View Full Version : Skype help

19-01-2008, 19:59
Simple one really. I've just done a fresh install and need to download skype... but it seems to want me to make a new username every time I download it. How do I make it use the skype username that I already have????? :confused:

19-01-2008, 20:05
I just tried this - Went to www.skype.com and clicked on the big "download skype" button on the right, the screen changed to a download page and a download started.


Is the direct download link.

19-01-2008, 20:31
It's OK... I was being blonde. :o I didn't realise that if you clicked 'cancel' when it tried to get you to sign up for a new account, that it'd just take you to the signon bit where you enter your username/password.