View Full Version : Heads up: Cheap Knives Offer

05-01-2008, 15:51
*DISCLAIMER* First off, let me make it absolutely clear that I am well aware that these knives are not your top quality professional quality super dooper knives. I just thought it seemed like a good offer, they get a decent review from people who've bought them and I wanted to tell people who might be interested. I really don't want to start a knife debate in this thread.

I found this advert in this month's issue of BBC Good Food. It's basically 5 *FREEEEE* knives for a P&P charge of £8. I've had a snoop on various websites and it looks like this company do a lot of this sort of offer where you buy some pans and get a free knife set or whatever. I've read all the small print and there's no catch, although I suspect they probably like to send you rubbish in the post. I also think they bank on you spending a few extra quid on some of the other bits they have to offer because it's such a "great deal" ;). The quality of the knives seems reasonable from the various reviews, but they're not very dishwasher safe. No worries for me then :D I have no doubt that their "professional quality" claim is absolute tripe, but they cost £8 and I think that's worth it even for some spare knives. I'm willing to give them a try anyway.

Take it or leave it, it's up to you. I just thought I'd post it to let people know :)


Alternatively, there's another offer in Good Food on Global knives. Five piece set with a pair of kitchen scissors for £199 (should be £349). I wish!!!!!

Dr. Z
05-01-2008, 18:05
For £8, if they rusted away in a month who cares?


05-01-2008, 18:08
For £8, if they rusted away in a month who cares?


Agreed, ordered

That Global offer has come right at the wrong time :( I'd love a set of globals!

05-01-2008, 18:11
Me too, but I just can't afford them. In all honesty, they come so far down the priority list under all the stuff I need to spend money on, that I don't think I'll ever end up getting any!! lol

05-01-2008, 18:24
When there aren't stupidly tempting offers on I think you only really need one or two for everything :p

05-01-2008, 18:25
Aitch bought me a Global G2 for Christmas plus a whetstone and angle maintainers for sharpening, I must say I am very pleased with it


Very nice knives :)

Now I need a magnetic rack and some more Globals :D


05-01-2008, 18:27
Magnetic racks are the most dangerous things ever! I've seen the results of one losing it's magnetic pull with a full set of knives on it!

I think the G2 is the one I was looking at as a do-it-all knife :D


05-01-2008, 18:27
^^^ That's the one I have, and I'm keen to get more, but £200 is still a lot and I don't really need them. Or do I?!

05-01-2008, 18:32
Surely there is only one knife you ever need Belmit...



Dr. Z
05-01-2008, 18:36
Globals are superb to cook with, glorious to use :D

Magnetic racks look the bomb and are more hygenic than most racks but there is a danger of damaging the edge slightly when you "snap" the knife onto them. Here we have always kept our knives in a drawer :)

05-01-2008, 18:37
If there was an accompanying fork for that knife I could throw all my other cutlery away.

Dr. Z
05-01-2008, 18:38
You could use the end of the knife as a fork!

05-01-2008, 18:53

Ta :)

05-01-2008, 18:54
Aitch bought me a Global G2 for Christmas plus a whetstone and angle maintainers for sharpening, I must say I am very pleased with it


Very nice knives :)

Now I need a magnetic rack and some more Globals :D


I got the very same knife for xmas!

I have to admit, I did go into out local Global dealer today and order a couple of knives and a case. :D

05-01-2008, 21:59

I want some knives exumptly like these!!!

Thanks for the heads up Kate!!! :D

BB x

05-01-2008, 22:01
I've spent far to much on Global knives.

Now up to 7 of them. Cheapest was £30 and the most expensive was well over £100 - I just entered the pin when asked and didn't look at the number.

Love them.

05-01-2008, 22:03

I want some knives exumptly like these!!!

Thanks for the heads up Kate!!! :D

BB x
Glad to be of service moddum :) They look quite nice to hold actually. Now I've learnt how to hold a knife properly, my current knife hurts my finger.

07-01-2008, 12:01
I bought a similar set a few years ago, clamied to be professional quality and all that but obviously they weren't for the price.

I found them great - because they are all one piece they are easy to clean and I found them very light and easy to hold too.

£8 isn't bad for a set of knives, even if they only last a year.

07-01-2008, 19:40
as this is a knifey kind of thread - what are peoples opinions of these:
good buy? or not such a good buy?
i don't have a lot of 'spare' money - but if these are really worth it, i was thinking of spending my christmas money on them (instead of new clothes...)
at the moment i have richardson knives - will these be an improvement, or will i be wasting my money?

07-01-2008, 21:57
Personally, I wouldn't. I have a thing against Sabatier though.

