've bought a specificly broken exact replica of my mums and i'm slowly replacing parts, so far Screen, DVD and keyboard...

Admiral Huddy
23-11-2007, 16:05
Bloody hate 'em.. It's the third this month.. I must remember to ask them before hand becuase they always take longer than a desktop.

23-11-2007, 19:50
You will only get more and more mate, its the way the market is heading, bog stand joe blogs only buys laptops now days. Heck even i generally just use and buy laptops now it seems, its what i recomment to everyone theyre so much more versatile and easier (well except fixing :)). So start reading up and getting the workshop manuals for them ;)

24-11-2007, 01:47
Any joy, Huddy?

Admiral Huddy
27-11-2007, 12:51
nope.. the problem was the making the dongle.

I tried an old male DB25 connector but the bloody thing is sealed. I popped to Maplin Electronics to get a single male DB25 connector and they didn't know what I was talking about.. no surprises there.. I next tried running some core wires from terminal to terminatal as indicated but nothing happened.

So no joy..

27-11-2007, 13:37
Maplin part number YQ48C. £1.49. Shedloads in stock online. Should be able to look them up in-store. :)

Admiral Huddy
27-11-2007, 14:50
Maplin part number YQ48C. £1.49. Shedloads in stock online. Should be able to look them up in-store. :)

You're a hero! There's a Maplins just around the corner, quoted that and got one. Will try later and post back :)

27-11-2007, 16:32

A holiday camp?

Or did you mean a Maplin Electronic Supplies shop? ;)


Hope it works though after all the effort, it should do, it's a trick I used a lot on Toshiba laptops.

Admiral Huddy
27-11-2007, 16:59
git :)

Didn't they used to be Tandy?

27-11-2007, 17:16
No, that's Carphone Warehouse you're thinking of there. :)

27-11-2007, 17:20
No, that's Carphone Warehouse you're thinking of there. :)

They didn't used to be Tandy, they bought Tandy.
Unless I've misread what you mean there :)

27-11-2007, 17:22
I know, but for the sake of brevity. :)

PS - They only actually bought Tandy UK.

27-11-2007, 17:23
It's like battle of the pedants with us two ;D

27-11-2007, 20:41
It's like battle of the pedants with us two ;D



/pedant. Again. :D

27-11-2007, 20:44

27-11-2007, 20:46
Pedants? Where? Who said anything about pedants? Wasn't me. ;D

OK then, Pedants R Us. :D

Admiral Huddy
28-11-2007, 10:14

Didn't work :( I'm going to call this one quits before I spend too much time on it.

I'm not sure if I got the 1-5-10 combination right.. I took two cables from 5, one going to 1 and the other 10.. 1 to 5 to 10.. Was that right?

28-11-2007, 15:49
Doesn't really matter how you connect the three pins together so long as they're actually connected. You could verify this using a multimeter.