View Full Version : Oh my lordy, what a bunch of complete MOO's!

17-01-2008, 16:17
Morons! I feel sooOOOOOooOOO attacked!

I've just signed up to a dog forum to discuss Trio and get tips/training ideas Play ideas etc. I posted asking about sleeping at night and how we've decided to put her in the kitchen and whether we're on the right tracks/advice.... and I have been eaten alive!

Cannot believe how much they've condemned me! It's crazy! Some big weirdo believes in "healing scents" too... who incidently sells these scents... and cannot stop plugging them either! Snap out of it you big weirdo!!

Please feel free to read the thread...Doggy Forum Thread Click Here (http://www.petfriendlyworld.com/chatforum/showthread.php?t=11299)... and you'll see that I'm struggling to maintain my balance!

Blimey. I just wasted a whole afternoon arguing that one out. I cannot believe how horrible I feel. Not only that but I'm going to have to leave Trio this afternoon for about 15mins before picky gets in to get to my part time job. I now feel horribly cruel and guilty that I am going to be doing this... let alone having this notion I will scar the poor puppy for the rest of her life because I'm leaving her downstairs at night.

Stupid blooming plonkers. Will have to make up on work time this weekend :angry:

I'm SO angry and upset!!

I thought the world was such an accepting helpful place. I really think I'm naive sometimes. It's horrible out there.

*retreats hastily back to boat drinks and never leaves again*

17-01-2008, 16:20
They're probably just a bunch of nuts....some people can love their animals too much and forget that they are pets.

17-01-2008, 16:20
I think you picked a forum full of the type of people who literally SMELL of dogs cos they never let them go.

I was verbally abused by two RSPCA volunteers when I had to have my two dogs rehomed. They didn't seem to realise that at the time it was crueller to keep them.

What you are doing with Trio is obsolutely fine. It is very healthy to leave a dog on it's own and perfectly acceptable for it to know who is boss.

By the way, Rescue Remedy is very good for stressed dogs. I didn't realise it was for peoples, as we used it at he RSPCA on the dogs :)

17-01-2008, 16:21
Unicorn sounds like a right biatch! I'd ignore her! The rest of them seem ok?

Try not to take what they say to heart!

*big hugs*

BB x

17-01-2008, 16:28
You unfortunately get those types of people at a lot of places. The rat forum I use can be a really nasty place at times - I know of one respected breeder who has been sent a bag of rat poo and a stick anonymously (sh*t stirrer) - it really is unbelievable and very worrying.

You are doing the right thing Pheebs - dog need to be trained and know limits *hugs*

17-01-2008, 16:28
Just to clarify, flower essences are not 'scents'. They offer physical, mental, emotional and spiritual support for animals and humans alike. In a nutshell they 'heal'.

We are talking about a dog here, right? Animals that you see living outside at the junkyard with an ear torn off and one eye sewed up need flower essences?

17-01-2008, 16:29
Unicorn sounds like a right biatch! I'd ignore her! The rest of them seem ok?

Try not to take what they say to heart!

*big hugs*

BB x

No she's just one of these irritating hippe types. The sort that let their kids run riot and scream and shout cos they are 'expressing themselves.

The fact that they are comparing the dogs to kids just shows how crazy some of them are.

If I were you Pheebs, I'd let the thread die leave the forum and ask on here about any pet issues. The majority of us on here are experienced and sensible pet owners, who will tell you gently if we think you are doing something wrong and back you up if you are doing something right.

17-01-2008, 16:30
Just to clarify, flower essences are not 'scents'. They offer physical, mental, emotional and spiritual support for animals and humans alike. In a nutshell they 'heal'.

We are talking about a dog here, right? Animals that you see living outside at the junkyard with an ear torn off and one eye sewed up need flower essences?

Yup, as I said, they worked wonders on the stressed dogs at the animal home.

17-01-2008, 16:30
Anyway, just to add something constructive to this thread you need to treat dogs like children. They start making a fuss and you just hang out the door and shout SHAAAATTUUUUUP!!!!! and they shut up :)

17-01-2008, 16:31
Yup, as I said, they worked wonders on the stressed dogs at the animal home.
I didn't see that bit, I'm just being silly :o

Isn't rescue remedy like 98% brandy?

