View Full Version : Minesweeper

10-12-2007, 20:45

Minesweeper - Expert .... no matter how I play it there is always one point when I have to make a guess and every blooming time it's a silly mine. :angry:

Seriously - I try out all the options and each time it's guess. Guess guess guess. RAGH!

I know it's a silly game and I only played it the other day for a few minutes as a filler... but now it's annoying me. It's got personal. I need to be able to complete it!


10-12-2007, 20:47
I used to be awesome at minesweeper and freecell. Once played freecell in order when working at BT and got into the hundreds without losing :cool:

10-12-2007, 20:50
Minesweeper is fun used to play it alot when bored, think my best for expert was 105 seconds. (and yes nearly every game at some point you have to guess)

Never really played Freecell much but there are people that have played all of them through in order :shocked: (well the 30,000 or so that came with windows 95) There's 1 in the original set that can't be completed I think it's number 11982 but I'm not certain.

10-12-2007, 20:52

10-12-2007, 23:29
Yep, that's one of the parts of expert. at one point you always have to make a guess pretty much.

11-12-2007, 14:08
I discovered last night, do not try playing with a laptop and touch pad :o

12-12-2007, 22:08
Try it with one of those pointing nipple thingies then. You think a touchpad is hard eh? ;D