View Full Version : Big Thanks to Lostkat

08-01-2008, 22:42
According to my sis theres a thank you thread in this forum somewhere, but Lostkat deserves a thread of her own.

Big thanks for my embroideriz0red emblems for my mechanic overalls, they is uber qualitar!

Unfortunately BBelle confused me with a small badger and thus the overalls do not fit, so I cannot post a pic of the amazing craftsmanship. When their replacement arrives, a pic will follow suit.

Thanks again Lostkat! :D

09-01-2008, 00:47
Unfortunately BBelle confused me with a small badger

I bet you get that all the time.. ;D

09-01-2008, 01:07
Badger (http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/Baby+Badgers/)?

:huh: :)

09-01-2008, 06:58
Awwww :o no problems whatsoever. Glad they're OK :)

Mark - LOL!!!

09-01-2008, 09:50
Unfortunately BBelle confused me with a small badger and thus the overalls do not fit,

They are a size 48!!! The biggest they have!!!



BB x

11-01-2008, 00:30
I'd just like to add that any girl with a picture of an SR20DET cam cover as their forum avatar must be pretty damn cool.

11-01-2008, 01:01
I'd just like to add that any girl with a picture of an SR20DET cam cover as their forum avatar must be pretty damn cool.

Kate is one of a kind and we're lucky to have her :)