View Full Version : Shiver bums

30-11-2007, 12:26
BrRRrrRRr! Is anyone else shivering away or is it just me?! I'm, once again, doing work fully clothed, with my dressing gown on top, my fleecey blanky and a hot water bottle... and I is still cold!


Isn't there some rumour of there being a great big nasty storm in Britain now too?

/me looks out window

Looks pretty calm to me.


Might have to dance around for a bit.

30-11-2007, 12:28
Might have to dance around for a bit.

Cue the music...

#woah woah woah#

#wiggy wiggy wiggy#

#woah woah woah#

#eh oooo#

/Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

30-11-2007, 12:29
Isn't there some rumour of there being a great big nasty storm in Britain now too?

Storm? not tomorrow please - I haz to go shopping :(

30-11-2007, 12:34
I'd love a massive storm, it's been too long since we last had one.

Last year, during some of the gales we had, I meassured a gust of wind (*parp*) of 60 knots at the top of a hill near here. Damn near took me off my feet.

According to the weather PDF I got sent this morning, the NW of England is going to be drenched in rain.

Edit: Just looked at the forcast for 1800, us Southerners are going to be a tad wet.

30-11-2007, 13:00
According to the weather PDF I got sent this morning, the NW of England is going to be drenched in rain.

And just 10 minutes ago I said "I want rain!" \o/ Tho i have a meeting and things to do so if it could hold off till later, cheers.

30-11-2007, 13:01
I haz blanket, dressing gown and i am cozy.

30-11-2007, 13:03
Lovely & Mild in Hinckley today. Sunshine, clear blue skys & around 14c :cool:
A pleasure to be out on the yard spannering my motor for the weekends abuse :)

30-11-2007, 13:18
And just 10 minutes ago I said "I want rain!" \o/ Tho i have a meeting and things to do so if it could hold off till later, cheers.

/me bows down to rain man...

Could you ask for some warm rain though please? Oh, and a thunder storm.

Thank you xx

30-11-2007, 13:21
I'll ask, but theres no guarantee :) Warm shower, cold room... shrinkage...

30-11-2007, 14:41
I'm freezing, but its because we can save money by NOT using our heating :)

30-11-2007, 15:14
It's not cold you big bunch of jessies, it's bracing.

30-11-2007, 15:17
*shivers and yawns* :o

30-11-2007, 15:20
It's not cold you big bunch of jessies, it's bracing.

I can almost see my breath, and the windows are dripping with condesation ;D It could be worse!

30-11-2007, 15:25
I'm boiling hot but this may be due to being ill and having a high temperature :p

30-11-2007, 15:30
I'm currently being warmed by the thermal jets from a dozen or so PCs. It's funny watching people come in to the helpdesk and immediately start stripping off layers of coats and jumpers!

30-11-2007, 16:01
I noticed my room temperature went down dramatically when i got rid of my desktop for my laptop, kind of annoying but i'll be reaping the benefits in the summer!

30-11-2007, 16:05
Me too. I was just saying this earlier :) Nicer in summer but brrrrrr in winter. Used to be able to heat my room with PC tech. Now I don't have that. Silly laptop always slides off my dressing gown too.

30-11-2007, 16:11
I've been boiling recently, but that's due to not having any time to stop and constantly being on the go.

30-11-2007, 17:59
I got too warm in my dressing gown so i've taken it off a bit, yes i am still in my pjs and i don't even care.

30-11-2007, 18:06
I got too warm in my dressing gown so i've taken it off a bit Wahey! ;D

yes i am still in my pjs and i don't even care. Awww :(


30-11-2007, 18:13
it's cold here - brr

i cycled home in the rain, it poooooured
i'm not allowed to have the heating on all the time because it causes damp in the (already damp) flat :(

30-11-2007, 18:13
And just 10 minutes ago I said "I want rain!" \o/ Tho i have a meeting and things to do so if it could hold off till later, cheers.

And it did :D Got all my todos todone and then it started raining.

30-11-2007, 18:14
lol - I just ran to our post box, which is like.... 300 yards away... and I'm DRENCHED!