I'd get 2 good knives. A ~20-23cm one and a slightly smaller one ~12-15cm and an appropriate shapener. Global knives and a Minosharp sharpener are my choice.

They will last a very long time if looked after. Mine are sharpened weekly.

07-01-2008, 22:12
My father has always used Sabatier and still to this day uses the set he was given for his graduation from Chef school some 40 years ago.

07-01-2008, 23:08
But are Stellar sabatier actually Sabatier?

Looking at the net it would seem that the two are quite separate, maybe a difusion range and the prime Sabatier range but they don't seem to appear together anywhere I can see with a limited look.

I have to say I agree with the buy two exceptional knives like the G2 I have and a smaller paring knife by Global, most chefs don't need a full set of different shapes, just a decent knife :)


08-01-2008, 10:28
I wanted a knife block too though..


I want tooo much.

BB x

08-01-2008, 17:40
For £8? :p

Von Smallhausen
08-01-2008, 18:01
Try coming in late now Lopez. :/

08-01-2008, 18:21
For £8? :p

It was an afterthought as I was contemplating the purchaseness of the bargainous bargain. ;)

Also whether I really DO need a knife block..


BB x

08-01-2008, 21:05
Try coming in late now Lopez. :/


08-01-2008, 21:09
Naaaah, I'd use the old rusty knives for that :D

09-01-2008, 17:34
For the benefit of anyone left still thinking of ordering, make sure you scroll to the bottom of the page where you enter your address, even if you choose not to read the terms and conditions (I know some people get T&C fatigue). :)

15-01-2008, 15:17
They've arrived. :)

Although it's wiped out some, maybe most, of the saving, I ended up getting the knife block as well. Glad I did really as I know what would happen if I put them in a drawer given there's no contrast at all between the handle and blade. Already been to hospital once after doing that, thanks. :o

Anyway, they look OK. Not sure how well they'll work but I guess it's a sign of quality that one of them rattles (something trapped inside the hollow handle). ;D

15-01-2008, 15:23
no parcel yet here, hopefully they'll turn up tomorrow.

15-01-2008, 17:03
What's the catch with these 'free' knives then?

15-01-2008, 17:30
I haven't found one yet. They're £8 knives. That's it really.

Money was taken from my account on Friday so hopefully they should be here soon.

15-01-2008, 21:26
So you can order the block! Am ordering! £20 for knives appears to be bargainous anyways :D

BB x

Edit: Kate - how DO you hold knives then? :huh:

Edit: Purchased!!! I don't have any room in my drawers for anymore knives so can justify the block!

16-01-2008, 06:55
You're supposed to grip the blade with your thumb and forefinger for better control, rather than just holding the handle.


There's another grip if you're dealing with small items that you can cut whilst holding them, where you kinda wrap your whole hand around the spine of the blade, so you only have a little area to actually use, but it's very accurate. Kinda like this pic:


It's not that much diff to how I held the knife before, but it's a little change and affects how comfortable the knife feels in your hand.

16-01-2008, 10:11
I 'think' thats how I hold them already... hmmm thank you :D

BB x

16-01-2008, 17:49
I didn't have my forefinger and thumb on the knife before. I just gripped the handle. Amazing what a difference it makes.

Anyway, knives arrived today. I've just had them out and chopped up a ripe tomato to see if they were sharp. They are. OK so they're quite light, but I certainly feel like I got a good deal for £8 :)

Dr. Z
17-01-2008, 22:59
Mine arrived too, v v v light but cool nevertheless, for £8!!

17-01-2008, 23:00
ours arrived today Kate, they are great. Excellent find :D

23-01-2008, 13:12
Mine arrived today aswell! :D

Hurrah!!! Thanks Kate!

Funny... my uncle has the same cutlery set as my mum and dad and Rob's mum and dad have the same tea set and a casserole dish as my mum and dad....so they must have all been part of offers aswell!

I can just picture my kid in xxxx amount of years time.. 'Mummy why have you got the same chopping knives as Aunty Kate?' :D

Yeah I'm a freak... so bite me :p

;) thank you my lover!!!

BB x

23-01-2008, 14:21
Been using them during the week and they are excellent. Really glad to know I can sharpen them too.

Del Lardo
25-01-2008, 17:28
Mine arrived today, took about 2 weeks.

Not used them yet but they look sharp enough to cut my fingers which may not be a good thing ;)

26-01-2008, 18:16
I agree with all the sentiments here, Very light, but sharp enough and will last plenty long enough till I can buy some globals or fully forged sabatiers.

