View Full Version : Xbox - display = black

Joe 90
05-12-2007, 02:20

its fixed itself... ****ty VGA cable.

Joe 90
07-12-2007, 11:39
it happened again last night :'(

just agreed to loading up a game of Ace Combat and the screen went black... and stayed black despite multiple restarts and attempts to re-seat the VGA cable :(

guess i might just have to buy a new one :confused:

07-12-2007, 13:28
Is it the MS one or a third party?

Joe 90
07-12-2007, 15:29
official MS one
had it for abt 2yrs

bought a new one :/

Joe 90
07-12-2007, 17:50

just plugged in the new one and it does the exact same thing.

i've tried it on my flatmate's TV and it works using SCART.... damned tft is dead :(

just black output even when hooked upto my pc :(

07-12-2007, 18:37
bummer :( you got nothing else you can use as a screen? at least you didn't think it was the 360 and pay the £80 or what ever it is for a repair

Dr. Z
07-12-2007, 19:03
The TFT itself is unlikely to be dead - put a signal into it and turn it on so that its black.

Now go grab a torch or similar focussable light source and shine it at an oblique angle into the screen and move your eyes about in relation to the screen. This works best if you put the light into the very corner of the screen.

My guess is that the backlight has gone rather than the panel itself and this is a fairly easy repair if the TFT is worth it :)

Joe 90
08-12-2007, 10:55
amazingly enough, i got in last night quite drunk after my work christmas party and my flat mate happened to have a TFT he aint using (they all have laptops!)
so i've got a display again :)

not sure if its worth repairing mine though... i've just got the final cost through of a 42" FHD TV from HK so that'll hopefully be here shortly and i'll be using that for xbox and PC!