View Full Version : Come on Christmas...

12-12-2007, 22:26
... I'm ready for you !

Pressies are all bought and wrapped :


Cards are all written, for the first time EVER I R Organized ! :D


*feels Christmassy*

12-12-2007, 22:55
My decorations arent up and I havent so much as bought a Christmas card yet :( And instead of being sensible and using this weekend to do it all I'm buggering off to Swansea! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

It all looks lovely Piggy...come and organise mine now!

13-12-2007, 00:57
How organised are you!
I wrote a few cards this evening and getting the tree tomorrow. It won't go up till Monday though probably :(

Presents I'm nearly done though :D

13-12-2007, 01:51
I haven't got decorations up yet and i haven't wrapped presents up but i have almost bought them all.

am stuck on my mates 9year old boy. was thinking of getting him some of this but i'm not sure.what do you think? gonna get something else to go with it.

Gotta ask my mum to have kids while Iain and i wrap presents.

13-12-2007, 02:12
I have bought 1 present. Thats it so far. I won't have time to think until Monday at best. I've hardly got any money due to clients late payments. I can't even think of anything I'd like besides tickets to Toronto. As much as I love Xmas, I hate the stress trying to make it all work.

13-12-2007, 06:42
Ruddy show off!

All I've done so far is bought and posted two cards to Oz as the last posting date was 6th Dec. And bought the family pressie for my Nephew as I happened to be passing a Toys R Us a couple of weeks ago, and that had to go to US so also needed buying early.

I have a half day xmas eve, that should suffice :evil:

13-12-2007, 09:19
I bought my first batch of prezzies yesterday! YAY!

Right now, I'm nursing a slight hang over in bed and writing out my cards at the same time :) BIG BIG YAY!

*hearts self employment* ... though am working for the real world tonight! Boo!

13-12-2007, 10:27
Current status: tree is up, prezzies are bought, no wrapping paper, no cards.

Status Xmas Eve: tree starting to fall over, prezzies wrapped, no cards because I will have forgotten to buy/send any...as always

13-12-2007, 10:40
I only have to buy 1 present as we do a secret santa at home because no one needs a lot of presents. I still haven't bought mine as I have no idea what to get my mum :( and I have exactly 1 week in which to buy something worth £10 before I go on holiday.

13-12-2007, 11:24
Go uptairs in the Co-op in Hinckley mate. Great parking & you get your pound back for your ticket when you buy summit so it will only cost you 9 quid an all. Upstairs they have loads of stuff & the women in there are well helpful especially the young blond :cool: She just about picked all my presents last year with me only telling what sex & how old :evil:

Me i haven't got Anything yet not even a card. Have been Totally skint recently so it will be a last minute dash with whatever cash i can scrape up.

13-12-2007, 12:11
Go uptairs in the Co-op in Hinckley mate. Great parking & you get your pound back for your ticket when you buy summit so it will only cost you 9 quid an all. Upstairs they have loads of stuff & the women in there are well helpful especially the young blond :cool: She just about picked all my presents last year with me only telling what sex & how old :evil:

Me i haven't got Anything yet not even a card. Have been Totally skint recently so it will be a last minute dash with whatever cash i can scrape up.

That sounds like a plan dude :D

13-12-2007, 12:21
Tree is up but haven't bought any presents at all.

13-12-2007, 15:40
Been sorted for ages. And thats with a December exam and a January assignment to be done too :)

13-12-2007, 21:30
Gave out my first cards at work today and hope I can do all my shopping in 1 day next week :confused: No dec's going up though. I'm home alone and spending the actual day at my parents.

13-12-2007, 21:37
That is far too organised :) Doubt i'll be having a tree round mine, will never get time to sort it

13-12-2007, 22:01
I have cards, pressies (only for parents as I'm useless at getting stuff for the rest of the family so I cheat and blag stuff from the parents' stockpile - though I do pay for it). Got paper too.

None of it has been wrapped/written in/sent. Well, with one exception. Loads of time yet. :D

14-12-2007, 03:10
Whoo Christmas :D Far more organised than me....I'm getting there, though....

Christmas is now officially "on" for me! After my problems with girlfriend back in October, which unfortunately continued (general depression etc), Christmas was "off" when it also became clear she couldn't come and see me, and I couldn't see her as I have to work over Christmas. Boo :(

After few days of being extremely unproductive (24/7 Scrubs, no revision, little work), "sod it", I said, and booked flights to see her shortly after new year, for 6 WEEKS :D (yes I should be at uni....but I don't think anyone'll miss me, all I do is turn up for exams these days)

So Christmas is now back "on" as I have something to look forward to again and someone to buy presents for, even if they'll all arrive a little late :)

Also had 'Christmas day' with my housemates the other day which cheered me up, too. An awesome Christmas dinner, Love Actually, cards and pressies all round!

Now I just have to sort my parents out. Currently their dining room is being re-decorated which means no Christmas tree if the decorators don't get sorted on time :s

14-12-2007, 10:04
Buggerations, went round my friends last night for a couple of drinks and his gf has bought me a Christmas present from her and her son. I have no idea what to get her now and tbh really didn't expect to get anything from her.

14-12-2007, 10:05
can't be arsed with Christmas :(

14-12-2007, 10:08
Buggerations, went round my friends last night for a couple of drinks and his gf has bought me a Christmas present from her and her son. I have no idea what to get her now and tbh really didn't expect to get anything from her.

Some condoms?

can't be arsed with Christmas :(

I resemble this statement.

14-12-2007, 10:11
Some condoms?


I resemble this statement.

To a certain extent I do too. It's mainly an opportune time to see the family :)

15-12-2007, 17:34
It's not Christmas until you see terrified looking men running around town on 24th Dec at 8pm.