View Full Version : Charity Stuff!

13-12-2007, 11:11
Hello hello!

Well, I normally do something for charity each year and put my thinking cap on for next year. The following were my thought processes...

Brain: "Hmmm, how about swimming the channel in goose fat"


Brain: "You silly moo, you can barely swim the length of a swimming
pool without cracking up laughing and drowning. How about a run? A Marathon?"

*grumpy face*

Brain: "ok ok... runnings poo too. Shave your head?"

*puts tights on head and looks in mirror*

Me: "I look like a chubby-pale-Russian-child, Picky would run a mile."

Brain: "Eatathon? Sleepathon? Talkathon? Danceathon?"

Me: "Boooring booring boring boring boring."


*strikes super hero pose*

Brain: "okay, now you're being silly. Be sensible. Something simple. Think of something simple. What's simple...."

*looks at self*

Brain: "....not that simple"

*sad face*

Brain:"Hum. Hum hum hum. OOOooOOOO how about a CALENDAR?! A BOAT DRINKS CALENDAR"


* \o/ *

Brain: "Genius. Silly, fun and sexy. Superb. Money. We'd make TONNES! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!"

So I cometh to you with the idea of a Boat Drinks Calendar. After discussing this with the girlies, many have said they'd be up for it, which is SUPERB!

I figured we could do a range too! Belmit suggested doing a "hunks and hotties" style one (lollage) so he could wear his black silky dressing gown, smoke a cigar and shout "giggedy" lots :D

Ideas in the buckets are:

1) Girly Calendar of Sorts
2) Blokey Calendar of Sorts
3) A Mixed Blokeys and Girlys One
4) SUPER HEROS Calendar (We've all got special powers)

Thoughts people?! Anyone up for it?! It would all be in the name of charity - if I had a preference I would ask for it to be for Cancer Research, but as I should imagine many peoples will be joining in the fun and frollicks so a pole could be done for charities :)

Oh yus! And let me say, I'm not suggesting they're nekky calendars!! Though a bit of leggage never goes amiss ;)

Seriously though - it will be a bit of fun and I think it would be superb :D

13-12-2007, 11:17
As long as there is photoshop, I'm game ;D

always fancied being a 5ft10 leggy blonde

13-12-2007, 11:18

Edit: This would be a great incentive for me to get my ass back to the gym too, I've been slacking lately. :p

13-12-2007, 17:13
Anyone excited about this other than us three?

Belmit, looks like you're going to be posing with just the two of us! ;)

13-12-2007, 17:34
Hell I'd give it a go. No idea what I'd do though :D

13-12-2007, 18:39

I am the Piscian mermaid for March remember :p

13-12-2007, 18:44
I'm July \o/ woo for getting in with the best month first :p

13-12-2007, 18:48
Sounds like a cracking idea!

Lostkat's caption has to be "we are going to need considerably bigger buns" from Calendar Girls.

13-12-2007, 18:49
As long as there is photoshop, I'm game ;D

always fancied being a 5ft10 leggy blonde

Can I be a sexy redhead with an hourglass figure then?

13-12-2007, 20:17
I've just thought on one minor problem.....you need these printed by the beginning of next year yeah? That's not far away ;D

13-12-2007, 21:14
I've got Superwoman pants for a Super heroes calendar :p

13-12-2007, 21:31
As I've said off here, I'd be up for it if people wanted me :o

13-12-2007, 22:14
I'm in! :cool:

13-12-2007, 22:18
Actually, my secret source just pointed out the "hunks and hotties" bit, all of a sudden I'm not too sure... :p

13-12-2007, 22:43
Actually, my secret source just pointed out the "hunks and hotties" bit, all of a sudden I'm not too sure... :p

I'd say hottie personally :p

14-12-2007, 09:15
I would claim November but I think it's Feek's ;)

14-12-2007, 09:50
I would claim November but I think it's Feek's ;)

Me and Vix could do a double - fireworks anyone? :evil:;)

14-12-2007, 10:06
Heh it doesn't have to be wudey wude nekky stuff - it could just be silly stuff!

Calendar would be for mid next year probably (do a half way through jobby)

The more people we have the better it will be :D If we have too many then we can do more than one piccie per month and stuff - the layout can be played with later!

YAY to the interest!

14-12-2007, 10:42
I might be up for this as it's for charity, but only if I can claim April :)

14-12-2007, 11:52
I might be up for this as it's for charity, but only if I can claim April :)


BB x

14-12-2007, 12:08
Just a quick ponderance, but as we aren't well known like for example the car forum that Sinead did the car calender for, what audience are you aiming this at? I'd hate you to end up will boxes and boxes of calenders and no one to sell them to. BD isn't exactly a household name.


14-12-2007, 12:54
Thats a good point. The car one was an obvious seller. Cars + girls. A BD members calendar is only likely to sell to BD members. But even then I still see that as being a hard thing to sell. Who's going to want to buy a calendar with our faces on? I'm not against the idea of the calendar, but I do feel it needs focusing. Theres a few main types of calendars really. Babes, hunks, landscapes, local interest, and tie-ins. Its tricky :)

14-12-2007, 13:47
I thought this was a bit of a laugh and a joke. If this is serious, it's not really going to work. Who'd buy a BD calendar? Apart from us lot, not many people. The time scale and costs involved can be huge assuming you want to make quite a few. It's a LOT of effort that wouldn't get the returns IMO.

14-12-2007, 14:29
I always assumed it was for a laugh, with low production values, and with any proceeds going to charity. At worst, you'd end up with an electronic version that could be emailed in return for a donation of your choice to a charity of your choice.

Failing that, forget the damn charity and let's just make a stupid calendar!

14-12-2007, 14:30
It was going to marketed as 'Gurls of the iNTERnetz' initially :p

I'd like to go online with them ;)

14-12-2007, 14:49
Failing that, forget the damn charity and let's just make a stupid calendar!

Is it wrong I like this idea? :D

14-12-2007, 16:55

BB x

I claimed April yesterday.


14-12-2007, 17:48
I claimed April yesterday.


Ooooo now you're talking ;)

BB x

14-12-2007, 18:31
I claimed April yesterday.


Ooooo now you're talking ;)

BB x

/Wishes he was born in April ;)

I doubt if I could pass myself off as a "hunk" but I'm sure I could find a pose which hides most of the wobbly bits :p

Being a crab, maybe I could do July with Paula - could be a Scottish July (means getting our photo taken in the pissing rain though :() :D

Von Smallhausen
14-12-2007, 18:45
I'm in, although a Stormtrooper facade may be the order of the day. Perhaps a Cyber-Man.

14-12-2007, 18:48
Virginal September for me mebe!

14-12-2007, 20:51
Cost - wise, the Mk1 Club have just got 40 A3 calendars done for £250. (Sakura is in it!!!) We are sellling them at £7.50 so just making a teeny profit.

Just for a guide.