View Full Version : vegetable box schemes

15-01-2008, 18:52
Just wondering if anyone has ever done this? I think my Mum has. Basically you can order a box (either weekly or just a 1 off if you like) of locally produced/organic/fair trade/whatever veg/fruit/salad and a selection gets delivered to your door. No guarantees on what you're going to get, but sounds interesting. They do a small box for £5 round here. Might give it a go!!

15-01-2008, 19:12
Kate's (my sister) old flatmate used to do that.

Was good stuff if I remember rightly...

When I can be bothered to wander downstairs I'll see if she remembers the company and any other details :)

15-01-2008, 19:38
My boss did it for a while cost him like £14 a week (i think) and the stuff he got seemed quite good. Proper veg with the bits still attached ;D

15-01-2008, 19:45
Well Kate couldn't remember so suggested I send a text... Which I did :D

The answer came back as two different companies, both organic..

The Organic Delivery Company (http://www.organicdelivery.co.uk/shopfront/shopfront.php)


Abel and Cole (http://www.abel-cole.co.uk/Home.aspx)

Hope that's useful Kate :)

15-01-2008, 20:57
Thanks guys :D Think I might give it a go. The £5 is for a slightly smaller box. I think the biggies are family size. Will probably order one next week and see what turns up. It's good cos I can choose from veg, veg/salad or veg/fruit/salad so I can get salad boxes in the summer :)

22-01-2008, 10:50
Damn, that's a lot of money on veg. My whole weekly shop currently comes to less than that.

22-01-2008, 18:13
What, £5?? :eek: Mine doesn't!!! :p

Del Lardo
23-01-2008, 02:50
Damn, that's a lot of money on veg. My whole weekly shop currently comes to less than that.

How??? :o

23-01-2008, 12:31
They were all £22?

23-01-2008, 17:18
They were all £22?
What were? I haven't even given a link :huh: My box (hurr) is a fiver. :)

29-08-2011, 21:54
I know the thread has been dead for a few years. But Ive wanted to try it for ages, so I've taken the plunge and thought some of you might be interested to see how I get on over the next cuple of months.


Alternating weeks (example of this weeks boxes)
£8 Gert British
Potato (Colleen) (Our Field)
Onions (our field)
Carrots (dirty) (our field)
Leeks (our field)
Runner Beans (UK)
Golden Beetroot (UK)
Red Pointed Cabbage (UK)

£8 Veg No Potatoes
Carrots (our field)
Onions (Our Field)
Leeks (our field)
Golden Beetroot (UK)
Turnips (UK)
Courgettes (our field)
Onions (red) (UK)
Tomatoes (Cherry UK)
Pointed Pepper (ITA)
Mixed Leaf (our field)

And meat from
£80 Medium Monthly Meat Box
Brisket Roasting Joint - Weight: 1kg
Brisket Roasting Joint - Weight: 1kg
Leg Of Mutton Cut - Weight: LMC 1kg
Small Chicken - Size: Small (min 1.4kg)
Rump Steaks
Chicken Breasts - Pack of: 2 Breasts
Coarse Cut *Beef Mince
field&flower Burgers
Coarse Cut Lamb Mince
Diced Lamb
Pork Spare Ribs
Pork Sausages
Chicken Thighs - Pack of: 4 Thighs

On the meat you get so many points and can select what you want or they do a selected meat box. Unfortunately won't get meat till 29th of september, but veg boxes will get this week.

So will see how it goes, I'm worried I don't have enough freezer space.
Will let you know how I get on.

Planning to turn the brisket into salt beef and pastrami and also order 16kilos of flour to make fresh bread for work lunches.

01-09-2011, 14:29
It's arrived


Quite happy with it, nice to see random sizes and a bit of mud. But proof will be in the tasting.

Bangers, mash and runner beans tonight.
And beetroots are going to go into a oxtail and beetroot stew.

03-09-2011, 07:53
Had a look into this to see if there are any schemes locally and there are. Problem for me is that I work away from home a lot and all of the schemes I've found involve signing up for a weekly delivery.

It has prompted me to look for farm shops etc locally and I've found 2 farm shops within about half an hour's drive from me that should be worth a visit. I also found out that there is a farmer's market on the first Friday of every month in the centre of Newcastle. I'll definitely be having a look there.

03-09-2011, 12:01
I also work away, usually one in 3 but it changes. The one I've signed upto, you can alter as much as you want, unto 48hours before delivery. So can cancel, or change boxes or what ever which is perfect, all online as well.
So it's worth having a detailed look or emailing them to suggest it.

03-09-2011, 13:31
I probably could find a more flexible scheme if I looked hard enough but, to be honest, I prefer to do it the old fashioned way and go to the shop and see and feel what I'm buying. I'm sure these schemes won't send rubbish but, when it comes to fresh produce, I think, on balance, I'd prefer to select my own.

07-09-2011, 20:37
2nd box came today.

But first last weeks box, still got a lot left but then I had two takeaways, so not surprising.

I did chicken leg on roast veg,
Chicken leg with sauted potatoes, runner beans and courgettes with a bit of sweet chili sauce.
Sausage mash, runner beans and onion gravy.
Ox tail and betroot stew
And uses onion, garlic in the brine I'm using to make salt beef.

Onto second box, I ordered there farmers box this time £12.50 so fair bit bigger and they don't publis what's in it, as it's what Ever is ripe on the farm and exclusively local produce.
Green tomatoes



So going to try green tomato fritters and do a mushroom loaf (old recipe but haven't had it in years)
Probably another stew. Im liking the randomness then finding stuff to fit in with it.

Already had a Courgette, Bok-Choy, broccoli and onion out of it for a stir fry, more than enough left for lunch tomorrow.

11-09-2011, 13:34
That sounds so expensive to me for that kind of quantity of veg :/
Guess I'm lucky that we have so many farms nearby as well as a good indoor market that provides plenty of fruit and veg! Keeps prices low and competitive :)

Edit: Sorry, reading that back sounds a bit annoyingly smug. Didn't mean it like that! Glad you're getting good value out of it, just always find it interesting the difference in prices depending on regions. :)

12-09-2011, 15:10
Yeah I have no doubt its more expensive, but then it I'd delivered to the door. But its good produce and so convenient and as I said I'm loving the variety and eating/cooking recipes I would never usually do. Just because I have to work around what they deliver.