View Full Version : Fallout 3

11-01-2008, 10:53
Although there's not much to go on other than some art and one trailer, I'm really liking the feel of this game, and if it's anything as good as Oblivion then I'll be snapping it up. Has a real early-20th-century feel to it like Bioshock, which can only be a good thing!

Low res trailer: http://static.bethsoft.com/fo3/fallout.wmv

720p trailer: http://static.bethsoft.com/fo3/fallout_720p.wmv

Joe 90
11-01-2008, 11:11
looks interesting - shame they didn't actually show anything worth knowing.

11-01-2008, 11:14
I loved the first 2 Fallout games, and it'll be really interesting to see how they handle the third one, considering how different it looks to being to the others (1st person, roughly a 20 hour time limit). Bethesda are a brilliant developer though and if anyone can make it great, they can (well, them and Bioware).