View Full Version : Crossword question

04-12-2007, 15:22
Just having a quick break and have just all but finished a crossword.

I have one question left... and it's annoying me. I've already spent 10minutes trying to figure it out (googled it and everything) and I'm clueless.

Please help!

I am looking for:

"Town of E South Africa, on the Klip River"

It's 9 letters long and DEFINITELY starts with E and it's fifth letter is S. I am almost 100% certain the last letter is H too (as the clue across for that on is "Central part of a wheel, through which the axle passes" - 3 letters... ends in B... must be Hub!)


E _ _ _ S _ _ _ H

What is ittttttttttt!

*going back to her work all frustrated*

04-12-2007, 15:24
http://www.crosswordsolver.org/ is awesome for such things :D
Other than that, my African geography is fairly non existent :p

04-12-2007, 16:13
DONT WORRY! I solved it! I spelt "Principal" like "Principle" by mistake and therefore it begins with L... which means it HAS to be Ladysmith!

Isn't it amazing how when you don't look at something for a while and then look back you can instantly spot your errors :)

Stupid me. Delete the thread if you likeys I was a numpty! :D

04-12-2007, 16:32
I got stuck on one last week :(

"Postman's bag" was the clue.

04-12-2007, 16:51

04-12-2007, 16:55
Nope, don't think so.

04-12-2007, 17:09
Mrs Clifton?

04-12-2007, 17:17
Not sure that'd fit.

Snuggle Ferret
04-12-2007, 17:41
I got stuck on one last week :(

"Postman's bag" was the clue.

I know exactly the answer you want for this ...... LOL

So, I'll put you out of your misery :P

How many letters?

04-12-2007, 17:42
How many letters?

Thousands :D

Snuggle Ferret
04-12-2007, 17:42

bada boom cha !!!!!!

04-12-2007, 17:53
We should be on stage!

04-12-2007, 17:58
Hahahahaha! Loving it :D

Snuggle Ferret
04-12-2007, 19:41
I actually had a friend who fell for that

He was doing a book of hard crosswords and I asked if I could have a go. Sat there looking all serious and stuff, and said "got a clue .. postman's bag". When he came back with "how many letters?", I thought all my Christmas's and Birthday's had come at once LOL.

One of my Dad's favourite jokes (well clean one anyway) LOL

Snuggle Ferret
04-12-2007, 19:43
We should be on stage!

Not sure about that as we would be fighting all the time LOL .... "fighting against the Bobbites." My other nickname is Bobb (or Bobbsta) :D