View Full Version : Pet peeve of mine. (spelling)

09-01-2008, 01:27
Why is it so many people nowadays spell the present participle (I think) of the word whine wrong? There's only one "G" in the stupid word, ok? It's WHINING!!!

I know, I'm whining about people spelling "whining" wrong. But it's to the point that I saw it misspelled in a newspaper as well.


Notice the "ing" spelling? There's only one "G" in there. No "E".

Just a mild mannered rant.

09-01-2008, 01:37
Only one 'G'? I don't get you. Are you sure you're not getting confused with...



09-01-2008, 09:18
I'm probably guilty for spelling this wrong... it's just one of those silly English words which I get muddled with!

I think the word "definitely" bugs me! All my kiddie winklies would spell it "definately" which drove me bonkers! :) Bless em!

09-01-2008, 09:30
As Mark said are you sure you've got the right word? Is 'whinge' not used over there hence the source of confusion?

09-01-2008, 11:34
Baad speelling realy anoys me lotts. :mad:

09-01-2008, 13:19
There are certain words I just can't spell.. or when I do I really have to concentrate..


Other than that I was top speller in my year 5 class, so much so that on a friday afternoon when the teacher was giving out the spellings for the weekend I said 'They're too easy' and he said come up to the front of the class and I had to recite them all with my back against the blackboard... I got them all right (of course ;)) so he had to create two spelling groups... oops!!

BB x

09-01-2008, 14:03
Some that mildly annoy me:

'Separate' spelled 'seperate'.

'Collage' when writing about 'college'.

Which reminds me... 'writting'. Seen that a lot.

And when people say 'excetra' instead of 'et cetera'.

I say they annoy me, it's only the last one that's like fingernails down a blackboard. No doubt it'll be used so often by so many that it'll eventually become a recognised alternative in its own right... excetra, excetra...

09-01-2008, 14:05
One that annoys me is 'definite' being spelt 'definate'

09-01-2008, 14:09
I'm a complete spelling nazi :o
Always been able to spell most words as most of the time, I see them in my head if that makes any sense. When I was a kid, I loved taking spelling tests. I did one once as a sponsored thingy for Comic Relief and enjoyed every second of it because I got to show off to people ;D
For a recent job interview (that I got the job :D) I had to take an attention to detail test that was a page full of grammatical and spelling errors, I didn't miss a single one. I like to think it's the one thing I can do well......I'm not sure if picking holes is a great skill though :p

09-01-2008, 14:17
I say they annoy me, it's only the last one that's like fingernails down a blackboard. No doubt it'll be used so often by so many that it'll eventually become a recognised alternative in its own right... excetra, excetra...If only we pronounced latin properly, 'excetra' wouldn't even exist :p

But then someone would end up spelling it 'etketera' ;)

09-01-2008, 14:39
I know I am terrible at spelling - more so since my dad died and since I started using PCs with handy spell-check functions :o I know with me a lot of it is down to laziness but one thing I have never been any good out is spelling words out loud - I won't have a clue unless I am able to write it down :o

09-01-2008, 14:43
As Mark said are you sure you've got the right word? Is 'whinge' not used over there hence the source of confusion?

I think this is the nail hitting the head...

A thing which frustrates me is the way some people say words ending in 'thing'


And they say


Or often - anyfink, sumfink, ev'ryfink.

It just makes me cringe every time. Can you tell I'm in Essex? ;)

09-01-2008, 14:57
I really don't mind a few spelling mistakes, as long as the person gets their point across. I'd rather be looking at the content, rather than the presentation (which is why I can't stand PowerPoint presentations!).

Txt speak, on the other hand...

09-01-2008, 15:15
Spelling mistakes don't bother me that much, though I often correct my own. One thing I do seem to pick up on though is words getting mashed together - 'abit' instead of 'a bit' is a common one, though there are others.

09-01-2008, 15:34
'Common' instead of 'come on' is practically unforgivable along that line. Don't see it often but it looks rediculous (teehee!).

09-01-2008, 17:00
Like Jen I'm a spelling Nazi as well. What makes it worse is that working in a school (even as an IT Tech) I can see the spelling of the kids here, and it's absolutely atrocious. I could spell better when I was 8 years old than most of the girls here who are in their teens. It frightens me just how far standards have dropped.

NB, any errors in the above paragraph are typos, not spelling mistakes :p

09-01-2008, 17:04
Like Jen I'm a spelling Nazi as well. What makes it worse is that working in a school (even as an IT Tech) I can see the spelling of the kids here, and it's absolutely atrocious. I could spell better when I was 8 years old than most of the girls here who are in their teens. It frightens me just how far standards have dropped.

I know that feeling. When my Dad gets a load of essays in to mark, he'll occassionally comment on the spelling and it's so awful. They're meant to be University standard but some of it just makes you despair of how they got that far.
I'd be lethal if I had to mark anything :o

09-01-2008, 17:23
*mental note* have either Haly or Davey P on your team when playing Cranium for the Spelling and Gnilleps games *end mental note*

I used to be good at spelling... I wouldn't say I am bad at all but I have lapses (mostly when I haven't been reading much). I remember when I was a bit younger and I spelt "London" "Londun". I read it and thought "that's not right" and for the life of me I couldn't figure out how to spell it rightly (probably because I had said it so many times it had lost it's meaning in the end!)

