View Full Version : Oh, just WONDERFUL!!!

03-12-2007, 16:10
My new (to me) Blazer doesn't seem to like cold weather any better than you folks do. It doesn't want to start when it gets below about -10C. So it's going into the Chevrolet dealership to get looked at tomorrow morning.

We've got about 4-6 inches of snow on the ground with another 6+ coming in the next couple days. I go out to clear the driveway and my snowblower won't start!! It'll fire with ether thrown in the carb, but it won't keep running. It's getting petrol to the carb, because the float bowl drain dribbles cold evaporating fluid out, so that means the jet is clogged. Which means a full disassembly of the intake section in weather not conducive to working without gloves. And the parts are too small to manage with gloves on.

So it looks like I have to "clear" my 200 feet of driveway by running back and forth with the 6mpg truck so that Tina can get her little Neon out for work.

And then have to redo it all in a day or two again.

I'm not a happy camper right now......

03-12-2007, 16:27
Can we have your snow?

But that sucks.

Lend her the truck?

Joe 90
03-12-2007, 16:33
leason learnt - don't buy american cars :D :P

03-12-2007, 17:30

03-12-2007, 17:37

03-12-2007, 18:25
leason learnt - don't buy american cars :D :P

Heh, yeah. Like anything made for your market would even think of trying to start at -40, huh? :p

Or could plow through a foot of snow like it wasn't even there.

Or haul 3500 pounds of wood home in one trip....

I guess I'll stop there. :D

03-12-2007, 18:35


03-12-2007, 19:43
I love cold weather :(

I wish we had it like that here...although it would cause chaos.

03-12-2007, 19:54
I wish we had it like that here.

No. You don't. Trust me on this. It's a right pain in the arse. When it gets cold enough to freeze the battery acid in your car's battery, the windshield washing fluid is a solid block of ice, your antifreeze looks like a green frozen slushy, and your engine oil has been reduced to the consistency of lard you will REALLY not wish for it to be this cold.

When it gets cold enough that you need a special extension cord outside because the "normal" ones get so brittle they crack apart and short out, when tree sap freezes bad enough to crack the trunk of a tree open, when you throw a hot cup of fresh coffee into the air and it freezes before hitting the ground, you know it's COLD!!

I can go on, but I think you get the idea that anything more than 10 minutes outside and unprotected skin is completely DEAD due to frostbite is nothing to mess around with. 10 minutes outside with jeans, a t-shirt, a sweatshirt and a moderate jacket and YOU are dead is NOT weather to wish for.....

03-12-2007, 20:35
Yeah, but it's snow!