View Full Version : Just started using del.icio.us

02-12-2007, 18:26
It's all working fantastically integrated with opera, but before i really start using it properly and tagging all the weird and wonderful sties i want to remember but not to clutter my core bookmarks, is there anything better out there?
For instance delicious only has flat tags, for instance Linux and Ubuntu are totally different, I think Ubuntu should be nested under Linux etc...
Anything like this out there, i'm having a browse around Blinklist now but i dont see much difference...

02-12-2007, 19:10
I've been using del.icio.us for a few years now. Its really handy and pretty much the best one around.

Joe 90
02-12-2007, 19:57
i started using it but it was at a time when i just had too many bookmarks and it was too big a job to sort through it all :(

02-12-2007, 19:58
I've been using it for so long now that all my bookmarks are there.