I am more of a... thingymabob. Christ. What's her name? Famous character... can't even remember what play she's in... gets her mords wixed up? And uses words in the wrong context... like my:

"I need to go to the theatre more to become more cultivated" as opposed to "cultured" and things like "Get your socks up" (instead of "get your skates on" / "pull your socks up" and Par Cark instead of Car Park). I think it's because I'm such a scatter brain that words and sentences kerfuddle themselves up and being a fast speaker it just falls out my mouth.

Damnit... who's that woman I am thinking of? Not Ms Marple... Mrs.. Mallard? No no no nO! This will drive me nuts...

09-01-2008, 17:23

Thank the lordy lord for that.

*massages brain*

09-01-2008, 17:34
Sounds more like the Demon Metria from Xanth...

09-01-2008, 17:50
I was great at spelling at school too, had a reading/spelling/writing age of about 5 years more than I should.

I think I have just got lazy now though and some things I constantly spell wrong -


And the great one considering I'm an accountant is that i can't type invoice fast - although just tried three times and managed it :/ Whenever I type an e mail, the spell checker always picks it up and I can never see where I have gone wrong :/

09-01-2008, 18:31
I'm with Haly and Davey on this one. :o

09-01-2008, 18:53
I was great at spelling at school too, had a reading/spelling/writing age of about 5 years more than I should.

I think I have just got lazy now though and some things I constantly spell wrong -


Me too!!!

And 'accomodation' and jewelry

Those are it - I think! ;)

BB x

09-01-2008, 19:23
And 'accomodation'

BB x

That's one I have to think about too.

I was a good speller at school too. In third year the whole year sat the same spelling test and I got the highest in the whole year with 103/105 - the two I got wrong were beautiful (wrote it out wrong -I knew how to spell it) and facetious (I'd never heard the word before and had no idea how to spell it then.

I tend to be very careful about spelling and usually check all my posts before clicking submit because I hate to see poor spelling. If I'm not sure about a word, I'll check it before I use it.

If I make a mistake it's more likely to be a typo than a spelling error.

Edit: I don't have any particular pet hates as far as spelling goes - anything badly spelled gets my goat. Like Feek, pronunciation pi**es me off frequently. One that really gets me is the habit some of you English types have of inserting an R in between two words when the first word ends in a vowel and the second begins with a vowel. I used to scream angrily at the telly when I would hear Brendan Foster say "Soniar o'Sullivan - THERE'S NO F***ING R IN THERE YOU PLANK :angry:

09-01-2008, 20:59
Something I've spotted recently is that I can't type Microsoft. It always comes out as 'Microsfot', which sounds like a small pouffé from Ikea.

09-01-2008, 21:06
I see no problem with that. ;D

09-01-2008, 23:13
The one I generally have to double check on is anything. I get the T and H backwards all the time, so it comes out anyhting. But it's not intentional, just dyslexic fingers.

But when you get someone typing the original word "whingeing" is what gets on my man tits.

09-01-2008, 23:23
Except that there is nothing wrong with the spelling of whingeing - see above - not a word you'd normally hear in the US though. :)

09-01-2008, 23:52
Besides you're not allowed to whinge at us until you've learnt to spell aluminium :p

09-01-2008, 23:56
I was about to get Nazi on you for using learnt but it seems it might be in the dictionary. When did that happen? :huh: :)

10-01-2008, 10:06
It's the same with spelt and spelled. Both are now acceptable.

10-01-2008, 11:18
*mental note* have either Haly or Davey P on your team when playing Cranium for the Spelling and Gnilleps games *end mental note*

I'm good on pub quizzes as well, I've got loads of useless crap knowledge in my head, comes in handy now and then ;D

10-01-2008, 12:35
YAY! I have a PUB QUIZ game! When you all come down here for a summer BBQ on our patio (HUZZAH) we shall have to do silly pub quiz games and and and cranium and twister and have water fights and and BBQ fud and and and and LOTS OF FUN STUFF....

Anyway... I digress. :D But Shotgun you for games!

10-01-2008, 12:43
Sounds good :D
I'm mainly good with film trivia rather than general knowledge. So if you need a film buff....:D

10-01-2008, 14:28
I'm pretty decent on films as well, I have a good memory for remembering what films actors have been in, even films I've not actually seen! :D

10-01-2008, 14:32
*is trapped in bag*

10-01-2008, 14:35
Mic is good at film and TV trivia. He is also good at logic puzzles :)

I think for me this would be like at school when you know you're going to be last picked for teams... :o

10-01-2008, 14:41
I'll challenge you for being last then. I'm utterly useless at trivia and we already have enough people for spelling. :)

10-01-2008, 16:22
*bags belmit* :p

:( You won't even test out what I'm like first? *sniff*