26-01-2008, 20:20
I've had a good look about on these, and i've also ordered some as for the price you can't knock them, so cheers Kate!

But as a warning, from what i have read they aren't any good for putting in the dishwasher (those that have dishwashers!) as they get rust spots from washed in a dishwasher.

I would hope not, are they not fully stainless steel??
or do you mean tarnish?

26-01-2008, 20:39
The quality of the knives seems reasonable from the various reviews, but they're not very dishwasher safe.
Twas in my disclaimer at the start, so don't claim you haven't been warned :p

26-01-2008, 21:23
Phewph!!! :D Doesn't make any difference to me because I don't have a dishwasher. They're fine with fairy liquid though ;)

26-01-2008, 22:08
I have no diswasher bar myself, so I guess I'm OK too. :)

27-01-2008, 14:25
Mine are brilliant! :D well the one I used to cut up the mushrooms this morning was :)

Don't have a dishwasher, so that doesn't bother me :p

BB x

07-06-2010, 22:26
Revival..... there is currently another offer (http://www.jean-patrique-cookware.co.uk/995knives/index.php?campaign=HSS1) going round on these.. had an email from them

£1.99 plus £9.99 P&P so £11.98 all in

But never mid that what I'm here to ask is spec me a sharpener for these knives and the other blunt as teaspoon knives I currently have! Please!

07-06-2010, 22:30
I just use another knife sharpener I had :/ which reminds me I need to do the rest of them.

BB x

07-06-2010, 22:35
I only have a steel thingy and probably due to me not knowing how to use it effectively it does a poop job at sharpening!

07-06-2010, 22:42
Yeah I use my steel thingy. Its dangerous so make sure little man isn't around!

BB x

08-06-2010, 00:22
Argh so broke.

But Shiny!

But broke!


08-06-2010, 10:47
I'm a sucker. Chose the knife block, sharpener and cleaver to go with it. Still, my Titanium IIs are starting to get run down. Will be a nice replacement set. Thanks!

Edit: Booo! Had to restart the process and now it's not offering me the extra stuff. :(
Edit2: Deleted cookies and it worked again!

08-06-2010, 13:19
Edit2: Deleted cookies and it worked again!
Haha, who's the sucker now? :D

17-06-2010, 11:37
I use a water sharpener for mine, but only on the Global ones because it's a Global sharpener. Not tried it on the cheapy ones yet. Will give it a go with one of the ones where I have a Global equivalent and let you know the results.

17-06-2010, 12:09
My knives arrived a couple of days ago - 5 piece set + 2 extra pieces to make it up to 7 to fit in the block + steel + cleaver +... an extra 5-piece set?! Don't know how that happened, but good times!

17-06-2010, 12:17
I use a water sharpener for mine, but only on the Global ones because it's a Global sharpener. Not tried it on the cheapy ones yet. Will give it a go with one of the ones where I have a Global equivalent and let you know the results.
Global use a funny angle for the edge of their blade. If you use that sharpener on your other knives you'll just have to work them a bit to regrind the edge, then they will be fine. My knives don't keep their edge so well with Global's angle which means I have to sharpen them more often, but that's it.

17-06-2010, 13:32
I like knives.


I broke my ceramic Global steel last week though!

17-06-2010, 13:44
This thread reminds me that my knifes could do with being sharpened!

17-06-2010, 17:10


17-06-2010, 20:02
I use a water sharpener for mine, but only on the Global ones because it's a Global sharpener. Not tried it on the cheapy ones yet. Will give it a go with one of the ones where I have a Global equivalent and let you know the results.

Yes please Kate... as I was thinking of getting one of the minosharp but don't want to pay ~£30 if it's not going to the right thing for the job.

17-06-2010, 20:11
Global use a funny angle for the edge of their blade. If you use that sharpener on your other knives you'll just have to work them a bit to regrind the edge, then they will be fine. My knives don't keep their edge so well with Global's angle which means I have to sharpen them more often, but that's it.
Ahh ok thanks. As long as it doesn't knacker the sharpener, I don't really mind :)

Sharpened my Globals tonight. Makes such a difference when it's done, even though I'm still happy with their slicing ability when they've not been done for a while.

17-06-2010, 20:18
Yes please Kate... as I was thinking of getting one of the minosharp but don't want to pay ~£30 if it's not going to the right thing for the job.
That's the one I have. It's very good http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/images/icons/icon14.gif

17-06-2010, 20:35
I like knives too.


