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18-12-2007, 15:18
All the girls will be sick of them by now but I loves my kitties!

3 weeks ago I got a little tortoiseshell female from the Cat Protection League. I named her Diva and she's my baby. She's very cuddly and kissy and loving. Last week the Cat Protection lady let me take one of their feral kittens to tame. He is very small for his age and was very sad when I had him but Diva has really brought him out of his shell. He will now eat out of my hand although still won't let you stroke him apart from when he's eating. I've named him Aslan. He looks like a tiny miniature lion.

My Diva.



Aslan is still mainly living under my bed but will come out for a chat and food.



Being brave.


My little lion.


As Paula, Karyn and Matt will agree, they make one hell of a noise at night running around my room and mountaineering!

18-12-2007, 15:20
Gorgeous :) I've always loved cats, but now having a pair I really love cats :D

18-12-2007, 15:21
I am mad cat lady.

Luckily Paul is weird cat man.

18-12-2007, 15:24



BB x

18-12-2007, 15:25
They're adorable :)
Can't wait to meet them :D

18-12-2007, 15:29
cuteness overload ;D

18-12-2007, 15:29
I love kitties, and they're very cute Dawn. Aslan looks great, and he'll be lovely and cuddly when he's settled in more. I can't wait till we get ours in Feb :)

18-12-2007, 15:32
How utterly utterly gorgeous :)

18-12-2007, 15:34
<3 lubs the kitties

18-12-2007, 15:37
Aslan is cool!

18-12-2007, 15:41
WIN! Kitties are so cute and cool! then they get fat and lazy :p

Videos of them doing cute stuff required!


18-12-2007, 15:42
Aslan just popped out a hairball. I thought he was spawning like a mogwai for a second. Just had to wrestle it off him as he was intent on eating it!

Joe 90
18-12-2007, 15:46
I want one :D

18-12-2007, 15:48
I'll try feeding him after midnight then pouring water on him then you can all have one. It's so crazy it might just work.

18-12-2007, 15:56

18-12-2007, 18:36
aw , fluffy little monsters :)

18-12-2007, 18:40
Yay, puddy cats :D

18-12-2007, 18:46
Aww lovely! I adore cats - have always had them in my life, would find it difficult without one.

18-12-2007, 20:11
Me too. When Courtney died it was the first time I'd ever lived in a house without a cat. It was horrible.

18-12-2007, 20:18
Randomly related: We worked out over the weekend that my Nan's cat was 19 in October this year :shocked: And he almost can still walk in a straight line ;D

18-12-2007, 20:27
They are the fabbiest of fabby kittehs! I've never seen such cuteness and felt very very chuffed when the GingerNinja came out to eat with me in his room. Beeeeyootiful pooz cats :D

18-12-2007, 20:28
I still reckon they were on pogo sticks upstairs mind.

18-12-2007, 20:29
...or they had clogs on

18-12-2007, 20:40
Well I declare!
Going clip clipedy clop all upstairs.

18-12-2007, 21:23
aawww :) I still want one!

18-12-2007, 21:50
I won't even bother trying to post pics of any of my eight. None are cute enough to compare, although my littlest one (Morris) would come close. She's 18 months old now and still only about 4 pounds, so she still has that "kitten" look to her.

18-12-2007, 22:13
ALL cats are cute!

My eldest was disappointed that we didn't get a Hitler cat.

18-12-2007, 22:33
It's impossible to get an ugly kitty :)

(and please don't try and prove me wrong :P)

19-12-2007, 00:15

My cutest one. And she's still that size.

19-12-2007, 00:46
Awwww :D

19-12-2007, 08:25
:D Spinx impressionist :D

19-12-2007, 09:23

Aslan says 'Hubba hubba'.

19-12-2007, 10:13
My GF would love Aslan. She loves orange cats, she keeps begging me for an orange Persian kitten.

They are lovely.

19-12-2007, 13:51
I won't even bother trying to post pics of any of my eight. None are cute enough to compare, although my littlest one (Morris) would come close. She's 18 months old now and still only about 4 pounds, so she still has that "kitten" look to her.

Isn't she the one you found at the side of the road?

19-12-2007, 14:54
Isn't she the one you found at the side of the road?

One of the two. The other one is Smokey. He's all grey and weighs in at almost 20 pounds now. He's a right monster in comparison to the (2 month) older Morris...

Snuggle Ferret
19-12-2007, 20:23
I physically WANT Aslan :D He is soooooooooooooooooooo gorgeously cutingly sweet :)

Snuggle Ferret
19-12-2007, 20:25

My cutest one. And she's still that size.

Is that like your Athena version of the man holding the baby? :D

19-12-2007, 20:37
Having also met Diva and Aslan today, I can certainly say they're adorable :D
And they're so tiny!

19-12-2007, 20:43
Gorgeous :) I've always loved cats, but now having a pair I really love cats :D

I physically WANT Aslan :D He is soooooooooooooooooooo gorgeously cutingly sweet :)

I seriously wory about the amount of confessed bestiality on this forum sometimes :shocked:

ps: cats rule :D

19-12-2007, 21:21
Last night Aslan crept up the bed and slept on my shoulder. This is a huge step forward from the kitten who wouldn't leave his cage at the Cat Protection place. I'm so thrilled!

Today he has been showing off his mousing skills with a cat toy and did the biggest jump I have ever seen a cat do. I will have to get a video of him tomorrow. Truly impressive!