17-01-2008, 16:33
Johnny - you don't know how hard I LOLLED at that post by unicorn! I snorted in the process too!

I think it's unicorn that has riled me and maybe that's made me think that others have an underlying tone of nastiness.

Seriously. What a kerfuddle over it all!

Man. I need to wee now and am too scared to leave my sleeping dog incase she has a mental break down when she wakes up and sees I'm not there.

17-01-2008, 16:39
I didn't see that bit, I'm just being silly :o

Isn't rescue remedy like 98% brandy?

It's in a 'grape alcohol solution' and tastes like wine ;)

17-01-2008, 16:40
Johnny - you don't know how hard I LOLLED at that post by unicorn! I snorted in the process too!

I think it's unicorn that has riled me and maybe that's made me think that others have an underlying tone of nastiness.

Seriously. What a kerfuddle over it all!

Man. I need to wee now and am too scared to leave my sleeping dog incase she has a mental break down when she wakes up and sees I'm not there.

Tbh Pheebs, I speed read the thread and it only seemed like the hippie was having a go, most of the other guys seemed ok.

The problem is if you do walk around with your dog (and even your kid) strapped to you 24/7, they DO become dependent. They need to learn that they are capable of being on their own, that you are coming back, and that nothing bad is going to happen in the mean time.

17-01-2008, 16:47
(I was joshing about the worried about going for a wee btw people! :))

I think you're right people. I think it is just Unicorn. What a complete loser!

I'm going to go do more important things now! God bless them.

17-01-2008, 16:51
It's all Unicorn. Talk of essences healing distress built up as residue in the internal organs is like saying you get cancer from shoes. How did dogs cope before this revelation? Just fine. If I never left my house I'd be distressed walking to the end of the drive. A puppy has to learn and what you're doing is just fine. It would seem at least a few people there agree, but just offer other advice.

17-01-2008, 17:00
Just ignore Unicorn... she obviously is trying to sell the stuff she's gonig on about and is unable to accept that some people don't believe in it.

Some of the others give good advice though?

BB x

17-01-2008, 17:24
Ahahaha! Unicorn is a total loony!

I think she's sniffed a few too many scents if you ask me.

17-01-2008, 17:44
What a nutter!
Ignore her, she's obviously a weirdo. Don't worry :)

17-01-2008, 17:51
I like her last post where she says she wasn't the one who started the thread and that I don't have any questions or any problems - I beg to differ essence lady, you clearly do have problems.

Don't worry about her Pheebs, most people don't mollycoddle their children as much as she seems to do with her dogs.

Del Lardo
17-01-2008, 22:42
Let me give you a rather basic example of how psychology works IMO......

Rewind 22 years and a 5 year old me is lying in bed terrified of a big bad thunderstorm and no matter how much of a fuss I made my mother left me alone to deal with it. The next morning I was standing at the window watching another big storm with facination because I'd realised that it couldn't hurt me.

You leave dog, dog thinks **** they're not coming back what shall I do and starts crying. You come back.

Eventually dog realised that when you leave you will come back and decides to have a bit of a snooze while you're away.

I should write books ;D

People like Unicorn are the reason that you have to pay to become an advertiser on the Lotus forum I frequent if you even want to mention the product you sell. You get an Advertiser tag so people know to take any recommendations with a pinch of salt.

17-01-2008, 23:42
Thank you for your kind words people! Blacklab was great - I even PM'd her to say so!

I'm sorry but after that reception I will not be going back! I have rethought it and relooked over some of it with a fresh mind and as kitten has said it wasn't just unicorn it was mooey smokey too for treating me like a 5year old and making have to repeat myself to get my point over!

That whole malarky was a complete waste of my time! Sillyness I say!

Kitten- as said - I love you and think we should get jiggy if Roge and Matt leave us ;) Thank you soo sooo much for your text!

Thank you people so so much for putting up with my rant! Appreciated muchly :D

aaaaaaaaaaaand relax! ;D

18-01-2008, 10:37
This made me laugh, I'm not here to push sales. I just mention my essences in every post and plug the web address.

