View Full Version : Photos of the Kitty kind

08-08-2006, 15:19
Well was playing around with the camera the other day and found some suitably sleepy stationary subjects :) most of these were taken with the macro mode on which I found improved the detail greatly.






These are the first photos I've put on the web so feel free to comment. I just think they are cute :D and not entirely sure what I should do differently next time, though fire away.

08-08-2006, 15:26
Awwwwwwwwww *wants*

08-08-2006, 15:30
Why does the fur in the last picture feel like it's hypnotising me?!

08-08-2006, 15:36
aaawwww! So cute!

I love the fourth pic! :D

08-08-2006, 16:04
So, the question is, did the cats enter the competition? Do they have some secret plan to elope to Portugal? ;D

08-08-2006, 16:52
They're a touch dark. If you have Photoshop you can open them with that and use the "auto levels" function to boost some of them.

Dr. Z
08-08-2006, 17:02
Aww :) hehe, I love cats :)

As petemc has said, they need a levels boost and perhaps a touch of sharpening but other than that, good shots :D

I saw you have entered one in the photo comp - personally I would change the entry to the last one (perhaps with some PS work to the background to make it less distracting) as it fits your title better.

08-08-2006, 17:09
Cheers for the suggestions peter and DRZ, any further suggestions regarding the PS work, as in what I should do as I'm not very gifted with it at the moment

I'll try the auto level thing now.

Editted and new copies uploaded. The auto-level has been applied and they've brightened up nicely. What would you suggest to blur the final one, it is rather distracting