19-12-2007, 21:39
That is super news Dawn :D I sosososososososo wish I lived closer so I could come and visit the pair of them :)

19-12-2007, 21:52
Awwwwwwwwww Aslan how cute!!!!

BB x

19-12-2007, 22:12
Last night Aslan crept up the bed and slept on my shoulder. This is a huge step forward from the kitten who wouldn't leave his cage at the Cat Protection place. I'm so thrilled!

Today he has been showing off his mousing skills with a cat toy and did the biggest jump I have ever seen a cat do. I will have to get a video of him tomorrow. Truly impressive!

Aww :D He did seem so nervy of me, hopefully he settles down soon :)
Have to go see them again soon and for longer so I can watch them play :D

19-12-2007, 22:22
He's that nervy around everyone. Sometimes I have to pretend I can't see him because if I look at him he hides!

19-12-2007, 22:24
Awww, he did look really inquisitive but more in a 'how are you going to kill me?' way than an 'oooh new friend' sort of way. Paranoid kittie!

19-12-2007, 23:51
That's absolutely fantastic Dawn. You've obviously got the magic touch. I'm so glad he's improving so quickly. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE can I come see them next week????

20-12-2007, 00:10
Last night Aslan crept up the bed and slept on my shoulder. This is a huge step forward from the kitten who wouldn't leave his cage at the Cat Protection place. I'm so thrilled!

Today he has been showing off his mousing skills with a cat toy and did the biggest jump I have ever seen a cat do. I will have to get a video of him tomorrow. Truly impressive!

Fantastic :D Trust is hard to build up with some animals, especially those that have had to go to rescue places.

Here's a pic of Boz, my Nan's cat :)


Problem for me is he's a long haired puddy cat, so I'm mega-allergic :'(

20-12-2007, 10:02
Paul is allergic too but he's found if he lives with a cat he builds up a tolerance to that particular cat and is fine. Good job really as he's a big cat lover like me!

Judy the lady from the Cat Protection emailed me this morning to tell me my babies are famous! ;)


20-12-2007, 10:04
Doesn't seem to work for me, we had short hair cats for years, and I was always the same with them. I'd putup with it though cos cats are ace :D But longhaired ones are just too much :angry: Which is sad cos Boz is much more friendly in his old age (or probably too tired to leg it like he used to!) so he's happy to be tickled now which he never used to be.

20-12-2007, 10:08
Oh, and Kate - course you can!

20-12-2007, 13:08
Diva has a fever (I'm a poet and I didn't know it) so is on antibiotics and kittie calpol. The vet also suspects she may have Hyperthyroidism - but seeing as he hasn't officially diagnosed it yet I whipped home and got both cats insured. Will be hugely expensive if she does.

20-12-2007, 13:11
That is super news Dawn :D I sosososososososo wish I lived closer so I could come and visit the pair of them :)

I wish i lived close so i could steal Aslan lol

20-12-2007, 13:13
You'd have a job. I tried to pick him up the other day and he went off like a firecracker. Huge explosion of teeth and claws. He may look sweet but he really is a little toughie.

20-12-2007, 15:18
I'd have called him Gandalf or Arthur with that beard :D

I tried to find a picture of Gandalf's hat earlier to shop it in, but I couldn't find one big enough. :(

22-12-2007, 11:28
This morning Aslan curled up for a cuddle with me and Diva for the first time. He let me stroke him and purred.

This morning, gazing out at the path of the destruction they have left in their wake


Aslan spots the camera


Two minutes later, playfighting. Look at those fluffy leggins!


Snuggle Ferret
22-12-2007, 18:21

22-12-2007, 20:26
Hehehe, they are absolutely brilliant :D

11-01-2008, 22:11
For those asking after Aslan, he's doing really well. As soon as I turn the light out at night he climbs into bed with me for a cuddle. I usually have Diva round my neck and Aslan has returned from sleeping behind my knees to back on my head. At least it's warm!

He's become my shadow a little and follows me around the house far enough behind to duck under something if I turn around. I have to pretend I don't know he's there!

Tonight was another breakthrough. I picked him up and he settled down on my lap for a sleep for the first time ever. He looked content so I took a few pics on my phone to mark the occasion.



Then Diva got a bit jealous so got in on the action. The pink blur behind Aslan's head is her tongue as she was giving him a good wash.


11-01-2008, 22:17
Aww :D

11-01-2008, 22:19
AWWW! Dawn thats brilliant!

11-01-2008, 23:29
Yay :D
They're so adorable :)

11-01-2008, 23:36
great progress there Dawn.

12-01-2008, 00:04
BREAKTHROUGH. I'm soooooooo pleased :D Dawn the kitty whisperer.... ooo errr! :D

28-02-2008, 10:11
Been a tough month for the kitties. They were both pretty ill at one point with a nasty infection or strain of cat flu but responded well to treatment and are far stronger now.

Diva is still a madam who rules the house and demands her own way. Aslan is now a very soppy boy who loves having his ears tickled. Last night he actually came to me to be cuddled for the first time and started purring. Then he gave me a kitty kiss and cuddled up with me in my bed. He's also started displaying naughty behaviour like scratching up my pole mats which I love as it shows he is becoming more like a normal kitten and not the terrified little bundle of nerves that he was who didn't know how to play when he came here.

Some pics from yesterday.

Aslan looking content


Diva being silly with her back paws!


