View Full Version : Quick Toby update

25-11-2007, 01:11
We'll try and sort out some pics to upload tomorrow if we get chance :)

Toby is growing far too quickly!! He's growing like a weed and eating like a pig ;D

He's 16 weeks now, and when I took him to the baby clinic on Thursday he was 17lb and is now 66cm.

My friend's little girl is 8 months old and has only just gotten to 17lb! No-one that randomly coos over Toby in the street believes that he isnt quite 4 months yet :(

And I had to start weaning him at 14 weeks because he was waking during the night again. I thought the health visitor would tell me off because the new guidelines state that 17 weeks should be the earliest a baby is starting to be weaned, but instead she was really surprised I hadnt needed to start him off a lot earlier.

He had chocolate pudding for the first time tonight and he wolfed it down like it was going out of fashion. Between each spoonful he started to cry for more lol.

So as you can tell, he's doing really well. Well, apart from the stonking cold he has- and Megan has it too which doesnt make for an easy life right now :(

25-11-2007, 01:16
You sure he's not one of mine? :p

25-11-2007, 01:23
You sure he's not one of mine? :p

100% sure :p

25-11-2007, 11:10
You sure he's not one of mine? :p

I love that this is in the "fathers day" section of gifts ;D Something Dym isn't telling us? :p


25-11-2007, 11:11
Oh and on a more related note - good to hear from you and know that you're all doing well :) The whole world and his dog seem to have colds atm - hope everyone gets over it soon :)

Snuggle Ferret
25-11-2007, 18:56
Oh and on a more related note - good to hear from you and know that you're all doing well :) The whole world and his dog seem to have colds atm - hope everyone gets over it soon :)

Yes, including "he who is never ill" who has managed to get his second cold (or man flu / bird flu) in a month (or it is still the first one) :s

25-11-2007, 22:19
Nice to hear from you & to hear that Toby is doing well & growing like a good'un ;D I hope the colds get better soon.

25-11-2007, 23:04
Aww yay! Glad he is doing well Rae :)

25-11-2007, 23:17
Glad to hear all is well, if you know what I mean... get well soon all! :D

26-11-2007, 13:59
Glad he's doing well but you really shouldn't wean before 6 months as it can cause lots of problems in later life. Ethan was 16lb 4 at 13 weeks so he was a big baby too and I did baby led weaning with him a week or two before 26 weeks. He's never slept through the night either and that's not really an indication of being for solids. The main signs are being able to grab food and feed themselves, being able to sit unaided, loss of the tongue thrust reflex and a few others. I don't mean to preach or anything or cause a debate but this is one of my bugbears. Early weaning can cause gut problems as the baby's stomach isn't ready to digest food. Something's that thought to be linked is gut maturity to being able to feed themselves, makes sense when you think about it as obviously all babies will have gut maturity at slightly different ages but there's no real way to tell. Just wanted to give you something to think about as you could still drop the solids for a while to be on the safe side :)

Anyway, glad things are going well. He's certainly growing well :)

Ethan's still breastfed and still a big boy, he was 19lbs at 20 weeks ;D

Admiral Huddy
26-11-2007, 16:04
Nice to hear all is well.. did you try the bottle trick ?;)

14-12-2007, 23:11
Yes Huddy, we switched to your method of making bottles :) Makes it so much easier to clean them after they've been used. By the time the next tiggy baby arrives (not for a fair few years yet!) the guidelines for formula feeding will have changed again, d'oh!

Glad he's doing well but you really shouldn't wean before 6 months...snip

Megan was weaned at around the same age and hasnt had any problems. And she's not allergic to anything.

I'm not going to hold off with the solids, he needs them and the whole of the health visitor team at my gp practice agree. If I stopped giving him solids, he'd be having over 40 oz of milk a day. He already has 35ish and that's with one solid meal a day too.

Toby's been having solids once a day for several weeks now and is not showing any signs of having difficulties digesting.

He's ready for it, and in the next few weeks we'll be changing to 2 feeds a day and dropping his dreamfeed and hopefully he'll sleep from 7pm until 6-7am :)

27-01-2008, 01:25
Glad he's doing well but you really shouldn't wean before 6 months as it can cause lots of problems in later life.

6months is a new recommendation and wasn't in practice when Joshua was born 4 years ago.

Its a guideline they say 6months but 4-6months is fine depending on the child as told by many health visitors etc...

Isabella was 11lbs12 1/2 ozs and breastfed and because of her size she is a hungry baby.
I spoke to h/v as isabella was showing quite a few signs of needing solids ie not sleeping for long periods day and night and taking interest when we ate and also feeding constantly.
The h/v also thought she needed to be put on solids but to wait a week til she was 16weeks.
She is now on one meal a day and very content she now sleeps for long periods through the day and is now only waking once in the night.

Maybe thats a local thing with health care trust.

Sorry if i sound like i'm ranting but if a child needs solids and the h/v's agree then its in the best interest of the child to give them solids.

Most of the weaning foods are also from 4months so have been specially designed to satisfy babies from that age.

Anyway me wants to see lots of pics of Toby :D

27-01-2008, 12:55
I'll try and post some in a while :)

Both of my chilli beans are poorly, so things are a bit hectic here :(

27-01-2008, 13:25
Poorly kiddles FTL.