View Full Version : Book recommendations please

29-11-2007, 13:02
I'm after some new books as I've nearly finished the series I'm currently reading. I like the stuff by Raymond E Feist, Robin Hobbs, Pratchett so looking for something in the same vein. Would prefer a series of books if at all possible.


29-11-2007, 13:06
Trudi Canavan - Black Magician Trilogy?

I'll have a look thru my book list when I get home for some other suggestions

29-11-2007, 13:11
Not sure if there is anything in this (http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/showthread.php?t=300&) thread which might catch your fancy

29-11-2007, 13:30
I echo Tak's recommendation, its a great trilogy :)

Just started reading the Pellinor trilogy: http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_w_h_?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Pellinor&Go.x=0&Go.y=0&Go=Go
and am loving it.

29-11-2007, 14:25
Terry Brooks Shannara stuff if that's not too obvious. The Sword of Shannara is a complete Tolkien rip off but after that he finds his own voice a bit and some of the more recent stuff even shows a bit of creativity. It's fairly well written just very familiar.

Other authors to consider: David Gemell, George RR Martin, James Barclay. I remember reading some of Julian May's 'Trillium' stuff a while ago too and it was OK.

Try some of Tom Holt's stuff if you've completely run out of Pratchett to read.

29-11-2007, 14:44
I've read the Black Magician trilogy, forgot that there are more of his books in the house so will give them a read through soon.

29-11-2007, 14:50
The Dark Tower series by Stephen King :D

Snuggle Ferret
29-11-2007, 19:46
Maybe a bit young Fantasy, but The Belgarian, The Mallorean etc., are good reading by David Eddings. And there are quite a few of them :D

There are also the Dragon books by Anne McCaffrey - again quite a few of them.

29-11-2007, 19:54
Philip Pullman - Northern Lights series!! Read them! They're Super dooper! :D

Albeit meant for kiddie winklies both Picky and I enjoyed Northern Lights UBER amounts! Plus, the filums are slowly but surely being released (aka The Golden Compass)


Snuggle Ferret
29-11-2007, 19:55
Philip Pullman - Northern Lights series!! Read them! They're Super dooper! :D

Albeit meant for kiddie winklies both Picky and I enjoyed Northern Lights UBER amounts! Plus, the filums are slowly but surely being released (aka The Golden Compass)


Agree .. good books.

30-11-2007, 01:13
Philip Pullman - Northern Lights series!! Read them! They're Super dooper! :D

Albeit meant for kiddie winklies both Picky and I enjoyed Northern Lights UBER amounts! Plus, the filums are slowly but surely being released (aka The Golden Compass)


Having seen the trailer for 'The Golden Compass'...


Talking bollocks from what I can see :(

Potential has been spoilt by Hollywood :(

30-11-2007, 08:23
I dunno... from what trailers I've seen it looks pretty immense.

Different tastes probably :)

30-11-2007, 12:17
Aye, the Philip Pulman series is good, not 100% sure on the film though :(

30-11-2007, 20:23
The Black Magician and the Age of 5 Trilogies by Trudi Canavan were good.

Fiona McIntosh (http://www.fionamcintosh.com/library.html) wrote "The quickening" Trilogy which I enjoyed very much, Fiona's mentor is/was Robin Hobb so if you like her stuff you should like this too.

David Gemmell did a whole load of books based on his Drenai world which I would highly recommend 11 in total, although his style of writing is generally aimed at younger audience's. He also began writing a Trilogy based on Troy which is a brilliant piece of work but unfortunately died in 2006 leaving the book to be finished by Stella Gemmell.... it's on my Christmas list.....