My babies


28-02-2008, 10:18
Aww they are gorgeous :) So glad Aslan has settled in - never had any doubt that you wouldn't manage to coax him round :)

28-02-2008, 10:31
Glad to hear they are almost settled. It's the best feeling in the world when a cat such as Aslan comes for cuddles and happily purs when you are around :)

28-02-2008, 11:18
It's fab!

28-02-2008, 11:19
Oh, I discovered Diva was also a feral kitten but had been found at a very young age. You'd never guess with her as she's very tame indeed although nervous of strangers.

28-02-2008, 15:23
So glad they are feeling better and being very kitten like indeed. :)

28-02-2008, 15:55
Scratch marks everywhere!

28-02-2008, 18:15
I am in love!

28-02-2008, 18:15
They are GORRRRGEOUS Dawn! Really pleased that they're both making a good recovery and that Aslan has sorted himself out :)

28-02-2008, 18:22
You'll be able to give him a SQUEEZE next time you're here!

28-02-2008, 18:30

28-02-2008, 18:36
Oh, I discovered Diva was also a feral kitten but had been found at a very young age. You'd never guess with her as she's very tame indeed although nervous of strangers.

Same with my dads cat Mog, you would never guess as he is the softest bundle of ****e you've ever known :D

Hasnt Aslan grown????

28-02-2008, 18:54
He still looks like a pipsqueak next to Diva. She's going through the leggy stage. I call her Scoot when she runs so fast up the hall her back legs overtake her front!

28-02-2008, 19:34
I cant believe the change in them! Excellent work Dawn!! :D

28-02-2008, 20:01
They've had to develop nerves of steel in this noisy house!

28-02-2008, 20:14
Awwwwwww !! They're coming on lovely ! :D

28-02-2008, 20:17
Pics of your little miss now!

28-02-2008, 20:20
Got some on the camera, will do it on Monday - she's a right little terror !

In the mornings when my alarm goes off she jumps on the bed and paws my nose for me to get up :D

She sleeps on the bed inbetween us most of the time :)

28-02-2008, 20:22
She sleeps on the bed inbetween us most of the time :)

Birth control Kitty :p

28-02-2008, 20:24
Awww :D They've grown up so fast!
Have to come visit them on some rare evening when we're both free :D

28-02-2008, 20:43
Yes indeed!

28-02-2008, 20:52
Awww they are all lovely.

/steals Aslan....

01-04-2008, 23:31
Wish good luck to my kitties who get a trip to the vets tomorrow to get their bits removed!

Poor old Aslan. He appears to have bilateral cryptorchidism so he hasn't even discovered them yet and I'm having them whipped off.

01-04-2008, 23:50
They're currently sulking as they're not allowed tea.

01-04-2008, 23:52
Aww bye bye kitty bits *waves*

01-04-2008, 23:57
At least he hadn't worked out what they were for as they hadn't appeared!

02-04-2008, 13:36
Awwwww poor kittywinkles!

Hoping they are not too sore!

02-04-2008, 14:20
Will be calling vets to find out how they are in a min. Feel so mean. They were so scared this morning.

02-04-2008, 15:58
Aslan was indeed cryptorchid as we thought so has had to have more invasive surgery. They're both too sleepy to be released yet so I'm not allowed to have them until 5.45. :(

02-04-2008, 18:50
Aww :( Hope you have them back now :)

02-04-2008, 18:53
Just. They've both stuffed their faces and then Diva tried to chase a fly so I guess they're ok!

02-04-2008, 19:02

02-04-2008, 21:25
Glad to hear they are ok :)

02-04-2008, 21:31
Awwww I wants a kitty!
I think the bunnies and hamsters I already have might object, and then theres the dog.....

02-04-2008, 21:37
Awwww I wants a kitty!
I think the bunnies and hamsters I already have might object, and then theres the dog.....

Yay! I'm glad you're here! I was just looking at your posts on the other place and wishing you here!

02-04-2008, 21:38
Yay! I'm glad you're here! I was just looking at your posts on the other place and wishing you here!

Aw shucks, thanks!
Maybe I will do a post showing some pics of my furry babies (and their wobbly bits! ;D)

02-04-2008, 21:39
Yes please!

02-04-2008, 21:42
Yes please!

Will do, have to be up early for work, but now Kell_ee001 has introduced me to this place I will be back tomorrow to do it.

03-04-2008, 06:15
Awwww, glad they're alright Dawn. The girly cats look SO fragile when they've had their bits ripped out because there's a big bald patch on their side and big stitches. I always used to worry that they'd burst. When we had Maybel (she was called Mayhem, but it got modified) neutered, her name became bagel for a while until her hair grew back :D

03-04-2008, 08:12
I was very surprised actually as it looks like my vet has done keyhole surgery! Her belly is shaved and not her side and she only has a few disolvable stitches! Maybe they do a new technique these days? She's right as rain, stuffing hr face and playful! I'm wincing as she's jumping up and down off stuff and trying to play with Aslan!

Aslan is a different story. Because of his chryptorchidism they had to perform the same operation as on Diva and enter his abdomen to remove his testicles. He seems to be in more pain although he's still up and down the stairs and eating too.

03-04-2008, 09:14
Yay! I'm glad you're here! I was just looking at your posts on the other place and wishing you here!


Aww glad they're okie! Poor bubba Aslan!

We have to start thinking about getting Trio the neutered :( Feel like I'm violating her rights... Boo!

