View Full Version : Torchwood ** Spoilers Inside **

14-01-2008, 08:16
Not sure how many people here watched the 1st season (what with it being hidden away on BBC3) but the 2nd season is due to start at 9pm on wednesday on BBC2 :)

I enjoyed the first season a lot. I also bought the 3 books that came out which I don't normally do (CSI and Bones are the only 2 TV series based books I've bought before), so I am looking forward to this :)

14-01-2008, 08:56

14-01-2008, 09:40
Oh good, I'm pleased about this and will be looking forward to it. I hope Captain Jack is more like he is when he's on Doctor Who though, he just seems a much better character when he's there than as part of Torchwood.

15-01-2008, 20:03
Torchwood was hooooogely disappointing. There's usually some quite good ideas but they're nearly always so clumsily handled that it becomes almost comical by the time they make it onto the screen.
The fairy and Eugene episodes were really good though.

15-01-2008, 20:14
*loves Torchwood*

Must admit I do spend a lot of it working out where they are in Cardiff though. The Kylie episode of Dr Who was smack in the centre when they beamed down to 'London'.

Del Lardo
15-01-2008, 21:47
Enjoyed the first series though it did have a couple of really weak episodes though most series do to start with.

Hope that housemate has remembered to set Sky+ for me.

16-01-2008, 22:53

Good start :D

/me hearts James Marsters

16-01-2008, 22:53
Jack and Spike snogging - Oooo I'm going to have interesting dreams tonight :D

16-01-2008, 23:20
Way to go Spike.. I mean Milton.. I mean uhh Captain John.

What a good start to the series, and the 'coming up' looked pretty nifty too :)

16-01-2008, 23:33
Missed it (forgot to set recorder). Well, missed most of it. I did get to see Jack and Spike snogging. :)

Del Lardo
17-01-2008, 00:09

Spoiler tags please :(

25-01-2008, 23:54
Just finished watching this weeks one on OnDemand.. pretty cool.
Okay so it was a serious homage to T2 style concepts, blades in arms, fuel tankers etc. etc; but I thought pretty good. Something I do like about Torchwood is its determination to keep looking at things from a human perspective. Other series would have had the aliens going nuts and all, and completely disregard the human element behind them. They would just shake off the remnants of the past as if it didn't matter, as if they had no other impact in life. I'm beginning to like Ianto. He's getting some definite character growth going on there, along with some of the best lines, whilst the others are fairly solidly established.

14-02-2008, 10:37
Enjoying it so far :)

Really liked the "ghost" episode and last nights was really interesting to see the way memories and events had shaped the peoples personalities :)

17-02-2008, 15:23
I've just grabbed, and am watching next week's episode and it has a BBC HD logo on it, but does that mean it's being shown a week in advance on one of the HD channels or is this leaked?

17-02-2008, 16:04
As the series is based in and around Cardiff, I think this can limit the locations they can go to.
THB Doctor did very well in and around Cardiff, so perhaps Tourchwood just need so do some better scripts / story lines.

17-02-2008, 16:28
They were showing the following episode on BBC3 straight after the one last week so maybe thats it Feek

21-02-2008, 12:23
They can't kill Owen :'( :'(

Resisted watching episode 7 on BBC3 so if anyone else did can they make sure they label spoilers as ep 7 ones

21-02-2008, 12:57
just watched 6, this morning. same reaction as you tak.

watching 7 now (i love iplayer)

24-02-2008, 20:06
I can not stay up to watch the next episode on BBC3, too late for me. I need to get one of those hard drive recoder box things !

24-02-2008, 22:02
I've just watched 7, and 5 that I missed somehow. 5 was okay, nothing particularly special but 7 was excellent, Torchwood at some of its best :)

Interesting twist for Owen. Wonder if they're going to make any of the others of the staff immortal, seeing as we now appear to have two..

24-02-2008, 22:19
I really enjoyed episode 5
The way it showed how certain events in each of the teams lives had moulded their personalities was really good. It wasn't an action packed, guns blasting, run around episode, instead it gave insight into the characters, which I really enjoyed. The chance for the actors to have a go at something different was really good as well - esp "serial killer" Ianto.

24-02-2008, 23:00
I've just watched 7, and 5 that I missed somehow. 5 was okay, nothing particularly special but 7 was excellent, Torchwood at some of its best :)

Damn good episode :)




"I've searched the phrase 'I shall walk the earth and my hunger shall know no bounds', but I keep getting redirected to weightwatchers"

08-03-2008, 20:40
I really enjoyed this episode. Owen is a great character and it was nice to focus more on him.

I did giggle at the start when he went to shave and realised there was no point :p

Plus, I enjoyed the elevator version of the music from 28 days later when he snuck into the house evading the heat sensors.

13-03-2008, 19:57
I've been to a wedding where Gwen's wedding was ;D

13-03-2008, 20:06

08-04-2008, 09:12
Not sure if anyone can help but its bugging me and I don't have time to look atm so I'll ask:
Last episode when Jack is chained up by John, he shouts out "don't touch that" to which John replies "I'm working here" - I am sure Spike has said that in exactly the same tone in Buffy/Angel; am I right? am I insane? was this an intentional "cross-over" type thingy? anyone?

08-04-2008, 09:53
Not a clue.

02-07-2009, 08:38

Next on:
Children of Earth, Day One

BBC One 21:00 6 Jul 2009

02-07-2009, 08:47
Next weeks run of Torchwood is already set to record (well up to Thursday so far as playTV doesn't go over a week :s )

Looking forward to seeing it.

I did read that John was a little miffed that its only a short run, saying its like Torchwood has been penalised for moving to bbc1.

02-07-2009, 08:49
I did read that John was a little miffed that its only a short run, saying its like Torchwood has been penalised for moving to bbc1.

Yeah I saw that too: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/8125881.stm 5 episodes instead of 13

02-07-2009, 08:50
Miffed? That's certainly one way of putting it. Yes, he was, just a bit. ;D

06-07-2009, 21:54
Its on now :D

They keep using a refractometer as a laser :(


Del Lardo
08-07-2009, 23:54
Thinking about it, 456 has problems with its nose, it wants the children, it lives in an oxygen tank...

Michael Jackson is back!

09-07-2009, 22:01
How excellent has this 'series' been? Can't wait for tomorrow and the finale.

09-07-2009, 23:20
Given how much of Torchwood has been destroyed/killed off, will there be anything left?

Del Lardo
10-07-2009, 09:21
Given how much of Torchwood has been destroyed/killed off, will there be anything left?

Was thinking about this last night and think it can go in two directions. Either something miraculous will happen and Yanto will come back to life or Torchwood as we know it could be at an end, entirely possible that the children will be taken and the next series will be based in a world where the population has been betrayed by its government and all the stupid kids have gone.

On that note it would seem that I have the perfect brain for government, as soon as they mentioned 10% of kids I thought, send em the chavs ;D