View Full Version : Kids games on the 360

05-12-2007, 13:50
Been thinking ahead to Christmas and we've got a family coming to visit for one afternoon. Their kids are lovely kids so I know I can trust them anywhere near any of my stuff so I thought I'd see what games might be suitable for them to try out.
I'll only be able to have demoes for the most part but I'm a bit crap at knowing what to expect for various age ranges.

They're 7 and 4, they're both obsessed with Doctor Who, Spiderman, Cars and general cute things.

I'm guessing Cars would be fine, but not sure what else.

05-12-2007, 13:58
shrek 3?

05-12-2007, 14:16
Oooh that might be a good idea. Forgot about it. Think it's got fairly simple controls :)

05-12-2007, 14:18
Viva pinata?

05-12-2007, 14:55
Star Wars Lego 2 is awesome. And if the kids are not into star wars they bloody well should be; it's why this country is going down the pan, lack of a proper education! ;)

05-12-2007, 14:56
I think viva pinata might be a bit complicated for them as they've never played any games before. :)

And I hate Lego Star Wars 2 so that's out :p

Tbh I might just get an old console out like the PS1 and stick Crash Bandicoot on or Spyro.

05-12-2007, 15:11
Ignoring the slur on the jedi,


Fiver for a used one...

05-12-2007, 15:14
If it didn't have jedi in it, it'd be a very average game ;) Just got lucky with the branding :p

Do you know if Spiderman 2's any good? Half tempted. Just noticed it's got a 12+ rating though so bit wary about that as they're only young :/

05-12-2007, 17:14
Get 'em a copy of Jehrico, that'll keep em quiet :D


05-12-2007, 17:23
;D I can just imagine poor little 4 year old Josh's face ;D He gets scared when the cat looks at him!

05-12-2007, 22:49
Not many games on the xbox for that age, Caitlin played Lego star wars and didn't really get on with any others.

05-12-2007, 22:50
Jen, how about games like Open Season, Surf's Up and the like? Kids should love them.

05-12-2007, 22:52
I forgot about Open Season and Surf's up :o You'd think my gamercard would remind me ;D
Would have thought they'd like the cute characters.

I'm not at all trying to ensure I have a future games fanatic in the family honest :D