03-04-2008, 17:21
I was very surprised actually as it looks like my vet has done keyhole surgery! Her belly is shaved and not her side and she only has a few disolvable stitches! Maybe they do a new technique these days? She's right as rain, stuffing hr face and playful! I'm wincing as she's jumping up and down off stuff and trying to play with Aslan!

Aslan is a different story. Because of his chryptorchidism they had to perform the same operation as on Diva and enter his abdomen to remove his testicles. He seems to be in more pain although he's still up and down the stairs and eating too.

He's a bloke, what do you expect? "OH MY GOD IT HURTS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH" ;)

03-04-2008, 18:57
I'm wincing as she's jumping up and down off stuff and trying to play with Aslan!

I read that as 'jumping up and down on Aslan' and thought eeeek :o

Glad they seem to be recovering well :)

04-04-2008, 12:25
Awwww they look soo cute, Aslan looks adorable, love kitties:D

04-04-2008, 14:11
Well after their check ups today it appears that I have Supercat here. Not only did Diva survive the flu she had as a kitten that they didn't expect her to but she has also recovered the eyesight in her bad eye and now to top it off has EATEN HER OWN STITCHES but healed up! The vet is well impressed with her as he said she came round incredibly quickly from the anaesthetic too and was ready to go straight home - it was sleepy Aslan I was waiting for!. Diva is Idestructi-cat!

Aslan on the other hand had to have another painkiller shot! Apparently his operation was harder than they thought it would be and they were in there a while sorting him out so he's quite bruised and sore.

Today he has been very interested in my pole dancing so I got a vid of him. It's pretty dark but I'll load it up in a min.

04-04-2008, 14:33
http://i170.photobucket.com/albums/u264/_miss_behave_/th_P1010234.jpg (http://s170.photobucket.com/albums/u264/_miss_behave_/?action=view&current=P1010234.flv)

05-04-2008, 10:26
Awwwwww :)

Glad they're doing well. Diva does sound indestructible!

05-04-2008, 11:19
and *SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE* :D I love Aslan. He will be squozen when I'm next down your way :)

Glad Diva's made a full recovery, especially with her eye. Hopefully Aslan will follow. Poor little mite!

05-04-2008, 11:22
Diva strong like bull!

05-04-2008, 11:27
We have to start thinking about getting Trio the neutered :( Feel like I'm violating her rights... Boo!

Not really. It will be more confusing and painful for her to be going through seasons and have to be kept in, or having puppies without experienced people around her.

She wont know any different once she has had the operation and it will make life much easier for you and Pickers too.

10-04-2008, 17:48
This is Ember, the kitten formerly known as Tansy.


She's my kitten now Dave.

10-04-2008, 17:52
She looks adorable :D

10-04-2008, 18:04
She isn't well at the moment as she was spayed yesterday and given her jabs at the same time. She's running a high temperature. Vets says she need lots of TLC tonight and even though she's still slightly feral and smacks me when I go to pick her up once I have her she cuddles up and falls asleep.

Poor little mite. Aslan and Diva did a bit of tag team hissy bullying earlier so she's in my room for a few days until her fever has gone and she's well enough to give as good as she gets!

10-04-2008, 18:08
Awwwww, isn't she gorgeous :D Knew you'd end up having her! Well done :)

10-04-2008, 18:17
Awww she is lovely! I knew you'd end up having her :)

10-04-2008, 18:28
I waited a week and checked the website every day and she still hadn't been homed so I sent a mail to Judy and asked if there had been any interest in her. I'd already decided that if there had been I would leave her to someone else but there hadn't so she came home with me.

She's very chatty and feisty and Judy said she was 'fiery' so I decided to call her Ember.

10-04-2008, 19:17
Aww what a cutie :)

10-04-2008, 21:06
aw smashing, great to see she now has a good home :)

10-04-2008, 21:50
Dawn, you really are mad cat lady :D

Ember looks lovely :)

10-04-2008, 21:55
Dawn, you really are mad cat lady :D

You are the fourth person who has called me that in the last 24 hours!

11-04-2008, 10:27
Ember's temperature is now down to 40 and she had the vet and me chasing her round the examination room when she shot vertically out of her basket (should have called her Spitfire!) so she's better than yesterday. It seems to have been a reaction to her jabs.

Got a better picture today. She's hard to catch and fights like hell but once you have her she purrs like an engine and loves cuddles!


11-04-2008, 10:29
Aww she looks happy there, grinning away :)

11-04-2008, 10:41
I think Ember is a lovely name. Glad you're starting to tame the beast already.

Hopefully come Sunday we'll be posting our own kitty thread :D

11-04-2008, 12:00
Can't wait to see Miss Sexy Puss!

11-04-2008, 12:12
Awwww! She is cute :)

So you have 3 now?

*must keep up*

BB x

11-04-2008, 12:19
Yup, Diva, Aslan and now Ember.

11-04-2008, 12:21
She is loooovely :)

11-04-2008, 12:27
:D awwwwwwwwwwwww!

I love kitties!

BB x

11-04-2008, 19:45
Awwwwww :D too cute :)

11-04-2008, 20:04
Good for you Dawn. We should move in together, then we'd have 6 ;D

^^Kitten by the way, but I'm sure Leo would be happy to oblige too ;)

11-04-2008, 20:14
Awwww loook !! how cute !! :D

22-04-2008, 09:50
Kitten update.

