View Full Version : Hey coders, what editor do you use?

12-01-2008, 20:34
I want an average text editor, nothing fancy but not a VI type thing.

One where I can copy/paste using standard ctrl-c, ctrl-v etc and which displays line numbers.

Wotcher reckon?

Dr. Z
12-01-2008, 20:38
For what OS?

A lot of people seem to use emacs for that kind of thing IME.

12-01-2008, 20:41
Terminal - Emacs
Windows - Zend Studio
Mac- Zend studio/BBEdit

12-01-2008, 20:44

/me goes to look for zend

12-01-2008, 20:48
Zend looks a bit over-powered for my needs..

12-01-2008, 20:55
it probably would be mate but it is a very good coding tool.

Dr. Z
12-01-2008, 20:57
You can get emacs for windows, which I didn't know until just now! Cool!

12-01-2008, 21:08
For windows coding, a good alternative would be TextPad, lots of plugins for different programming languages to make sure its colourised nicely.

12-01-2008, 21:11
I use Notepad2 (http://www.flos-freeware.ch/notepad2.html) all the time. Designed to be a notepad replacement so it's nice and light, line numbering and syntax highlighting included :)

12-01-2008, 21:51
I'm hardcore and still use standard notepad for web stuff including asp/php

12-01-2008, 22:22
notepad2 looks like it'll do the job nicely, simple and has what I want. A shortcut to it now resides in my 'send to' directory.


12-01-2008, 22:43
I've been using PFE (http://www.lancs.ac.uk/staff/steveb/cpaap/pfe/) for the last 10 years (and you can tell it's not been maintained in all that time), but unfortunately it has a habit of crashing on Vista so I'll try some of the options above. Used Textpad a bit too but our IT bods are a bit hot on that one as it's commercial software, so I'd have to actually buy it.

Joe 90
12-01-2008, 23:44
Textpad tbh.

13-01-2008, 03:11
On the few occasions where I've needed one, I've used UltraEdit (as it was already on my laptop).

Don't use it much as it's a bit pointless for someone who only writes stuff in combined editor/compilers. Seems to be OK though, think it's commercial?

13-01-2008, 14:44
I used Textpad (http://www.textpad.com). It has line numbers and does checks like closing brackets and syntax checking, it's not overly powerful but really easy to ues.

13-01-2008, 23:32
Notepad++ supports all, and is probably the same as notepad2 i guess... It's what i use for everything :)

14-01-2008, 16:10
PSPad is another good one.

Richard Slater
14-01-2008, 23:04

Same here, having some problems with Vista 64 at work though. Might look for something else.