View Full Version : iGoogle. What?

03-01-2008, 18:28
In consolidating the multiple browser tabs I normally have open, I've set up iGoogle as my home page but I feel it's lacking something.

Here's what it currently looks like.

*clicky for image* (http://www.ukrm.org/feek/igoogle.jpg)

I'd like more stuff to throw into Google Reader, useful blogs and things but I'm a bit stumped as to what. Now I know these things are subjective but does anyone have any suggestions?

The weather thing and RadioTimes don't need to stay, they was just me playing.

I'd love something that pulls my email headers from my mdaemon mail router and just shows me them but there doesn't seem to be anything I can easily find which will do the job.

In theory I could put the BBC feeds into Google reader but then it'd start getting unwieldy. Would it? I really don't know.


03-01-2008, 18:56
Mine's much much more simple, news headlines, weather, gmail and a couple of other tidbits.

03-01-2008, 19:35
http://thedailywtf.com/ - for your reader :) Even if you cant be arsed with the articles, it's worth it for the Error'd