Ember has been released from my room and unleashed upon the household. She's one of those daft cats that leap sideways up the hall for no reason. They're all getting on very well now and play together nicely.

Aslan with his lovely squirrel tail


Ever seen a cat grin before? Diva with Beck, my youngest.


Ember being a tart in her teepee




22-04-2008, 09:51
Aww they are all adorable :)

22-04-2008, 09:53
God I love having 3 cats to come home to. I lay down on the bed yesterday and they all jumped up and snuggled in. It was fab.

22-04-2008, 10:13
Awww :)

22-04-2008, 10:17
Awww :)

Come round and see them!

22-04-2008, 10:23
Just off out for half the day to do all sorts of rubbish stuff otherwise I would :)

29-08-2008, 14:17
Update: My babies are all big now.

When Ember first came along there were fights but they all love each other now.

They love sleeping on my pole mats which are stored just behind my chair in the computer room. It means they can sleep as close to me as possible without actually being on my lap and stopping me working!


Aslan and Ember cuddling up this morning


My girls, posing like the french ladies!


Ember sleeps in silly positions


My lion


Skateboard A: boardin' with his b*tches


29-08-2008, 14:19
Hahahahahhaah!!! Brilliant pics Roberta! :D

They all look beautiful!

BB x

29-08-2008, 14:21
Look at Ember's big grin when she is asleep!!!

They are all ace.

29-08-2008, 14:22
Look at Ember's big grin when she is asleep!!!

They are all ace.

See how her tail is kinked over her back? She has it like that all the time! The end of her tail dangles over the centre of her back! Funny thing!

29-08-2008, 15:21
fantastic pics :)

29-08-2008, 16:03
Awww they've got so big!
I'm sure when I last saw them, they were only tiny little bundles of fluff!

29-08-2008, 16:08
Now they're BIG bundles of fluff!

29-08-2008, 18:46
Oh aren't they just all completely gorgeous! Will have to come around next time we're down and give Aslan a big old SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE :D He wasn't into cuddles last time I visited.

29-08-2008, 20:09
Aslan loves the ladies!

31-08-2008, 02:47
Awww puddy cats :D
Aslan is sooo much like my puddy cat Kingsley :D Must get some pics up of my 3.

We still haven't named our new kitty and he's 11weeks old already.
Faysh wants to name him Dexter lol. poor kitty.

31-08-2008, 08:26
Awwwwww how cute do they look! They seem like such characters :D They are awesome pics there :)

31-08-2008, 13:47
Was away all day yesterday but worried about Ember as she hadn't appeared in the morning as usual. Got home to find out she'd not been seen all day.

Woke up early and went straight out to look for her. Found her under a hedge in the garden. I knew there was something wrong as soon as I saw her. Had to crawl under the hedge to get her out.

Looks like she may have either dislocated her hip or fractured her pelvis. I had to rush her to an emergency vet and let's just say that all my savings are now gone.

Have to call the vets in a min to find out what the xrays have shown.

31-08-2008, 13:55
Oh no :( I hope she isn't too badly hurt and that she heals quickly


31-08-2008, 13:55
Oh bloody hell :( Hope she's alright.

Lynnie_pitch nee Leigh
31-08-2008, 14:26
Oh know :( fingers crossed she is ok xx

31-08-2008, 14:34
Her hip was dislocated and has now been put back. She is in a back leg sling and will have to be caged until her leg has set properly.

She's such a lovely thing that she purred all the way through the examination so loudly that the vet couldn't hear her heart properly.

I'm allowed to take her home at 6pm. If the staff let me as they say she's gorgeous and all love her.

31-08-2008, 14:40
Poor little bab. Hopefully she'll be alright now. It's awful when little fluffy cuddley things get ill.

31-08-2008, 14:45
My heart just dropped when I saw her under the hedge. We both came out covered in sticky buds! I was still picking them out of my hair when I got back from the vets.

I'll take a pic of the casualty later. She hasn't stopped purring yet apparently.

31-08-2008, 15:42
She's such a lovely thing that she purred all the way through the examination so loudly that the vet couldn't hear her heart properly.

Aww poor mite. Any indication what could have been the cause? A car? Another cat? Falling off something?
I find if I'm looking at wounds/giving med/etc on the rats they always hide on my shoulder even if there are more sensible "away from the nasty woman" places to go and hide.

31-08-2008, 16:07
At first the vet thought she may have been shaken by a dog as there isn't much splintering of her claws which normally accompanies a car bump. Then we found a small wound on her other back foot which the vet thought may have been a cat bite. The sking around the injured hip is black with bruising so she must have been either hiding out in shock for the last 24 hours or making her way home slowly on one back leg.

So we don't really know. Could have been a cat fight, could have been a car or could have caught her leg and dislocated her hip getting free.

31-08-2008, 16:25
Oh no, poor thing :(
Hope she gets better very soon.

31-08-2008, 17:08
Awwww, hope she gets better soon ! :(

31-08-2008, 18:01
Poor thing, hope she gets better soon :/

01-09-2008, 10:36
Poor thing :( It's so gutting when your pets get injured.

Sounds like she's a lot better at the vet's than our pair though, they're petrified! Have you got insurance for them?

01-09-2008, 11:16
Poor kitty :( Hope she recovers super fast.

01-09-2008, 13:23
The annoying thing was that Diva and Aslan are fully insured and I hadn't got around to adding Ember. I've paid over £400 since yesterday already (£100 was to just to get the emergency vet to see her) and she has to be seen twice a week at the vets for the next few weeks which works out at another few hundred until her cage rest is over. I am totally wiped out.

