View Full Version : MSN Contacts

07-08-2006, 18:15
Does anyone know if MSN Messenger automatically deletes contacts after a set amount of time of them not logging in?
Just noticed a contact that hasn't logged in for a year, is no longer on my contacts list. So just wondered.

07-08-2006, 18:23
I'm pretty sure it doesn't - until I had a clear up a couple of months back I have a couple of people on my contact list who hadn't logged in for about 2 years.

07-08-2006, 18:25
I've had a couple dissapear too. Odd.

Dr. Z
07-08-2006, 18:26
I too have noticed the same thing - most odd indeed!

07-08-2006, 18:54
I can't remember exactly when it vanished. But I know it's been a year and 3 days since he last logged on (it's the friend that got killed hence why i know the exact date).
Weird, bit annoying too.

07-08-2006, 19:39
I expect at least passport/hotmail accounts have a time-out. Other accounts probably stick around.

07-08-2006, 23:24
I wish some people would disappear so I wouldn't have to ban them... I guestimated my block list to be around 400+ people now! :shocked:

All of you however are welcome to add me - as you all rock very much. :)

I did have multiple hotmail accounts but I didn't use them enough and I think they've expired as I can't log onto it anymore and it asks me to sign up a new email account - it could be possible that they get deleted off the MSN network.

07-08-2006, 23:41
Same. I set up a seperate account for close friends/work people, but it rarely got used, so I abandoned it. My MSN list isn't that big as I don't advertise it anywhere (except here).

08-08-2006, 00:09
I used to have a work MSN and a personal MSN - problem was I got so bored at work I just stopped using it and only use my Kell_ee001 now :)

But I'm not as mean as Will :p I've only got a handful of people blocked and each of them totally deserved it!

08-08-2006, 04:49
All of you however are welcome to add me - as you all rock very much. :)

I will do - as soon as I can log in.
MSN can't log in as it says the service is unavailable but I think that's due to the sporadic nature of t'internet connection on the rig just now.

In fact, as soon as I can get a decent connection, you're all getting added :D

I don't use it much but I have been known to have the odd conversation now and then.

Anybody who wants to, please feel free to add me.

Stan :)

08-08-2006, 06:41
I'm a meanie when it comes to MSN - if I don't recognise the person adding me then I block them. I suppose I could wait and see if they're actually going to talk before doing it though...

08-08-2006, 06:48
I'm a meanie when it comes to MSN - if I don't recognise the person adding me then I block them. I suppose I could wait and see if they're actually going to talk before doing it though...
Exactly the same here.

08-08-2006, 07:27
I've just got the msn live one and its not too bad - its finally got the idea from yahoo that sometimes people want to be invisible but that they might want to talk to people. As that was the main reason I used yahoo over msn, I might start trying to remember to load it up more often :embarassed:

I generally accept people to start with - I can alwasy block them later if I feel the need

08-08-2006, 08:57
Since I removed my MSN address from a certain other forum the random adds have stopped which is nice.

Unlike some people I don't want a huge contact list - I only want people on there that I'll actually talk to.

08-08-2006, 10:26
I'm a meanie when it comes to MSN - if I don't recognise the person adding me then I block them. I suppose I could wait and see if they're actually going to talk before doing it though...

If it looks like a genuine address rather than a bot generated one I'll at least give someone a chance to tell me who they are as I often don't recognise people just from their MSN address. In fact I've hardly got anyone on my block list, I think most of my 'blockees' are the same person who insisted on annoying me for a time.

I'm usually signed into MSN and quite happy to talk to people but I'm not one to initiate a conversation so I very rarely find myself actually using it.

08-08-2006, 11:23
I'm a meanie when it comes to MSN - if I don't recognise the person adding me then I block them. I suppose I could wait and see if they're actually going to talk before doing it though...
Same. It comes through using MSN at work - I have most of my workmates on there.

I'm usually signed into MSN and quite happy to talk to people but I'm not one to initiate a conversation so I very rarely find myself actually using it.
Same again, well, when I (a) remember to start it, and (b) am not in a meeting or some other important discussion at work. :)

08-08-2006, 14:50
I find some people don't add me because my hotmail address is rather random. I mean, would you add monkeyinabra@hotmail.com?! It all becomes obvious who I am once I'm added though since I always keep 'Belmit' in my sign-in name. So, if anyone wants to add me, or gets that address asking to add them, it's just me!

08-08-2006, 23:30
It all becomes obvious who I am once I'm added though since I always keep 'Belmit' in my sign-in name.

I bugs me when the person sign-in name always changes or has nothing that is recognisable! :angry: I've currenty got a few people online that I have to check the email of just to work out who they are! Some I still don't recognise until I see the pic - although it's usually at that point I delete them! ;D

I'm happy for anyone here to add me though :) Sadly I'm always online if I'm at a PC and I need people to talk to while at work!