If you think I'm pushing sales, shame on you. I am trying to help.

It is up to you whether you wish to research essences and their benefits.
Animal healer/Flower essences dowser/Animal Communicator - www.noahsarkessences.com (http://www.noahsarkessences.com/)

18-01-2008, 11:08
Check out the site...

Amputation Essence
This essence will assist in repairing the damage done to the etheric body after an amputation and will help with phantom limb syndrome
£ 12.00

So you give your dog something smelly and it doesn't care about the fact it's lost a leg ;D

Also, check the testimonials page.....it's blank.

18-01-2008, 11:14
Also, check the testimonials page.....it's blank.

All the customers are dead; gassed to death from essences.

18-01-2008, 11:39
www.noahsarkessences.com (http://www.noahsarkessences.com/)

OMFG, Cod science and hippy-dippy bull****.

*shakes head in disbelief*

18-01-2008, 11:59
I love you guys so much ;D

18-01-2008, 12:04
That site's probably never had so much traffic as its getting right now. :)

18-01-2008, 12:07
The site hasn't even had two hits a day since it was started.

Just read what the essences actually are. Water, with the energy from objects suspended in it, flavoured with alcohol. Whisky and soda on the rocks.

18-01-2008, 13:16
The site hasn't even had two hits a day since it was started.

Just read what the essences actually are. Water, with the energy from objects suspended in it, flavoured with alcohol. Whisky and soda on the rocks.
Sign me up for a large one!

18-01-2008, 13:45
Big malc Hugz Firstly :cool:
I think of it like this when dealing with people on the Interweb.
The Holier than thou bunch can kiss my hairy arse they are pathetic. The way some people go on you would think they are Priests or summit. I Honestly do not believe any one of them Lives the way they write & just fake it. I live in the real world & represent myself online as is, These people Don't, Simple as that.
So your Puppy,
I have had Dogs All my life, As a kid my Mum was the Area secretary of the German shepherd Rescue & Welfare fund. The local Police & council would ring her if there was a stray about & she/we would go out & capture it, bring it home & re-home it. Over the last twenty years i have had just 2 dogs, Frank being my 2nd & Boss being my first. Both straight from there Mum as Pups, Boss living a Full & happy life & Frank around half way through his.
When i brought Frank home i made it a point of leaving him for 4 hours whilst i went out & chimped around & have every single day since, Except on the rare occasion i don't go out. I don't like leaving him for more than 5 hours at a time but he has been left for up to 6 hours & on One occasion he was left for 7 hours, I was stuck in Traffic.
A Dog will get used to whatever the owner does, but i feel 5-6 hours stint are fair on both parties. Gives you time to go to work, come back at dinner a quick walk & back to work then home for Tea. It is important to spend special time with the dog when you get in & make up for being apart. Me when i walk in the front door i walk straight to the back door & take Frank out in the back yard to play ball & have a good Fuss up. I also walk Frank a Lot & have since day one. With walking it is more important to be consistant than doing it when you feel like it. If you only walk him once a day then a damn good walk is needed. Me i walk Frank a minimum of 2 times a day but normally it is 3. Usually 3 times a day through Summer light & just 2 times a day through winter. Your dog just like a partner needs to know you Love him & Like him & attention when you are there for half a day is Much better than No proper attention & you being in all day.
I left Frank for those hours from day one to get him accustom to my life style. Nobody else can tell me how to look after my dog as nobody else knows my life style & the same goes with you. Yes i leave my Frank for around 5 hours a day but equally Yes is i walk my dog 3 times a day & have since the day i got him. Also every single other minute of the day/evening he spends at my feet or playing with me or following me around, We are a Team :cool:
MMmmmmmm seem to have written quite a bit there so I'll leave it at that. Feel free to ask any questions though :)

18-01-2008, 14:47
Animal Stories

This section includes the stories of animals that have been helped with Noah's Ark Essences, posted with kind permission from their owners.

It's blank. I laughed!

18-01-2008, 20:30
Do it Kitten. PLEASE. ;D

19-01-2008, 01:41
Do it Kitten. PLEASE. ;D

I fully endorse this option :)

With flamethrowers if required ;)