Rest assured she will be added to the insurance as soon as I can sort it!

Ember is rather perky and managed to escape her cage and leap a 3ft wall with her leg in a sling yesterday. Luckily she didn't dislocate it again and now has to spend the next 4 weeks in a cage in my living room. She thinks I am being incredibly mean to her. I have to take her out and check that the sling hasn't cut off her circulation once a day and give her medicine which is terrifying as she struggles and I'm sacred of hurting her and injuring her leg.

01-09-2008, 13:36
Ouch pricey! :(
At least she sounds like she's on the mend, although pity she won't stay still and be a good little patient!

01-09-2008, 15:31
aw, poor kitty

hope she's recovers as quickly as possible

01-09-2008, 16:16
Cats are never good patients unfortunately. Poor little sod! Vet fees cost a ruddy fortune, but if it was a choice of being able to eat for a month or saving my kitty, I'd be starving!

01-09-2008, 16:34
Oooh I know! She's so flipping cute! It's just all happened around the time I'm putting out a lot of money in advertising so couldn't have happened at a worse time.

01-09-2008, 17:45
I hate it when my furry babies are sick or injured, its horrible.
I hope Ember is better soon!

01-09-2008, 18:08
Awwww poor Ember :(


BB x

02-09-2008, 16:36
Aw the poor ikkle puddy cat :( Swift recovery :)

02-09-2008, 16:45
Due to her having managed to escape the cage and the house twice and chewing through and removing her sling the vet has renamed her Mischief.

She's just flipping lucky she didn't dislocate the hip again!

She is currently looking at me from behind her bars and wondering why I am being so meeeeeeeeeeeean to her:


02-09-2008, 16:51
Awww such a sad look!

02-09-2008, 17:04
She has mousie for company!

11-09-2008, 13:04
Just found a pic of Ember in her sling on my phone:


She is currently running round my bedroom as she has had to be removed from the cage that she was supposed to be resting in because she kept climbing up the cage and hanging upside down like a flipping bat and the vet and I were worried she'd dislocate the hip again. Daft bugger.

11-09-2008, 14:04
Awww :)

11-09-2008, 14:12
That was taken the night of the morning I found her with the injury so she was all cuddly and clingy.

11-09-2008, 14:13
You can tell :) She looks so content :D

11-09-2008, 21:25
Awwwww Nooooooo I don't know how I managed to miss this :( Must have been gutted. I know how you feel hun. I felt the same when Minny had his stroke. He is still very clingy and cuddly because of it.

Soooo pleased she is making a recovery :D *hugs*

11-09-2008, 22:09
She's back to her usual silly self, rolling around and being daft.

12-09-2008, 07:47
Brilliant news . Glad she's back to her old self :D I insured Flobo this week just in case anything like this ever happens to her.

03-09-2009, 18:18
I'd like to introduce you all to our newest family member.



12 weeks old and very shy. Another semi feral.


03-09-2009, 18:52
Awwww can I have him? Cute kitty.

03-09-2009, 19:06
He's a tiny terrified trembling little thing!

03-09-2009, 19:16
He's so CUTE!!!!! :D

03-09-2009, 19:23
Aww bless! Doing his very best to go hide! :)

03-09-2009, 19:48
He's lovely! :)

03-09-2009, 19:50
4 cat family. Mint!

03-09-2009, 20:02
Awww :D
He looks like he'll grow up to look like Harry :D

Must come see him/catnap him once I'm more mobile :)

03-09-2009, 20:06
Yes you must!

04-09-2009, 05:24
I'm feeling so inferior now!! (we only have two cats now)

Sorry I missed out on the thread when "Mischief" was going through all the hurt. :(

Glad to hear the mending is in progress, though.

04-09-2009, 07:57
One day I will have a cat. Yours are all sooo cute! :)

04-09-2009, 08:45
I'm feeling so inferior now!! (we only have two cats now)

Sorry I missed out on the thread when "Mischief" was going through all the hurt. :(

Glad to hear the mending is in progress, though.

No worries. I couldn't even look at other cats when my Courtney died. Ember's accident was a year ago now and she healed so well she shocked the vet. No limp or any sign to say she'd ever been injured, probably down to her being so young when she had the accident. She's a total nutter flinging herself around and off things.

So far Diva has scolded Cassius a lot letting him know who is Queen and has cuffed him too just for good measure. Once she's accepted him they'll be fine.

Aslan is terrified of Cassius. It's a very 'Oh my god! What IS IT??' fear!

Ember sniffed him and then looked at me as if t say 'And I should care why?' then got on with what she was doing.

Cassius spent the night hiding under my bed. Will have to tempt him out with food later. Poor scrap.

04-09-2009, 08:47
He is beautiful Dawn :)

04-09-2009, 08:50
He's all scrawny and all eyes and ears. He also curls up into feotal position when you go near him!

04-09-2009, 15:57
Have you taken the opportunity to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE him yet?? :D

04-09-2009, 16:30
I had him stuffed down my top earlier like a baby in a sling if that counts?

He's hiding under my bed again now!

04-09-2009, 16:40
Im not suprised he is hiding under your bed, he is a stray surrounded by 4 people? and 3 new cats. I would be terrified if I was that kitten

04-09-2009, 16:49
Blimey, that sounded a bit sharp.

