View Full Version : The future of touch screen

09-08-2006, 18:35
I want me one of these!

touchscreen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLhMVNdplJc)

09-08-2006, 20:46
I love technology! :D

10-08-2006, 01:06
Wow. That's just insane. Can't imagine it being a productive programming tool just yet, but for the likes of World Wind, it's just fantastic. :cool:

10-08-2006, 01:15
This thing's been around for ages, thank God for Youtube to get some publicity :)

Linky (http://mrl.nyu.edu/~jhan/ftirtouch/)

At 5:56 on the video there's 2 minutes playing with World Wind, amazing stuff :D

10-08-2006, 10:04
That is seriously impressive. Wonder how much they cost.....

/braces self before trying to find out

10-08-2006, 10:07
I like that a lot, particularly the keyboard integration.


10-08-2006, 15:28
That is so cool.

*raids piggy bank*

10-08-2006, 15:57
At my last job the Geography teachers were just in almost pabable shock when we got Google Earth installed on the Pc hooked up to their interactive whiteboard. Using a finger to drag intuitively drag the globe around, then double tapping the whiteboard and watching as the the globe zooms in exactly where they tapped. It's a fantastic resource for them, able to quickly and easily show where the fault lines are. As soon as they picked up an electronic pen it snapshotted the screen and then they could highlight things for the student or make notes and the like.

10-08-2006, 16:08
*Must not do the World Wind versus GE spiel, must not must not* :D

All this new tech is so cool :)

(WW in big NATO military room > GE in classroom - I have photos somewhere)

(sorry - couldn't resist it :( )

10-08-2006, 16:11
I'd certainly agree WW is a better resource for geography teachers, due to all the various data sets. :)

But you just had to get your oar in there, didn't you. :p

10-08-2006, 16:57
*shrug* I'll point out the benefits to my old boss at some stage, I know he'd probably be incredibly enthusiastic about it :)

10-08-2006, 17:16
Aye, seen this before. It's certainly impressive but will be a few years before it hits the home :(

12-08-2006, 09:29
It is impressive but I wonder just how useful and how useable it would be? Like all software/hardware it only works as well as the program that it has been designed around.

12-08-2006, 12:24
I watchd this thinking oooh thats nice, but it looks like something you could play around on for 5 minutes and then think "what now?"
Saying that, it looks like it could be useful in design. If you can whip up an image and make it move which way you want that fast it looks like it could be useful, along with photo/film editing. But how many of us would spend our evenings in playing with a pretend lava lamp?

12-08-2006, 12:28
Whilst watching it then I was thinking of the possibilities for gaming. Eve would be amazing if you were controlling it by actually dragging things across the screen, targetting ships by double tapping them, rotating and zooming the camera view with a simpl gesture... I could go on... Admittedly it'd be crap for first person shooters :/

12-08-2006, 12:33
Yep i was thinking for games as well, for shooting i dont think it would work as well unless u had attachments for a gun, but then that would go against it being touch screen. For strategy games it would work, or in games like final fantasy, where you have the ability to look and touch things, pick them up etc etc