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View Full Version : Thanks Wossi

09-12-2007, 21:49
Just wanted to Thank Wossi for taking the trouble to come over to mine today & bring me three 360 games, one of them being COD4 :shocked:
Outstanding favour that is Much appreciated. My first ever meet of a real person an all :cool:

Top Dude in my book :cool:

Big Thanks Below.


09-12-2007, 22:03
Nice one Wossi :D

Now then Malc, you going to join us in the week? :cool:

09-12-2007, 22:11
^^ Yer Righto :p
I am pretty sure i will get sucked into a bit of online but i have 3 Excellent shooters here so i am hoping i can get up to at least an acceptable standard before i venture online with it.
Real sound favour though, what with you giving us the PC for Jaz & other mates online lending me **** like this i am starting to realise how it works in the Normal world. Am blown away by this kind of generosity because i am just not used to it.
Inside myself i have a person who wishes for friends just like you lot & then when things like this happen i have trouble dealing with the fact that its Real :o

What can i say :lipsrsealed:

Real Touching :)

09-12-2007, 22:13
It's real mate :) And we get out of life what we deserve...the bad and the good.

09-12-2007, 22:20
^^ Am scared now :D

09-12-2007, 22:45
It's no problem dude, plus if anything happens to the games I know where you live :evil:


09-12-2007, 22:51
^^ Yes you do but you now know there is Nowhere to park ;D

You best not tell them i wear a dress round the house either, That's a secret :p

10-12-2007, 15:10

Good one Wossi :) Always nice to hear good things happening.