He isn't 'surrounded' by anything as he's in a room by himself most of the time with a radio on to get him used to hearing people. I'm the only person he's seen today as the kids aren't allowed with him unless I'm there supervising. The other cats aren't allowed near him now for a few days as they need to get used to the scent of him til then so that when they do see him he isn't alien.

Hiding in places is what they all do when they come here. He's the 5th feral I've tamed.

04-09-2009, 16:53
6th actually. I forgot Sparkle.

04-09-2009, 17:08
He's ace Dawn, I don't doubt for a second he'll come round in no time at all! I remember seeing baby Aslan when he was still a scaredy cat, and Ember I think it was who was Very Very Brave!

04-09-2009, 17:20
Aslan is still jumpy but he adores being cuddled by my daughter and goes all drooly and floppy when she tickles his ears.


Daft bugger.

04-09-2009, 17:25
Awww :D

04-09-2009, 19:18
Sorry I don't think that was sharp, it is true. Fair enough you have tamed 6 stray's my comment hasn't changed though.

It is alot for him to get used to, a new home, lots of new people and 3 new cat's who are older and who have formed friendships. So it isn't suprising that he is terrified and hiding under your bed.

04-09-2009, 19:23
Sounded quite sharp to me but then again I know how great Roberta is with the cats :) She's the best person I can possibly think of to handle shy feral cats that need gentle introductions and a lot of care and understanding.

She really does a great job as I know having seen the transformation of a few of them and hopefully little Cassius too soon :D

04-09-2009, 20:13
Hrm, I've found the best way to get a cat used to a new environment is to not change the existing environment at all. Cats are very adaptable. They can sense when everything is normal or if things are on edge.

Calmly going about your life as if they had been there all along is the quickest way to get them accustomed to a new home. Remember, I've been through that exact process 15 times now. And not one of the cats I've had has shown any problems associating with the existing family (both human and feline) after about the first 12 hours.

You want to make a cat feel at home? Show them the litter box (preferably one that is close to needing changing so they can smell what goes in it), show them the food and water dishes, and lay them down in a comfy place they are allowed to sleep in. Play with them with a length of string for a few minutes, then repeat the showing of significant places again. Do that three or four times and they'll get the idea themselves. They'll know where to do their business, where to get sustenance, where to sleep, and where to play. Their basic needs are met, they can go exploring knowing they don't have to worry about anything...

04-09-2009, 21:07
Sorry I don't think that was sharp, it is true. Fair enough you have tamed 6 stray's my comment hasn't changed though.

It is alot for him to get used to, a new home, lots of new people and 3 new cat's who are older and who have formed friendships. So it isn't suprising that he is terrified and hiding under your bed.

Well of course it isn't. I'm not quite sure why you feel you had to point it out to me in such tone though, or even point it out to me at all to be quite frank. The reason he is in my room is exactly so he can hide when he needs to so why on earth would I be surprised he was under there?

Thanks for your comments Darrin as I know how much experience you have with cats.

04-09-2009, 21:08
And thanks Jen. Hope you can come see him when you're well enough and he's not so scared.

04-09-2009, 21:08
I had him stuffed down my top earlier like a baby in a sling if that counts?

He's hiding under my bed again now!
Awwwwww :D

04-09-2009, 21:10
And thanks Jen. Hope you can come see him when you're well enough and he's not so scared.

Me too :D
At the moment crazy crutch lady would probably be a bit alarming though ;D Poor Harry's still a bit wary of me when I'm hopping about :o

04-09-2009, 21:24
I hereby demand pics of Kitty shoved down your top! Boobies and kitty cat FTW. ;)

04-09-2009, 21:27
I hereby demand pics of Kitty shoved down your top! Boobies and kitty cat FTW. ;)

You insatiable minx!

04-09-2009, 21:45
You insatiable minx!

And your point is? :p

05-09-2009, 12:56
Me too :D
At the moment crazy crutch lady would probably be a bit alarming though ;D Poor Harry's still a bit wary of me when I'm hopping about :o

Is it just me who read that as crotch ? ROFL !! ;D

He's lovely Dawn... I really want a new kitty but Pebbles is such a happy little cat I don't want to upset her.

05-09-2009, 13:02
Is it just me who read that as crotch ? ROFL !! ;D

Now that would definitely scare a little kitten ;D

05-09-2009, 18:56
I hereby demand pics of Kitty shoved down your top! Boobies and kitty cat FTW. ;)

QFT FTW!! :evil:

05-09-2009, 19:02
Is it just me who read that as crotch ? ROFL !! ;D

It'd be like velcroing a cat to.........

I've gone too far havent I :o

06-09-2009, 21:37
How dare you sully my kitty thread with filth!

I demand you continue!

06-09-2009, 22:03
It'd be like velcroing a cat to.........

I've gone too far havent I :o


09-09-2009, 17:32
Rather boring vid of taming a kitten!


09-09-2009, 19:40
The wonders of food bribery ;) :)

09-09-2009, 21:18
I have my very own kitty now :D she is hiding under a table right now.

09-09-2009, 21:22
I have my very own kitty now :D she is hiding under a table right now.


Take a pic when shes relaxed a bit wont you :)

09-09-2009, 21:55
I have my very own kitty now :D she is hiding under a table right now.

Awww! Really happy for you! Pics soon!

28-09-2009, 08:53
My god! Now Cassius has stopped being scared he is the naughtiest kitten I've ever had!