17-06-2010, 22:01
That's the one I have. It's very good http://www.boat-drinks.co.uk/images/icons/icon14.gif

Is that not specifically for global knives? Globals site say that their knives should be sharpened with a 10-15° angle

I had read on the web what you mentioned about the angle on global knives... but didn't think it would matter if I used that sharpener (assuming it's for global knives) on ordinary jean pacheap knives...

Another option is this one from Lakeland... very similar to the minosharp but a bit cheaper http://www.lakeland.co.uk/anolon-universal-knife-sharpener/F/keyword/knife+sharpner/product/11546

17-06-2010, 22:45
They do a minosharp for Global and one for non-Global AFAIK. I have a minosharp, which says it's especially for Global knives.

18-06-2010, 07:25

Mah babies :D

Wanted global but just didn't get along with the handles, these however have huge, plastic, manly handles.

18-06-2010, 08:28
I've got this set...


were bought for me as a pressie from a mate. They're fine for me. Don't dishwash them, they don't "rust" per se, but they get like white "water spot" stains on them and look a bit shabby.

I just use a steel to sharpen them, at a very low angle, but I've had mine for about 7 years now and obviously their profile has become accustomed to the angle I sharpen them at, rather than me getting the factory angle right...

What can I say? 7 years later and never thought of buying another knife.:)

18-06-2010, 10:18
Just to clarify: I have the Minosharp for Global knives and I use it on my normal non-Global knives.
Global use a funny angle for the edge of their blade. If you use that sharpener on your other knives you'll just have to work them a bit to regrind the edge, then they will be fine. My knives don't keep their edge so well with Global's angle which means I have to sharpen them more often, but that's it.
...however, my knives are coming up to 10 years old and I put them through the dishwasher etc...

18-06-2010, 16:44
Just cut a tomato before/after sharpening one of the cheapo knives with my Minosharp for Global knives, and it's a large improvement :) Took about 15 draws through the sharpener (more than my Globals need), but it's good nonetheless!!
Thanks Jonny!

19-06-2010, 11:40
I finally figured out how to use my sharpening stone and all is good in the world :D

16-11-2010, 18:16
Jean Patrique is back if anyone wants some cheap knives:


08-01-2011, 01:16
This lot are totally doing my head in :'(
Ive tried twice to order knives....the first time they took my money, but decided not to tell me that these were out of stock and didnt know when they would be back....finally got my money back
The 2nd....still banging my head against the wall :( money taken, dispatch e-mail but 3 weeks sinceand nothing has arrived....the customer service (I use the term in a not so nice fashion) is non-existant, finally got a message via PayPal to say 'these are on their way' tonight....SO mad, its not the money, more the principal behind it

08-01-2011, 12:56
Grrrr. That's annoying - hope they sort it soon.

Joe 90
08-01-2011, 18:49
How have they been posted? I had a small package sent via royal fail 1st singed for on dec 28th & that didn't arrive till Thursday night.

If they got caught up in all the snow based problems it could be a while. City Link told me they'd lost a package of mine before christmas. Thankfully it arrived a day or two later!

08-01-2011, 19:26
I cant believe Im on a forum full of knife geeks :p

*runs* - specifically from Reeves.


BB x

08-01-2011, 20:11
How have they been posted? I had a small package sent via royal fail 1st singed for on dec 28th & that didn't arrive till Thursday night.

If they got caught up in all the snow based problems it could be a while. City Link told me they'd lost a package of mine before christmas. Thankfully it arrived a day or two later!

I received 3 parcels this week, all sent on or before the 9th December. I also got 5 cards over Tuesday/Wednesday, three of which sent on or before the 20th! It's hardly freakin' Narnia!

09-01-2011, 22:43
I got carded today....though Ive been away since Thursday, it could 'possibly' be them, we shall find out tomorrow!!

11-01-2011, 08:38
Mine fitted throught the letterbox.

11-01-2011, 14:35
I do believe I am in possession of some knives :)
They were posted when I had the dispatch e-mail but must have been kicking around since then as the bag was nearly opened on one side.
First impressions....feel light (a little too light), not sure if I like the feel / balance, but hey....cant complain!
I wont be cutting anything up till the weekend now, by which time Im sure they will need sharpening ;D

11-01-2011, 22:48
I had a letter sent by my bank on 16th Dec turn up yesterday, so the delay is certainly very plausible. Glad they arrived eventually.

And yes, they're certainly very light indeed.

12-01-2011, 09:34
The JP ones are very light, but you soon get used to it. I've had my set for over 7 years now and I've never thought of buying anything else (although in all that time I still haven't trained the missus to sharpen the damn things when she uses them...).

They're maybe not the best knives in the world, but I'm maybe not the best chef in the world, so that's OK... :)