08-08-2006, 23:35
IIt all becomes obvious who I am once I'm added though since I always keep 'Belmit' in my sign-in name.Likeiwse, I just keep mine as 'Chris'. Anything else goes in the little message bit underneath. Thankfully with Live messenger, I can change nicknames so I know who's who.

09-08-2006, 06:36
My e-mail has my name in it and my nickname is my name... Tends to make things easier as most people who I talk to on MSN call my Dym rather than Rich anyway... In fact, I don't think any of you guys have called me Rich ever :p

09-08-2006, 07:33
My name always has "Tak" at the beginning as more people know me as that instead of Sam :embarassed:
I do add messages after it as well as the status message you can have though.

09-08-2006, 19:48
My MSN name is a doddle, there's not much chance anybody will mistake me for anyone else.

I added a lot of the members here this morning and have had several very nice chats with various people throughout the day (I was actually juggling 3 conversations at one time :shocked: which may be nothing for some people but is a major achievement for me).

I've probably used it more today than I have in total for the last 6 months - I'm glad I added you guys now. I will get around to adding the rest whenever I get the chance and I will try to use it and not just wait until someone else talks to me :embarassed:

Some people don't have there MSN details displayed, if they want to add me then they're more than welcome :)

Stan :)

09-08-2006, 19:50
I'll chat to you soon Stan :) Knackered at the moment after a busy day at work so might not be about tonight.

09-08-2006, 19:58
I'll chat to you soon Stan :) Knackered at the moment after a busy day at work so might not be about tonight.

Look forward to it :cool:

I'm off to bed soon anyway, it's nearly 10 here and I have to be up at 5 in the morning.

I get off the rig tomorrow and back to the UK on Friday but will be spending the weekend with my brother so I may not be around much over the weekend :)

If I don't get too pissed tomorrow, I may be around but can't guarantee it - I haven't had a beer for 4 weeks so my resistance will be a bit low :p

Stan :)

09-08-2006, 20:06
[QUOTE=BijstanIf I don't get too pissed tomorrow, I may be around but can't guarantee it - I haven't had a beer for 4 weeks so my resistance will be a bit low :p [/QUOTE]
Bu..b..b....bu...but, you're Stan!

09-08-2006, 20:17
Bu..b..b....bu...but, you're Stan!

I'll be stuttering worse than that mate - Arkwright won't have a look-in - I'll be like a scooter with a dodgy starter ;D

Stan :)

09-08-2006, 23:44
Lol :D

I'm currently in the middle of a 6 day stretch at work which is involving a lot of training new staff, bit of a new one for me :s So not been about on msn as much as I'm knackered.

10-08-2006, 00:08
I have a whopping 6 names on my block list, 2 of which have sheep in their name (same person, dirty little git!) and two others who tried to pimp their ruddy forum constantly (same person) despite me telling him repeatedly I was about as computer savvy as...er..Von!

I will very very rarely strike up a conversation with people on msn. Shy innit!

10-08-2006, 00:22
despite me telling him repeatedly I was about as computer savvy as...er..Von!

:shocked: You can't be that bad! :p

10-08-2006, 01:59
I will very very rarely strike up a conversation with people on msn. Shy innit!
You managed to hound! me enough times on MSN. Not that I'm complaining. So long as I'm not particularly busy with work at the time, or have gone afk for several hours as I often do (both hard to tell as I almost always forget to set Busy/Away), then you (or anyone else) are welcome to a chat. I'm not the most talkative though. :)

10-08-2006, 11:04
:shocked: You can't be that bad! :p

No, you're right, I'm not quite that technoblonde :D

12-08-2006, 14:29
The thing is everybody thinks I'm the Will they know... but even with my display pic of my ugly mug people still won't believe that I'm not their friend!!! :rolleyes:

I have most of of you from BD now :cool: :)

I'm slowly deleting people who never talk to me - what's the point in having them on there? It gets confusing having 100 chris' steve's and pauls... There is only one Feek though :cool:

12-08-2006, 14:33
There is only one Feek though :cool:
This is probably a good thing, more than one would be toooooo much :eek:

12-08-2006, 14:48
I got bored last night so had a purge of MSN, Yahoo and ICQ contacts. I figured that if I've no idea who the person actually is, I don't need them on my contact list.

Oh, and I okayed your request, Stan :)

12-08-2006, 20:37
I have most of of you from BD now :cool: :)


I'm boring anyway, just as well :D ;)

13-08-2006, 22:16
Hmm, having said that the random adds had stopped, I seem to be getting spammed tonight by a bot.