It's tipping it out there!

Good thing is... I'm now warm. It's colder out there than in here!!! Plus, got me a bubble bath running which I'm going to steam myself in and not get out until I look like a prune! :D

30-11-2007, 18:41
Edit: Just looked at the forcast for 1800, us Southerners are going to be a tad wet.

lol - I just ran to our post box, which is like.... 300 yards away... and I'm DRENCHED!

It's tipping it out there!
Well, I did warn you... :p

01-12-2007, 09:35
It's funny watching people come in to the helpdesk and immediately start stripping off layers of coats and jumpers!

And very cunning plan to get people nekky.

Last night... WINDAROO! Picky had to shut the windows in our bedroom cos they were making such loud noises.

I didn't here a thing... but then saying that I am used to hearing lots of wind in bed anyway.


Want to go kite flying! Like proper power kites and things!

01-12-2007, 14:56
Long coat + big wind + me = KiteSam

01-12-2007, 15:07
[Aussie accent] Oi, ya bunch of Nancies!! I'll trade ya any day!! [/accent]

Last night it dipped to -28 with the wind chill. I'm not going to bother with the temp conversion because that low it's only a couple difference. It's snowing to beat the band right now. Probably an inch or so in the last half hour already.

01-12-2007, 15:24
[Aussie accent] Oi, ya bunch of Nancies!! I'll trade ya any day!! [/accent]

Last night it dipped to -28 with the wind chill. I'm not going to bother with the temp conversion because that low it's only a couple difference. It's snowing to beat the band right now. Probably an inch or so in the last half hour already.

/me jealous

01-12-2007, 15:28
You can have it, mate. I'm REALLY tired of throwing up to 6 large (12-14" in dia, 18" long) logs into the furnace twice a day and come back to find just ashes......

01-12-2007, 16:23
You can have it, mate. I'm REALLY tired of throwing up to 6 large (12-14" in dia, 18" long) logs into the furnace twice a day and come back to find just ashes......

/me stops complaining and goes and puts on another jumper...


01-12-2007, 16:42
I've got a duvet in the front room that hasn't left for a fortnight :o I can be found hidden under it anytime I'm in the flat! :D

01-12-2007, 17:14
The sky has just gone black and it's throwing it down. It's been a beautful day too.

01-12-2007, 17:18
Brief powercuts here :(

01-12-2007, 17:23
We've got a roaring coal / log / whatever lands on it proper fire in the front room. its just what you need on a cold day. lovely lovely sound from it crackling away.

13-12-2007, 10:30
In the "comfort" of my lounge... I can see my breath :(

We need new double glazing - this is just silly!

13-12-2007, 10:39
Mic had to de-ice the inside of the car Tuesday morning before work :/

13-12-2007, 10:53
Jack Frost got me out of bed this morning around 6am. Kin Freezing, ran down to the bathroom & of course my rad in there don't come on till around 7am so it was KIN freezing in there an all. Showered, dressed i took Frank out, Kin Freezing out there.
Looks lovingly at my 360, My White baby will keep me warm today with me only going out to walk Frank & get some more milk.
Some days i am brave but not today. I have to do some spannering tomorrow out on the yard but today is an Indoors day.

*Turns Rad to Max*

13-12-2007, 11:04
Mic had to de-ice the inside of the car Tuesday morning before work :/

I was the same yesterday! De-iced the outside, got in, immediate steamage-uppage, instant freeze. Balls!

13-12-2007, 12:20
Is it cold today then?

Still in bed myself. :p

13-12-2007, 15:03
I guess I won't go on about the full-on blizzard we've got going on right now, huh?


13-12-2007, 15:26
We run a program at work called SPSS, and the support guys are in Minnesota. They said it was a mite chilly!

13-12-2007, 15:34
lol Darrin :) You sound slightly bitter... in both senses of the word ;D

13-12-2007, 16:16
I've just resealed all my windows in my room and i can happily report that my ambient temperature is now something a little more respectable :)

13-12-2007, 18:28
/me shivers his bum off