View Full Version : Upgrading to Leopard tonight...

27-11-2007, 17:04
...wish me luck :D

Going to do it whilst working late tonight. Hopefully shouldn't take too long or run into any problems :p

27-11-2007, 17:05
Someone I know had it crash three times, so he just did a full reinstall. Good luck!

Edit: I've been appointed the Mac expert on the helpdesk team now (simply because I know something about them and everyone else knows nothing) and my new Macbook Pro arrived yesterday. Shiny! Been watching movie trailers all day using the remote.

27-11-2007, 17:07
Good luck! Do tell of all the funky new features and whether they're actually worth the upgrade and I might do it myself.

27-11-2007, 17:11
Beware any extensions you may have, especially 'Haxies' involving Application Enhancer (APE) - Shapeshifter is a popular one but anything that plays with the top menu bar, desktop, dock etc. is suspect. If you have any of these, remove them first, or the Upgrade *will* break. Archive and Install is a safe bet but then you have to reinstall everything.

Unfortunately I use one to get widescreen resolutions as Tiger doesn't offer 16:10 resolutions by default, so an upgrade is out of the question for me at the moment.

27-11-2007, 18:03
I upgraded as soon as I could. No major issues so far. Time Machine is great. Its comforting knowing that my data is all backed up and that I don't have anything waving at me to do so. I did a completely reinstall as I wanted to sort out my space issues. Back to about 2 gb free now :D

27-11-2007, 18:58
I really want a Mac :(

27-11-2007, 19:05
Here I go :D

Good thing is is that although this is my main machine, all files and app install files are on another machine so if this does go belly up, I can still work and still have everything to hand :)

27-11-2007, 19:27
I really want a Mac :(

Me too :o

27-11-2007, 20:06
Didn't happen in the end....DVD didn't work ;D

27-11-2007, 20:27

27-11-2007, 20:30
Did someone try to be naughty and got themselves pwned? Oops. :D

27-11-2007, 20:32
Well the DVD reads OK, it just wont boot :/ :D

27-11-2007, 22:47
Hmm strange. I've er heard it works fine. :shiftyeyes: You're lucky it didn't go down like this though (http://xkcd.com/349/).

28-11-2007, 13:52
Got this going onto a Firewire drive now so should be able to install straight from that :D

28-11-2007, 15:29
Think I might have a dodgy image here....gonna need another one :p

04-12-2007, 17:35
OK, got this new image sitting on the firewire drive and checked it's working :D

Will be going for the upgrade at 5 tonight.

04-12-2007, 19:26
Hope it was successful :)

04-12-2007, 20:18
Don't know yet. Had to rush off home before I could manage to fit the restart in :p

04-12-2007, 20:24
Ah :D

05-12-2007, 10:39
Well it kind of worked OK ;D

Had a few problems this morning as it kept crashing on startup. I did an upgrade rather than the favoured fresh install (which I might do over the xmas break). In safe mode now verifying the disk and repairing permissions. I had this once when I did a big update to Tiger, all worked fine afterwards so should be OK :)

05-12-2007, 14:02
Did and Archive and Install instead and all back up and running now :D

05-12-2007, 14:04
Woo nice :)