I have never seen a kitten leap about like he does. He can go from relaxed to 3ft in the air in the blink of an eye. The amount of times he's managed to leap backwards and fall off the bed is amazing. My friend Kath says he's on springs!

He has decided that the best way to wake me up is to leap off my feet and land on my face with his claws out then bounce back off again. He repeats this until I hide my head under the bedclothes, at which he lands on my head, sticks his paw under the duvet and smacks me in the face. He then wants a big kiss and cuddle before I get up.

He has leapt up pulled down and destroyed several hanging pretty things in my room. I take his crackly cat play tube off him at night or I never get any peace and balance it at a 90 degree angle against a cupboard but he has now worked out that if he gets up enough speed he can run up it and pop out of the middle!

He's a bad ass mo'fo!

As I am now able to handle him he is now allowed to wander the house from today. I am expecting destruction on a mass scale.

He adores Diva who looks like his mum, and chirrups at her trying to charm her. He also 'phantoms' around her leaping about, bouncing up to her and then away again. So far she's having none of it and grumbles at him.

28-09-2009, 09:27
Haha! You'll have to get a video, this is why I want a kitty because they sound like so much bloody fun.

16-10-2009, 09:23
My handsome brute.


16-10-2009, 09:47
Awwwwwwwwwww ! :D

16-10-2009, 10:00
He's so sweet! :D

16-10-2009, 10:10
He's very naughty and is like Cato from Pink Panther - he hides and ambushes the other cats when they walk past.

16-10-2009, 10:28
Am trying to print out my track list for tonights spin class and he wants to know what the noise is so currently has his head in the printer. He'll be photocopying his bottom next, you mark my words.

16-10-2009, 10:57


16-10-2009, 11:52
What have I told you about spying on me. Don't make me get the rozzers onto you.

17-10-2009, 06:28
My two guys out cold on the couch. No idea how Shadow was breathing there...


17-10-2009, 10:17

17-10-2009, 12:13
bless, he seems like a right little character. Great pic too Darrin :D

18-10-2009, 19:44
Hahahaaaaa couldnt even take the rucksack off first, sleepy man! That cat needs danger money!

26-10-2009, 22:06
Here's Flo with her little jazz hands, caught for the first time in technicolour. This is what I'm quite often greeted with when I walk up the stairs and she's at the top. Leon never gets it, she likes him :'(

Heheheeee, look at her stupid face and little feet! :D

I can safely conclude that she is a BAAAAAAAAAAAD CAT!!!!

26-10-2009, 22:08
I vote that you look at it that shes trying to give you a hug ;D

26-10-2009, 22:13
LMAO !! ;D

Cats are so funny !

27-10-2009, 17:13
She wants a cuddle!

28-10-2009, 22:43
Here's Flo with her little jazz hands, caught for the first time in technicolour. This is what I'm quite often greeted with when I walk up the stairs and she's at the top. Leon never gets it, she likes him :'(

Hmmm, Stella also has a BAD CAT stair habit that is only directed towards me. She slinks under my feet and I swear she is trying to trip me down the stairs :-/

The most disturbing sight though is when the two of them sit together and look very much like they are plotting in a Pinky and the Brain style, worrying!

Cool pics people, further proof that cats rock.

28-10-2009, 23:11
I can't remember who here has seen Mr George's human stretch, but I just wish I could capture it on video. It's just such a person thing to do, standing like flo is there and lifting his front feet & legs right up high then stretching out fully like he's reaching for something & relaxing back down like he's doing aerobics.....he's obviously copied it. :o

28-10-2009, 23:23
I can't remember who here has seen Mr George's human stretch, but I just wish I could capture it on video. It's just such a person thing to do, standing like flo is there and lifting his front feet & legs right up high then stretching out fully like he's reaching for something & relaxing back down like he's doing aerobics.....he's obviously copied it. :o

Would be great vid. although I can picture it from your description! Is he actually named Mr George or is that a variation on his name you've adopted? We seem to do that all the time with ours.

28-10-2009, 23:36
Pebbles ambushes me ALL the time.

I'll be walking around upstairs and BAM out of nowhere, I get attacked ! ;D

30-10-2009, 11:55
Diva has taught Cassius how to get attention. The pair of them poke me with a paw until I look down to find them looking up at me with an 'Ahem. Attention please' look on their faces.

30-10-2009, 12:06
Is he actually named Mr George or is that a variation on his name you've adopted?

He's just called George but I've been calling him Mr George and it's just stuck even Paula calls him Mr George ;D

02-10-2010, 21:23
Some of you may know I became a fosterer for feral kittens for the local Cat Protection League. My first babies were 2 little sisters from a feral mother.

Over 2 months later no one has come forward to take the little mites who are now about 6 months old so it's getting increasingly unlikely they'll beplaced as they become older.

The fluffy one is the sweetest little mite who follows me about and cuddles up the minute I'm still, and that the little one breaks your heart with how nervous but bolshy she is.

Today I was supposed to be loading them into a cat basket and taking them to an adoption day at a cattery where people come to see them and see if they appeal to them. Yesterday I woke up knowing there was no way I could put them through being taken to somewhere with lots of other scared cats, being poked and prodded and judged, and then being rejected and having to bring them home. It would break my heart.

So I'd like to introduce my 2 new babies, Babooshka and Roo.


I am now a 6 cat household. No more room at the inn and no more fostering for me!